Актуальность: Традиционное химиолучевое лечение является стандартом при лечении рака шейки матки 2-3 стадий. При оценке результатов лечения пациенток необходима комплексная оценка всех критериев, в том числе и показателей качества жизни. Качество жизни стоит на втором месте после выживаемости.
Целью настоящего исследования является проведение сравнительной оценки показателей качества жизни при традиционном и профилактическом режимах лучевой терапии рака шейки матки.
Методы: Дизайн исследования – нерандомизированное клиническое исследование. За период с 2017 по 2018 гг. нами были проанкетированы 30 пациенток с раком шейки матки. Для сравнения показателей качества жизни был использован U-критерий Манна-Уитни между группами, получавшими лечение по стандартной схеме и профилактическом облучении парааортальных лимфоузлов в сочетании со традиционной химиолучевой терапией.. При значении р менее 0,05 разница считается статистически значимой. Весь анализ был проведен с помощью программного обеспечения SPSS ver.20.
Результаты: При рассмотрении различий в группах с ТЛТ и ПЛТ у больных РШМ нами установлена статистически значимая разница при сравнении применения различных режимов ЛТ, в шкалах - физическое функционирование, эмоциональное функционирование, боль, снижение аппетита, симптомы, сексуальное беспокойство. Эмоциональное состояние респонденток, получивших лечение составило 82.0 (13.1) в группе с ТЛТ, и 89.3 (23.5)- с ПЛТ (р=0.04). Сравнительная оценка показателей функциональных шкал выявила, что у исследуемых пациенток отмечались низкие уровни ролевого (88.2 балла), физического (63.2 балла) функционирования.
Вывод: Предварительные результаты сравнительной оценки двух режимов показали, что профилактическое облучение параортальных лимфоузлов не ухудшает качество жизни у пациенток с раком шейки матки.
Алмагуль С. Жабагина 1,
Тасболат А. Адылханов 1,
Куанткан Т. Жабагин 1,
Ольга Б. Андреева 1,
Касым З. Канапиянов 2,
Гулназ К. Кумарова 1
1 Кафедра клинической и радиационной онкологии,
Государственный медицинский университет города Семей;
2 Центр ядерной медицины и онкологии города Семей;
г. Семей, Республика Казахстан
1. Менделевич В.Д. Клиническая и медицинская психология. М.:МЕДпресс-информ,2005.426 с.
2. Тамбиева З.А. Оценка качества жизни больных раком шейки матки после радикального лечения: Автореф. дис. канд. мед. наук. СПб., 2007
3. Al-Hayder S., Elberg J.J., Charabi B. Clinical outcome and health-related quality-of-life following microsurgical reconstruction in patients with oral and oropharyngeal cancer // Acta Otolaryngol. 2016. P. 1-5.
4. Andersen B.L. Predicting sexual and psychologic morbidity and improving the quality of life for women with gynecologic cancer//Cancer.1993.Vol.71, Suppl.4.P.1678-1690.
5. Apolone G., Filiberti A., Cifani S., Ruggiata R., Mosconi P. Evaluation of the EORTC QLQ-C30 questionnaire: a comparison with SF-36 Health Survey in a cohort of Italian long-survival cancer patients // Ann Oncol. 1998. Vol. 9, № 5. P. 549-57.
6. Bowling A. The effects of illness on quality of life: findings from a survey of households in Great Britain // J Epidemiol Community Health. 1996. Vol. 50, № 2. P. 149-55.
7. Brennan M.E., Butow P., Spillane A.J., Boyle F. Patient-reported quality of life, unmet needs and care coordination outcomes: Moving toward targeted breast cancer survivorship care planning // Asia Pac J Clin Oncol. 2016. Vol. 12, № 2. P. 323-31.
8. Bredart A., Kop J.L., Griesser A.C., Fiszer C., Zaman K., Panes-Ruedin B., Jeanneret W., Delaloye J.F., Zimmers S., Berthet V., Dolbeault S. Assessment of needs, health-related quality of life, and satisfaction with care in breast cancer patients to better target supportive care // Ann Oncol. 2013. Vol. 24, № 8. P. 2151-8.
9. Chu W.O., Dialla P. O., Roignot P., Bone-Lepinoy M. C., Poillot M. L., Coutant C., Arveux P., Dabakuyo-Yonli T. S. Determinants of quality of life among long-term breast cancer survivors // Qual Life Res. 2016. Vol. 25, № 8. P. 1981-90.
10. Curado M.P., Voti L., Sortino-Rachou A.M. Cancer registration data and quality indicators in low and middle income countries: their interpretation and potential use for the improvement of cancer care // Cancer Causes Control. 2009. Vol. 20, № 5. P. 751-6.
11. Demetri G.D., Kris M.,Wade J. et al. Quality-of-life benefit in chemotherapy patients treated with epoetin alfa is indipendent of disease response or tumor type: results from a prospective community oncology study//Procrit. Study Group.J.Clin.Oncol.1998.Vol.16,№10.P.3412-3425.
12. Groenvold M., Klee M.C., Sprangers M.A., Aaronson N.K. Validation of the EORTC QLQ-C30 quality of life questionnaire through combined qualitative and quantitative assessment of patient-observer agreement // J Clin Epidemiol. 1997. Vol. 50, № 4. P. 441-50.
13. Li C. Quality of life in long-term survivors of cervical cancer//Maturitas.1999.Vol.32,№2.P.63-74
14. Kaufmann A., Schmidt H., Ostheimer C., Ullrich J., Landenberger M., Vordermark D. Quality of life in very elderly radiotherapy patients: a prospective pilot study using the EORTC QLQ-ELD14 module // Support Care Cancer. – 2015. – Vol. 23, № 7. – P. 1883-92.
15. Mackworth N., Fobair P., Prados M. D. Quality of life self-reports from 200 brain tumor patients: comparisons with Karnofsky performance scores // J Neurooncol. 1992. – Vol. 14, № 3. P. 243-53
16. Roberts S.A., Hendry J.H., Swindell R. et al. Compensation for changes in dose- rate in radical low-dose-rate brachytherapy: a radiobiological analysis of a randomised clinical trial//Radiother.Oncol.2004.Vol 70,№1.P.63-74.
17. Spilker B. Standardisation of quality of life trials: an industry perspective // Pharmacoeconomics. 1992. Vol. 1, № 2. P. 73-5.
18. Spilker B., Molinek F.R., Jr., Johnston K. A., Simpson R. L., Jr., Tilson H. H. Quality of life bibliography and indexes // Med Care. 1990. Vol. 28, № 12 Suppl. P. 1-77.
19. Steginga S.K., Dunn J. Women,s experiences following treatment of gynecologic cancer // Oncol.Nurs.Forum.1997.Vol.24.P.1403.
20. Van Dijck S., Nelissen P., Verbelen H., Tjalma W., Gebruers N. The effects of physical self-management on quality of life in breast cancer patients: A systematic review // Breast. 2016. Vol. 28. P. 20-8.
21 Versmessen H., Vinh-Hung V., Van Parijs H., Miedema G., Voordeckers M., Adriaenssens N., Storme G., De Ridder M. Health-related quality of life in survivors of stage I-II breast cancer: randomized trial of post-operative conventional radiotherapy and hypofractionated tomotherapy // BMC Cancer. 2012. Vol. 12. P. 495.
22. Weitzner M.A., Meyers C.A. Cognitive functioning and quality of life in malignant glioma patients: a review of the literature // Psychooncology. 1997. Vol. 6, № 3. P. 169-77.
23. Weitzner M.A., Meyers C.A., Steinbruecker S., Saleeba A.K., Sandifer S.D. Developing a care giver quality-of-life instrument. Preliminary steps // Cancer Pract. 1997. Vol. 5, № 1. P. 25-31.
1. Mendelevich V.D. Klinicheskaya i medicinskaya psihologiya. [Clinical and medical psychology]. M.:MED press-inform. [M.: MED press-inform]. 2005. 426 p. [in Russian].
2. Tambieva Z. A. Ocenka kachestva zhizni bol'nyh rakom shejki matki posle radikal'nogo lecheniya [Assessment of the quality of life of patients with cervical cancer after radical treatment] Avtoref. dis.kand. med. nauk. [Author's abstract. dis.cand.med sciences] SPb,2007. [in Russian].
3 Al-Hayder S., Elberg J.J., Charabi B. Clinical outcome and health-related quality-of-life following microsurgical reconstruction in patients with oral and oropharyngeal cancer. Acta Otolaryngol. 2016. P. 1-5.
4. Andersen B.L. Predicting sexual and psychologic morbidity and improving the quality of life for women with gynecologic cancer. Cancer. 1993.Vol.71, Suppl.4.P.1678-1690
5 Apolone G., Filiberti A., Cifani S., Ruggiata R., Mosconi P. Evaluation of the EORTC QLQ-C30 questionnaire: a comparison with SF-36 Health Survey in a cohort of Italian long-survival cancer patients. Ann Oncol. 1998. Vol. 9, № 5. P. 549-57.
6 Bowling A. The effects of illness on quality of life: findings from a survey of households in Great Britain. J Epidemiol Community Health. 1996. Vol. 50, № 2. P. 149-55.
7. Brennan M. E., Butow P., Spillane A. J., Boyle F. Patient-reported quality of life, unmet needs and care coordination outcomes: Moving toward targeted breast cancer survivorship care planning. Asia Pac J Clin Oncol. 2016. Vol. 12, № 2.P. 323-31.
8. Bredart A., Kop J. L., Griesser A. C., Fiszer C., Zaman K., Panes-Ruedin B., Jeanneret W., Delaloye J. F., Zimmers S., Berthet V., Dolbeault S. Assessment of needs, health-related quality of life, and satisfaction with care in breast cancer patients to better target supportive care. Ann Oncol. 2013. Vol. 24, № 8. P. 2151-8.
9. Chu W. O., Dialla P. O., Roignot P., Bone-Lepinoy M. C., Poillot M. L., Coutant C., Arveux P., Dabakuyo-Yonli T. S. Determinants of quality of life among long-term breast cancer survivors. Qual Life Res. 2016. Vol. 25, № 8. P. 1981-90.
10. Curado M.P., Voti L., Sortino-Rachou A.M. Cancer registration data and quality indicators in low and middle income countries: their interpretation and potential use for the improvement of cancer care. Cancer Causes Control. 2009. Vol. 20, № 5. P. 751-6.
11. Demetri G.D., Kris M., Wade J. et al. Quality-of-life benefit in chemotherapy patients treated with epoetin alfa is indipendent of disease response or tumor type: results from a prospective community oncology study. Procrit. Study Group.J.Clin.Oncol.1998.Vol.16,№10.P.3412-3425.
12 Groenvold M., Klee M.C., Sprangers M. A., Aaronson N. K. Validation of the EORTC QLQ-C30 quality of life questionnaire through combined qualitative and quantitative assessment of patient-observer agreement. J Clin Epidemiol. 1997. Vol. 50, № 4. P. 441-50.
13. Li C Quality of life in long-term survivors of cervical cancer. Maturitas.1999.Vol.32,№2.P.63-74
14.Kaufmann A., Schmidt H., Ostheimer C., Ullrich J., Landenberger M., Vordermark D. Quality of life in very elderly radiotherapy patients: a prospective pilot study using the EORTC QLQ-ELD14 module. Support Care Cancer. – 2015. Vol. 23, № 7. P. 1883-92.
15. Mackworth N., Fobair P., Prados M. D. Quality of life self-reports from 200 brain tumor patients: comparisons with Karnofsky performance scores. J Neurooncol. 1992. Vol. 14, № 3. P. 243-53
16. Roberts S.A., Hendry J.H., Swindell R. et al. Compensation for changes in dose- rate in radical low-dose-rate brachytherapy: a radiobiological analysis of a randomised clinical trial. Radiother.Oncol. 2004. Vol 70, №1. P.63-74.
17. Spilker B. Standardisation of quality of life trials: an industry perspective. Pharmacoeconomics. 1992. Vol. 1, № 2. P. 73-5.
18. Spilker B., Molinek F.R., Jr., Johnston K.A., Simpson R.L., Jr., Tilson H.H. Quality of life bibliography and indexes. Med Care. 1990. Vol. 28, № 12 Suppl. P. 1-77.
19. Steginga S.K., Dunn J. Women,s experiences following treatment of gynecologic cancer. Oncol.Nurs.Forum. 1997. Vol.24. P.1403.
20. Van Dijck S., Nelissen P., Verbelen H., Tjalma W., Gebruers N. The effects of physical self-management on quality of life in breast cancer patients: A systematic review. Breast. 2016. Vol. 28. P. 20-8.
21 Versmessen H., Vinh-Hung V., Van Parijs H., Miedema G., Voordeckers M., Adriaenssens N., Storme G., De Ridder M. Health-related quality of life in survivors of stage I-II breast cancer: randomized trial of post-operative conventional radiotherapy and hypofractionated tomotherapy. BMC Cancer. 2012. Vol. 12. P. 495.
22. Weitzner M. A., Meyers C. A. Cognitive functioning and quality of life in malignant glioma patients: a review of the literature. Psychooncology. 1997. Vol. 6, № 3. P. 169-77.
23. Weitzner M. A., Meyers C. A., Steinbruecker S., Saleeba A. K., Sandifer S. D. Developing a care giver quality-of-life instrument. Preliminary steps. Cancer Pract. 1997. Vol. 5, № 1. P. 25-31.
2. Тамбиева З.А. Оценка качества жизни больных раком шейки матки после радикального лечения: Автореф. дис. канд. мед. наук. СПб., 2007
3. Al-Hayder S., Elberg J.J., Charabi B. Clinical outcome and health-related quality-of-life following microsurgical reconstruction in patients with oral and oropharyngeal cancer // Acta Otolaryngol. 2016. P. 1-5.
4. Andersen B.L. Predicting sexual and psychologic morbidity and improving the quality of life for women with gynecologic cancer//Cancer.1993.Vol.71, Suppl.4.P.1678-1690.
5. Apolone G., Filiberti A., Cifani S., Ruggiata R., Mosconi P. Evaluation of the EORTC QLQ-C30 questionnaire: a comparison with SF-36 Health Survey in a cohort of Italian long-survival cancer patients // Ann Oncol. 1998. Vol. 9, № 5. P. 549-57.
6. Bowling A. The effects of illness on quality of life: findings from a survey of households in Great Britain // J Epidemiol Community Health. 1996. Vol. 50, № 2. P. 149-55.
7. Brennan M.E., Butow P., Spillane A.J., Boyle F. Patient-reported quality of life, unmet needs and care coordination outcomes: Moving toward targeted breast cancer survivorship care planning // Asia Pac J Clin Oncol. 2016. Vol. 12, № 2. P. 323-31.
8. Bredart A., Kop J.L., Griesser A.C., Fiszer C., Zaman K., Panes-Ruedin B., Jeanneret W., Delaloye J.F., Zimmers S., Berthet V., Dolbeault S. Assessment of needs, health-related quality of life, and satisfaction with care in breast cancer patients to better target supportive care // Ann Oncol. 2013. Vol. 24, № 8. P. 2151-8.
9. Chu W.O., Dialla P. O., Roignot P., Bone-Lepinoy M. C., Poillot M. L., Coutant C., Arveux P., Dabakuyo-Yonli T. S. Determinants of quality of life among long-term breast cancer survivors // Qual Life Res. 2016. Vol. 25, № 8. P. 1981-90.
10. Curado M.P., Voti L., Sortino-Rachou A.M. Cancer registration data and quality indicators in low and middle income countries: their interpretation and potential use for the improvement of cancer care // Cancer Causes Control. 2009. Vol. 20, № 5. P. 751-6.
11. Demetri G.D., Kris M.,Wade J. et al. Quality-of-life benefit in chemotherapy patients treated with epoetin alfa is indipendent of disease response or tumor type: results from a prospective community oncology study//Procrit. Study Group.J.Clin.Oncol.1998.Vol.16,№10.P.3412-3425.
12. Groenvold M., Klee M.C., Sprangers M.A., Aaronson N.K. Validation of the EORTC QLQ-C30 quality of life questionnaire through combined qualitative and quantitative assessment of patient-observer agreement // J Clin Epidemiol. 1997. Vol. 50, № 4. P. 441-50.
13. Li C. Quality of life in long-term survivors of cervical cancer//Maturitas.1999.Vol.32,№2.P.63-74
14. Kaufmann A., Schmidt H., Ostheimer C., Ullrich J., Landenberger M., Vordermark D. Quality of life in very elderly radiotherapy patients: a prospective pilot study using the EORTC QLQ-ELD14 module // Support Care Cancer. – 2015. – Vol. 23, № 7. – P. 1883-92.
15. Mackworth N., Fobair P., Prados M. D. Quality of life self-reports from 200 brain tumor patients: comparisons with Karnofsky performance scores // J Neurooncol. 1992. – Vol. 14, № 3. P. 243-53
16. Roberts S.A., Hendry J.H., Swindell R. et al. Compensation for changes in dose- rate in radical low-dose-rate brachytherapy: a radiobiological analysis of a randomised clinical trial//Radiother.Oncol.2004.Vol 70,№1.P.63-74.
17. Spilker B. Standardisation of quality of life trials: an industry perspective // Pharmacoeconomics. 1992. Vol. 1, № 2. P. 73-5.
18. Spilker B., Molinek F.R., Jr., Johnston K. A., Simpson R. L., Jr., Tilson H. H. Quality of life bibliography and indexes // Med Care. 1990. Vol. 28, № 12 Suppl. P. 1-77.
19. Steginga S.K., Dunn J. Women,s experiences following treatment of gynecologic cancer // Oncol.Nurs.Forum.1997.Vol.24.P.1403.
20. Van Dijck S., Nelissen P., Verbelen H., Tjalma W., Gebruers N. The effects of physical self-management on quality of life in breast cancer patients: A systematic review // Breast. 2016. Vol. 28. P. 20-8.
21 Versmessen H., Vinh-Hung V., Van Parijs H., Miedema G., Voordeckers M., Adriaenssens N., Storme G., De Ridder M. Health-related quality of life in survivors of stage I-II breast cancer: randomized trial of post-operative conventional radiotherapy and hypofractionated tomotherapy // BMC Cancer. 2012. Vol. 12. P. 495.
22. Weitzner M.A., Meyers C.A. Cognitive functioning and quality of life in malignant glioma patients: a review of the literature // Psychooncology. 1997. Vol. 6, № 3. P. 169-77.
23. Weitzner M.A., Meyers C.A., Steinbruecker S., Saleeba A.K., Sandifer S.D. Developing a care giver quality-of-life instrument. Preliminary steps // Cancer Pract. 1997. Vol. 5, № 1. P. 25-31.
1. Mendelevich V.D. Klinicheskaya i medicinskaya psihologiya. [Clinical and medical psychology]. M.:MED press-inform. [M.: MED press-inform]. 2005. 426 p. [in Russian].
2. Tambieva Z. A. Ocenka kachestva zhizni bol'nyh rakom shejki matki posle radikal'nogo lecheniya [Assessment of the quality of life of patients with cervical cancer after radical treatment] Avtoref. dis.kand. med. nauk. [Author's abstract. dis.cand.med sciences] SPb,2007. [in Russian].
3 Al-Hayder S., Elberg J.J., Charabi B. Clinical outcome and health-related quality-of-life following microsurgical reconstruction in patients with oral and oropharyngeal cancer. Acta Otolaryngol. 2016. P. 1-5.
4. Andersen B.L. Predicting sexual and psychologic morbidity and improving the quality of life for women with gynecologic cancer. Cancer. 1993.Vol.71, Suppl.4.P.1678-1690
5 Apolone G., Filiberti A., Cifani S., Ruggiata R., Mosconi P. Evaluation of the EORTC QLQ-C30 questionnaire: a comparison with SF-36 Health Survey in a cohort of Italian long-survival cancer patients. Ann Oncol. 1998. Vol. 9, № 5. P. 549-57.
6 Bowling A. The effects of illness on quality of life: findings from a survey of households in Great Britain. J Epidemiol Community Health. 1996. Vol. 50, № 2. P. 149-55.
7. Brennan M. E., Butow P., Spillane A. J., Boyle F. Patient-reported quality of life, unmet needs and care coordination outcomes: Moving toward targeted breast cancer survivorship care planning. Asia Pac J Clin Oncol. 2016. Vol. 12, № 2.P. 323-31.
8. Bredart A., Kop J. L., Griesser A. C., Fiszer C., Zaman K., Panes-Ruedin B., Jeanneret W., Delaloye J. F., Zimmers S., Berthet V., Dolbeault S. Assessment of needs, health-related quality of life, and satisfaction with care in breast cancer patients to better target supportive care. Ann Oncol. 2013. Vol. 24, № 8. P. 2151-8.
9. Chu W. O., Dialla P. O., Roignot P., Bone-Lepinoy M. C., Poillot M. L., Coutant C., Arveux P., Dabakuyo-Yonli T. S. Determinants of quality of life among long-term breast cancer survivors. Qual Life Res. 2016. Vol. 25, № 8. P. 1981-90.
10. Curado M.P., Voti L., Sortino-Rachou A.M. Cancer registration data and quality indicators in low and middle income countries: their interpretation and potential use for the improvement of cancer care. Cancer Causes Control. 2009. Vol. 20, № 5. P. 751-6.
11. Demetri G.D., Kris M., Wade J. et al. Quality-of-life benefit in chemotherapy patients treated with epoetin alfa is indipendent of disease response or tumor type: results from a prospective community oncology study. Procrit. Study Group.J.Clin.Oncol.1998.Vol.16,№10.P.3412-3425.
12 Groenvold M., Klee M.C., Sprangers M. A., Aaronson N. K. Validation of the EORTC QLQ-C30 quality of life questionnaire through combined qualitative and quantitative assessment of patient-observer agreement. J Clin Epidemiol. 1997. Vol. 50, № 4. P. 441-50.
13. Li C Quality of life in long-term survivors of cervical cancer. Maturitas.1999.Vol.32,№2.P.63-74
14.Kaufmann A., Schmidt H., Ostheimer C., Ullrich J., Landenberger M., Vordermark D. Quality of life in very elderly radiotherapy patients: a prospective pilot study using the EORTC QLQ-ELD14 module. Support Care Cancer. – 2015. Vol. 23, № 7. P. 1883-92.
15. Mackworth N., Fobair P., Prados M. D. Quality of life self-reports from 200 brain tumor patients: comparisons with Karnofsky performance scores. J Neurooncol. 1992. Vol. 14, № 3. P. 243-53
16. Roberts S.A., Hendry J.H., Swindell R. et al. Compensation for changes in dose- rate in radical low-dose-rate brachytherapy: a radiobiological analysis of a randomised clinical trial. Radiother.Oncol. 2004. Vol 70, №1. P.63-74.
17. Spilker B. Standardisation of quality of life trials: an industry perspective. Pharmacoeconomics. 1992. Vol. 1, № 2. P. 73-5.
18. Spilker B., Molinek F.R., Jr., Johnston K.A., Simpson R.L., Jr., Tilson H.H. Quality of life bibliography and indexes. Med Care. 1990. Vol. 28, № 12 Suppl. P. 1-77.
19. Steginga S.K., Dunn J. Women,s experiences following treatment of gynecologic cancer. Oncol.Nurs.Forum. 1997. Vol.24. P.1403.
20. Van Dijck S., Nelissen P., Verbelen H., Tjalma W., Gebruers N. The effects of physical self-management on quality of life in breast cancer patients: A systematic review. Breast. 2016. Vol. 28. P. 20-8.
21 Versmessen H., Vinh-Hung V., Van Parijs H., Miedema G., Voordeckers M., Adriaenssens N., Storme G., De Ridder M. Health-related quality of life in survivors of stage I-II breast cancer: randomized trial of post-operative conventional radiotherapy and hypofractionated tomotherapy. BMC Cancer. 2012. Vol. 12. P. 495.
22. Weitzner M. A., Meyers C. A. Cognitive functioning and quality of life in malignant glioma patients: a review of the literature. Psychooncology. 1997. Vol. 6, № 3. P. 169-77.
23. Weitzner M. A., Meyers C. A., Steinbruecker S., Saleeba A. K., Sandifer S. D. Developing a care giver quality-of-life instrument. Preliminary steps. Cancer Pract. 1997. Vol. 5, № 1. P. 25-31.
Количество просмотров: 690
Категория статей:
Оригинальные исследования
Библиографическая ссылка
Жабагина А.С., Адылханов Т.А., Жабагин К.Т., Андреева О.Б., Канапиянов К.З., Кумарова Г.К. Сравнительная оценка качества жизни при традиционной и профилактической лучевой терапии при раке шейки матки. Предварительные клинические результаты // Наука и Здравоохранение. 2018. 5 (Т.20). С. 80-87. Zhabagina A.S., Adylkhanov T.A., Zhabagin K.T., Andreyeva O.B., Kanapiyanov K.Z., Kumarova G.K. Comparative evaluation of the quality of life in traditional and preventive radiotherapy for cancer of the cervix. Preliminary clinical results. Nauka i Zdravookhranenie [Science & Healthcare]. 2018, (Vol.20) 5, pp. 80-87. Жабагина А.С., Адылханов Т.А., Жабагин К.Т., Андреева О.Б., Канапиянов К.З., Кумарова Г.К. Жатыр мойының қатерлі ісігі үшін дәстүрлі және алдын-ала сәулелік терапиясында өмір сүру сапасын салыстырмалы бағалау. Негізгі клиникалық нәтижелер // Ғылым және Денсаулық сақтау. 2018. 5 (Т.20). Б. 80-87.Похожие публикации: