Online ISSN: 3007-0244,
Print ISSN:  2410-4280
Background: Acute stroke is one of the leading causes of disability and death worldwide. According to WHO, stroke is the second leading cause of death. The key stage for the provision of effective medical care in acute cerebrovascular accident (stroke) is the prehospital stage. Aim of the study: to study the number of emergency calls regarding a stroke, depending on the time of year, day of the week and time of day. Materials and Methods: Retrospective analysis of the database of the automated control system “Komek 103” used by the Semey Emergency Medical Station to coordinate the work of ambulance teams and to store information about calls to ambulance teams for the period from September 1, 2017 to August 31, 2018. Studied variables: date, time of call, duration of the ambulance crew, gender, age, outcome of the call, seasonality. To compare the two groups of quantitative variables, the Mann-Whitney test was used. For statistical analysis of nominal data, χ2 Pearson was used. The value of p <0.05 was taken as a statistically significant level. Results: Monday was a statistically significant peak of ambulance calls for a stroke, from 10AM peak in the morning the afternoon was the busiest time for calls. Spring and summer prevailed in the seasonal distribution of calls. Conclusions: Identified patterns require additional in-depth study and may be useful to increase the effectiveness of emergency care for stroke patients
Askar М. Abiltayev1, Askhat T. Shaltynov1, Bakytzhan E. Konabekov1, Ulzhan S. Jamedinova1, Nicolay V. Mantler2, Gaukhar T. Mansurova2, Ayan O. Myssaev1, 1 NJSC «Semey Medical University», Semey city, Republic of Kazakhstan; 2 Semey Emergency Medical Care Station, Semey city, Republic of Kazakhstan.
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Socio Medica. 2017. Ch.29. № 2. p. 119. 5. Benjamin E.J., Muntner P., Alonso A., Bittencourt M.S., Callaway C.W., Carson A.P., Chamberlain A.M., Chang A.R. et al. Heart Disease and Stroke Statistics-2019 Update: A Report From the American Heart Association. Circulation. 2019. Ch.139. №10 p. e56-e528. 6. Elliott W.J. Circadian variation in the timing of stroke onset: A meta-analysis. Stroke. 1998. Ch.29. №5 p. 992-996. 7. Emberson J., Lees K., Lyden P., Blackwell L., Albers G., Bluhmki E., Brott T., Cohen G., et al. Effect of treatment delay, age, and stroke severity on the effects of intravenous thrombolysis with alteplase for acute ischaemic stroke: A meta-analysis of individual patient data from randomised trials. Lancet. 2014. Ch.384. №9958. p. 1929-1935. 8. Jakovljević D. Day of the week and ischemic stroke: Is it Monday high or Sunday low? Stroke. 2004. Ch.35 №9 p. 2089-2093. 9. Jin H., Zhu S., Wei J.W., Wang J., Liu M., Wu Y., Wong L.K., Cheng Y., Xu E., Yang Q., Anderson C.S., Huang Y. Factors associated with prehospital delays in the presentation of acute stroke in urban China. Stroke. 2012. Ch.43. №2 p.362-370. 10. Johnson C.O. et al. Global, regional, and national burden of stroke, 1990–2016: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2016. Lancet Neurol. 2019. Ch.18. №5 p.439-458. 11. Kamel H., Navi B.B., Fahimi J. National trends in ambulance use by patients with stroke, 1997-2008. JAMA - J. Am. Med. Assoc. 2012. Ch.307. №10 p. 1026 - 1028. 12. Kelly-Hayes M., Wolf P.A., Kase C.S., Brand F.N., McGuirk J.M., D'Agostino R.B. Temporal patterns of stroke onset: The framingham study. Stroke. 1995. Ch.26. №8 p.1343-1347. 13. Lacy C., Suh D., Bueno M., Kostis J. Delay in presentation and evaluation for acute stroke: Stroke time registry for outcomes knowledge and epidemiology (S.T.R.O.K.E.). Stroke. 2001. Ch.32 №1 p. 63-69. 14. Marler J., Price T., Clark G., Muller J., Robertson T., Mohr J., Hier D., Wolf P., Caplan L., Foulkes M. Morning increase in onset of ischemic stroke 284. Stroke. 1989. Ch.20. № 0039–2499 (Print). p. 473–476. 15. Mosley I., Nicol M., Donnan G., Patrick I., Dewey H. Stroke symptoms and the decision to call for an ambulance. Stroke. 2007. Ch.38 №2. p. 361-366. 16. Mosley I., Nicol M., Donnan G., Patrick I., Kerr F., Dewey H. The impact of ambulance practice on acute stroke care. Stroke. 2007. Ch.38. №10. p. 2765-2770. 17. Oberg A., Ferguson J., McIntyre L., Horner R. Incidence of stroke and season of the year: Evidence of an association. Am. J. Epidemiol. 2000. Ch.152 №.6 p.558-564. 18. Rothwell P., Wroe S., Slattery J., Warlow C. Is stroke incidence related to season or temperature? Lancet. 1996. Ch.347 №.9006 p. 934-936. 19. Shigematsu K., Watanabe Y., Nakano H. Weekly variations of stroke occurrence: An observational cohort study based on the Kyoto Stroke Registry, Japan. BMJ Open. 2015. Ch.5. №3. p. 1-6. 20. Takizawa S., Shibata T., Takagi S., Kobayashi S. Seasonal Variation of Stroke Incidence in Japan for 35631 Stroke Patients in the Japanese Standard Stroke Registry, 1998-2007. J. Stroke Cerebrovasc. Dis. 2013. Ch.22. №1. p. 36-41. 21. Turin T.C., Kita Y., Murakami Y., Rumana N., Sugihara H., Morita Y., Tomioka N., Okayama A., Nakamura Y., Abbott R.D., Ueshima H. Higher stroke incidence in the spring season regardless of conventional risk factors: Takashima Stroke Registry, Japan, 1988-2001. Stroke. 2008. Ch.39. №3. p. 745-52.
Количество просмотров: 708

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