Online ISSN: 3007-0244,
Print ISSN:  2410-4280
Introduction: The most important criterion for children’s and adolescents’ dental health condition is the prevalence of dental anomalies (DA) which are accompanied by psychosocial disorders in children. It is relevant to study the need for DA treatment with the help of DAI (Dental Aesthetic Index). The purpose of the study was to assess the need for orthodontic treatment of orphans in Almaty and Almaty region. Methods: 461 Almaty and Almaty region residents aged 12-18 years old were examined, including 144 teenagers aged 11-12 years old, 82 teenagers aged 14-15 years old and 235 children of senior school teenagers aged 17-18 years old. The severity of DA was determined with the help of DAI. Results: Most often, the examined patients had crowding of teeth and lower jaw deviations with increasing frequency by age. In the absolute majority of the surveyed, the DAI was below 25%: in 64% of adolescents aged 11-12, in 78.0% of the surveyed aged 14-15, and equally often in 17-18-year-olds. In 30% of children aged 11-12 years, the value of the indicator was 26-30% - there were obvious violations in the dentoalveolar system, which required orthodontic treatment. The proportion of such children in the group of 14-15 years old was lower - 18.0%, among older students - 14.0%. The DAI value at the level of 31-35 was detected in 4% of children aged 14-15 years and in 6% of 17-18 years old, in the group of 11-12 years old - none was detected. With age, the value of the indicator in girls tended to decrease. The proportion of boys with a DAI value over 31 in the group of 11-12 years old was 10.0%, then at 14-15 years old - 6.7%, and in 17-18 years old it increased, summing to a total of 23.5%, of which 17.7% DAI was in the range of 31-35, 5.8% - over 36 (extremely high need for orthodontic intervention). Conclusions: A high prevalence of DA among adolescents from Almaty and Almaty region coming from socially unprotected groups was revealed. Up to 30% of 12-year-olds and 32% of 18-year-olds of the examined children need orthodontic care.
Kenzhesh R. Dosmatova1,4, Gulbanu T. Dosberdiyeva4, Kobeysin D. Altynbekov2, Kural К. Kurakbayev1, Igor V. Tokarevitch3, Zhanagul I. Rysbayeva4, Natalya E. Glushkova1, 1 Kazakhstan’s medical university «Higher School of Public Health KSPH», Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan; 2 Kazakh national medical university named after S.D. Asfendiyarov, Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan; 3 Belarusian State Medical University, Minsk, Republic of Belarus; 4 al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan.
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Количество просмотров: 310

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Dosmatova K.R., Dosberdiyeva G.T., Altynbekov K.D., Kurakbayev K.К., Tokarevitch I.V., Rysbayeva Zh.I., Glushkova N.E. Analysis of the needs for orthodontic treatment of children from socially vulnurable groups of Almaty and Almaty region // Nauka i Zdravookhranenie [Science & Healthcare]. 2022, (Vol.24) 5, pp. 126-133. doi 10.34689/SH.2022.24.5.016

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