Online ISSN: 3007-0244,
Print ISSN:  2410-4280
Introduction. Reproductive health in adolescence period is an great concern of health services. The susceptibility of this age period lays in significant physiological and social changes, which requires specific literacy among adolescents as a key point in maintaining and maintaining their reproductive health. The aim of the study was to assess the degree of awareness of adolescent girls in reproductive health issues using the example of students of medical colleges in Nur-Sultan. Materials and methods. A cross-sectional study was carried out by questioning the students of the Higher Medical College of the Akimat of Nur-Sultan, and the Medical College of the Republican Medical Academy of Nur-Sultan at the age of 15 to 18 years (376 respondents). Statistical analysis of the results included determining the statistical significance of differences between independent samples using Student's t test; correlation and regression analysis at a confidence level of 95%. Results. A comprehensive understanding of the importance of reproductive health was established in 42% of the respondents, 8% had difficulty in clearly defining the term (75% of 15-year-olds and 36% of 16-year-olds). The respondents preferred the discussion of questions about reproductive health with medical workers (8 points out of 10), however, half of the respondents (47%) believe that it is worth seeking advice only when necessary. Among the negative factors, girls noted lack of personal hygiene (43.25%), sexually transmitted infections (25%) and early onset of sexual activity (16%). The girls rated the work of the youth health centers at 2.25 points (out of 10), the reasons for the low rating were misunderstanding of the purpose of the visit (86%), lack of privacy / large congregation of peers (82%), lack of trust (38%), insufficient information about the preparation to the proposed procedures (31%). Conclusion. The study showed a relatively high (7.8 points out of 10) level of awareness among adolescent girls, however, the bulk of the sources are non-professional (parents, friends), which requires further development of youth health centers.
Madina N. Khassenova1, Zaituna G. Khamidullina1, Svetlana Abdrashidova 1, Gulsum A. Kokisheva1, Elnura I. Isayeva1, Nadezhda T. Markhanova2, Zhanar U. Tursunbekova3, Kavira M. Mukasheva1, Gulnoza U. Aldabekova1, Assem S. Aketayeva1, Assel Zh. Khassenova4 1Astana Medical University, Nur-Sultan, Republic of Kazakhstan; 2Higher Medical Colledge (Vysshyi Meditsinskii Kolledge), Nur-Sultan, Republic of Kazakhstan; 3Secondary School “Bolashak” Shymkent, Republic of Kazakhstan; 4 Asfendiyarov Kazakh National University, Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan.
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BMC Research Notes. 2019. 12, pp.529-539. 13. Deshmukh D., Chaniana S. Knowledge About Sexual and Reproductive Health in Adolescent School-Going Children of 8th, 9th, and 10th Standards. Journal of psychosexual health. 2020. 22-1, pp.56-62. 14. Diniz D., Ali M., Ambrogi I., Brito L. Understanding sexual and reproductive health needs of young women living in Zika affected regions: a qualitative study in northeastern Brazil. Reprod Health. 2020. 17: 21-23. 15. George A.S., Jacobs T., Kinney M.V. Are rhetorical commitments to adolescents reflected in planning documents? An exploratory content analysis of adolescent sexual and reproductive health in Global Financing Facility country plans. Reprod Health. 2020. 18: 14-18. 16. Geranmayeh M., Zareiyan A., Moghadam B., Mirghafourvand M., Sanaati F. Designing and psychometric of reproductive health related behaviors assessment tool in Iranian males: an exploratory mixed method study protocol. Reprod Health. 2020. 1: 118-124. 17. Kim M., Spivey C., Simpson T. Source of sexual health information in adolescence is associated with beliefs and knowledge of reproductive health issues in young adults. Journal of adolescent health. 2005. 23: 147-155. 18. Kusheta S., Bancha B., Habtu Y. Adolescent-parent communication on sexual and reproductive health issues and its factors among secondary and preparatory school students in Hadiya Zone, Southern Ethiopia: institution based cross sectional study. BMC Pediatr. 2019; 19: 9 – 21. 19. Kpokiri E.E. et al. Development of an international sexual and reproductive health survey instrument: results from a pilot WHO/HRP consultative Delphi process. BMJ Journals Sexually Transmitted infections. 2021. 0: 1-6. 20. Lopez J., Mukaire P., Mataya R.H. Characteristics of youth sexual and reproductive health and risky behaviors in two rural provinces of Cambodia. Reprod Health. 2015. 12, 83-88. 21. Pourkazemi R., Janighorban M., et al. A comprehensive reproductive health program for vulnerable adolescent girls. Reprod Health. 2020. 17: 213-218. 22. Rehana A. Salam, Faqqah A., Sajjad N. et al. Improving Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health: A Systematic Review of Potential Interventions. Journal of Adolecsents Health. 2016, 59(4 Suppl): 11–28. 23. Sevgi O. Aral et al. Pelvic Inflammatory Disease: Guidelines for Prevention and Management. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 1991 Atlanta. 24. Siddiqui M., Kataria I., Watson K. et al. A systematic review of the evidence on peer education programmes for promoting the sexual and reproductive health of young people in India. Sex Reprod Health Matters. 2020. 228-1. 25. Vanderkruik R., Gonsalves L., Kapustianyk G. et al., Mental health of adolescents associated with sexual and reproductive outcomes: a systematic review. Bulletin WHO. 2021. 99(5): 359–373.
Количество просмотров: 520

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Khassenova M.N., Khamidullina Z.G., Abdrashidova S., Kokisheva G.A., Isayeva E.I., Markhanova N.T., Tursunbekova Zh.U., Mukasheva K.M., Aldabekova G.U., Aketayeva A.S., Khassenova A.Zh. Assessment of awareness level of senior adolescent girls' about reproductive health // Nauka i Zdravookhranenie [Science & Healthcare]. 2021, (Vol.23) 5, pp. 58-66. doi 10.34689/SH.2021.23.5.007

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