Online ISSN: 3007-0244,
Print ISSN:  2410-4280
Background. Health care organizations aimed on achieving the best outcomes by sustaining quality of medical services. The services for quality risk management in health care institutions are to develop and support the system ensured on safe and effective stay of patients and the work of staff. However, practice experiences lack of risk consideration that leads to insufficient quality of medical services, with consequent customers’ unsatisfaction. Aim: To conduct the analysis of studies reported the ways of quality risk assessment in health care organizations and of the effectiveness of risk management system. Search strategy: The sources included international and national search in PubMed, Google Academy, e-Library, Cyberleninka databases. The depth of the search set as 20 years. The key words used were the quality of medical services, patient satisfaction, staff satisfaction, quality management, and cost of medical services. Inclusion criteria: analytical publications, quality assurance guidelines, systematic reviews, meta-analyses, original studies, with qualitative and quantitative data analysis, articles in Russian and English. The exclusion criteria were conference materials, collections of abstracts containing a limited amount of information, articles with paid access; articles prior to 2000. 111 publications were found, 60 were accepted for final analysis. Results. Analysis of sources revealed the presence of three main groups of risks and their impact on the quality of services provided. Review revealed the implementation of quality management for strategic and operational risks, along with insufficient resources to control economic risks. A sufficient level of success has been achieved for quality attributes such as optimality, effectiveness, legitimacy. Other characteristics, such as accessibility and acceptability, need further improvement in the operation of the service. Conclusions. Sustaining and supporting the required level of quality comes as ongoing process, and measures are to improve constantly such as staff training, conducting clinical reviews. To manage economic risks, it is highly recommended to conduct training and involve specialists in health technology assessment, taking into account the characteristics of each health care organization.
Inkar Ye. Baisarina1, Meiirim B. Aldabergenova2, Zaituna G. Khamidullina1, Gulsum A. Kokisheva3, Svetlana B. Abdrashitova3, Gulnoza U. Aldabekova1, Assel Zh. Khassenova2, Serik Ye. Ibrayev1, Lyazzat K. Kosherbayeva2 1 NJSC «Medical University of Astana», Nur-Sultan city, Republic of Kazakhstan; 2 NJSC «Asfendiyarov Kazakh National Medical University», Almaty city, Republic of Kazakhstan; 3 Multifunctional clinical hospital №3, Nur-Sultan city, Republic of Kazakhstan.
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Количество просмотров: 361

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Baisarina I.Ye., Aldabergenova M.B., Khamidullina Z.G., Kokisheva G.A., Abdrashitova S.B., Aldabekova G.U., Khassenova A.Zh., Ibrayev S.Ye., Kosherbayeva L.K. Overview of risks affecting of quality of medical services in the existing quality management system in medical organizations at the present stage // Nauka i Zdravookhranenie [Science & Healthcare]. 2022, (Vol.24) 1, pp. 185-192. doi 10.34689/SH.2022.24.1.021

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