Online ISSN: 3007-0244,
Print ISSN:  2410-4280
Introduction. Among adult neurological diseases, cerebrovascular diseases (CVD) are common and important. Therefore, to fight against the preventable prognostic factors in these patients has an important role in reducing the severity of the disease. Methods. In this study, during the six-month period, 98 patients hospitalized at the neurology services after the first evaluation at the emergency department were examined retrospectively. Their white blood cell (WBC) counts are recorded and the relationship of them with mortality in the hospital was researched. Median of the age was 73 (37-99). M:F ratio was 0.78. Results. 87(88.8%) of the patients diagnosed as ischemic CVD and others were hemorrhagic CVD. In hospital mortality was 19.4%, %66.3 of them were discharged with sequel and %14.3 of them without any complication and sequel. Mean value of WBC was 9.30±3.31 (10^3/µL) in ischemic CVD and 10.05±5.45 (10^3/µL) in hemorrhagic CVD group, there wasn't any statistical difference. WBC values of dead patient group was higher than the alive patient group. Conclusion. In alive patient group, there wasn't any difference of WBC between patient with and without sequel. There wasn't any relationship between type of CVD and prognosis. Leucocytes contribute the onset and continuation of ischemic CVD and elevations in leukocytes may be independently associated with markers of subclinical atherosclerosis and increased risk of ischemic stroke. The increased level of the WBC of patients diagnosed with CVD was considered to be an important role in the severity of the disease.
Ahmet Burak Erdem1-2, Umut Yücel Çavuş2, Ahmet Ceylan2, Ural Kaya2, Fatih Büyükcam2, Cemil Kavalcı2 1 Ankara State Hospital, Emergency Medicine Department, Ankara, Turkey 2 Ankara Dışkapı Yıldırım Beyazıt Training and Resarch Hospital, Emergency Medicine Department, Ankara, Turkey.
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Количество просмотров: 532

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Erdem A.B., Çavuş U.Y., Ceylan A., Kaya U., Fatih B., Kavalcı C. Прогностическая ценность лейкоцитарного показателя при цереброваскулярных заболеваниях // Наука и Здравоохранение. 2020. 2(Т.22). С. 61-65. doi 10.34689/SH.2020.22.2.006

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