Online ISSN: 3007-0244,
Print ISSN:  2410-4280
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Background: Human thyroid gland is generally regarded as a relatively low-risk organ in terms of developing radiation-induced tumorigenesis. However, a rapid increase in the incidents of thyroid cancer after the Chernobyl nuclear reactor accident in 1986 provided additional insight into the risk of thyroid cancer. Three key risk factors have been identified to be involved in this increase: (1) internal irradiation from 131I fallout, (2) young age, and (3) a low-iodine diet. Our previous study demonstrated that the thyroid radiation dose was highest in the newborn rats fed with low-iodine diet when rats of varying ages were internally exposed to 131I at the same radioactivity per body weight.

Objective: To examine the short-term effects of a low dose internal irradiation of 131I on the status of the thyroid hormone in rats of three different ages maintained on either standard diet or low-iodine diet.

Methods: 131I was injected intraperitoneally in F344 rats at the ages of 1, 4, and 9 weeks. Animals were maintained with an iodine-deficient (IDD) or a standard (SD) diet. Changes in serum levels of triiodothyronine (T3), thyroxine (T4), and thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) were examined.

Results: Dramatic changes in hormone levels were found only in the rats belonging to 1-week-old IDD group, in which T3 levels rapidly dropped and TSH levels increased after 131I irradiation, whereas they remained unchanged in the SD group. In 4- and 9-week-old rats, hormone levels were also steady after irradiation, with no differences between the IDD and SD groups.

Conclusions: These data suggest that under low-iodine conditions, the status of thyroid hormone of newborn rats is particularly sensitive to internal irradiation of 131I.

Nariaki Fujimoto 1*,

Yumiko Nitta 2

Satoru Endo 3,

Masaharu Hoshi 1,


1 Research Institute for Radiation Biology and Medicine, Hiroshima University, Hiroshima, Japan;

2 Suzugamine Women’s Collage, Hiroshima, Japan;

3 Graduate school of engineering, Hiroshima University, Hiroshima, Japan

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Количество просмотров: 4111

Библиографическая ссылка

Фуджимото Н., Нитта Ю., Ендо С., Хоши М. Изменения в плазме трийодтиронина, тироксина и тиреотропного гормона после облучения 131 I у новорожденных крыс, содержавшихся на йододефицитном питании / / Наука и Здравоохранение. 2016. №3. С. 26-33.

Fujimoto N., Nitta Y., Endo S., Hoshi M. Changes in plasma triiodothyronine, thyroxine, and thyroid-stimulating hormone after 131I irradiation of newborn rats fed with iodine deficient diet. Nauka i Zdravookhranenie [Science & Healthcare]. 2016, 3, pp. 26-33.

Фуджимото Н., Нитта Ю., Ендо С., Хоши М. Йодпен аз мөлшерде тамақталған, жаңа туған егеуқұйрықтарда, 131 I сәулелендеру кейін, плазмада трийодтиронин, тироксин және тиреотропин гормондарының өзгеруы / / Ғылым және Денсаулық сақтау. 2016. №3. Б. 26-33.

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