Online ISSN: 3007-0244,
Print ISSN:  2410-4280
Relevance: Deficient education system and insufficient psychological support for medical students is high possible to lead to a decrease in the adaptive capabilities of doctors in the future. This item becomes the development of dependent behavior and suicide as the extreme form of auto-aggressive behavior or emotional disorders. Objective: Due to appropriate psychological support among medical students in NJSC «Semey Medical University», this study was shown features of risk behavior and suicidal ideation. Materials and Methods: 386 medical students in Semey Medical University were surveyed: 242 (62.7%) females and 144 (37.3%) males. The main psychometric methods of the study were the following: questionnaires to determine the predisposition to behavioral and chemical addictions; test questionnaires to identify 6 types of behavioral addictions: internet, gambling, shopping, eating, love, and sex; a questionnaire to identify suicidal ideations. Statistical analysis was performed using Fisher's exact test. Results: In medical students in the present study, 25.91% of the students were identified with positive results for a predisposition to the development of behavioral addictions. Among them, 58.0% of the students was suicidal ideation, and a statistically significant predominance of the ideation was found among females. Internet accident was major problems each males and females. Females were also associated with the abnormal risk of eating behaviors. Conclusions: Based on the results of this study, early diagnosis of the personal characteristics associated with dependent and suicidal trends among medical students, especially females, is important, and support from their families and universities is necessary. In addition, this study was concluded that we have to understand these features of risk behavior and suicidal ideation.
Nursultan Zh. Seksenbayev1*, Ken Inoue2*, Timur M. Moldagaliyev1, Zhannat Zh. Sarsembina1, Gulzhan K. Altybayeva1, Aliya A. Almagambetova1, Askhat U. Yermekbayev1, Akerke A. Kaliyeva1, Yoshihiro Noso3, Sadayuki Hashioka4, Gulnar M. Shalgumbayeva5, Nailya Zh. Chaizhunussova6, Nargul N. Ospanova1 1 Semey Medical University, Department of Psychiatry, Semey, Republic of Kazakhstan; 2 Kochi University, Research and Education Faculty, Medical Sciences Cluster, Health Service Center, Kochi, Japan. 3 Hiroshima International University, Department of Health Services Management, Hiroshima, Japan. 4 Shimane University, Department of Psychiatry, Faculty of Medicine, Shimane, Japan. 5 Semey Medical University, Department of Family Medicine, Semey, Republic of Kazakhstan. 6 Semey Medical University, Department of Public Health, Semey, Republic of Kazakhstan.
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Parental Influences on the Dieting Beliefs and Behaviors of Adolescent Females in New Zealand. J Adolesc Health. 1996; 19: 303-307, doi: 10.1016/S1054-139X (96) 00084-5. [Pubmed: 8897109]. 16. Dyrbye L.N., West C.P., Satele D., Boone S., Tan L., Sloan J., et al. Burnout Among U.S. Medical Students, Residents, and Early Career Physicians Relative to the General U.S. population. Acad Med. 2014; 89: 443-451, doi: 10.1097 / ACM.0000000000000134. [Pubmed: 24448053]. 17. Faraci P., Craparo G., Messina R., Severino S. Internet Addiction Test (IAT): Which is the Best Factorial Solution? Journal of Medical Internet Research. 2013; 15(10): e225, doi:10.2196/jmir.2935. 18. Ghasemi P., Shaghaghi A., Allahverdipour H. Measurement Scales of Suicidal Ideation and Attitudes: A Systematic Review Article. Heal Promot Perspect. 2015; 5: 156-168, doi: 10.15171/hpp.2015.019. 19. Inoue K., Chaizhunusova N., Seksenbayev N., Moldagaliyev T., Ospanova N., Zhunussov Y.T. The realities of a new era featuring truly international lectures during the prolonged COVID-19 pandemic: international collaboration and advances in medical education. Int Marit Health. 2021;72(1):79. doi: 10.5603/IMH.2021.0012. 20. Inoue K., Seksenbayev N., Moldagaliyev T., Takeichi N., Noso Y., Sarsembina Z., et al. Changes in university classes as COVID-19 continues and new findings regarding future university instruction methods: from the perspective of Japan and Semey, Republic of Kazakhstan. Int Marit Health. 2020;71(4):297. doi: 10.5603/IMH.2020.0051. 21. Inoue K., Tanii H., Fukunaga T., Abe S., Nishimura F., Kimura Y., et al. The importance of the frequency of suicide attempts as a risk factor of suicide. J Forensic Leg Med. 2008; 15: 24-26. 22. Magni S., Christofides N., Johnson S., Weiner R. Alcohol Use and Transactional Sex among Women in South Africa: Results from a Nationally Representative Survey. PLoS One. 2015;10(12):e0145326. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0145326. 23. 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The Bergen Shopping Addiction Scale: reliability and validity of a brief screening test. Front. Psychol. 2015; 6: 1-5, doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2015.01374. 10. Bastiaens L., Francis G., Lewis K. The RAFFT as a Screening Tool for Adolescent Substance Use Disorders. American Journal on Addictions. 2000; 9(1): 10-6, doi: 10.1080/10550490050172182. 11. Billingsley M. More than 80% of medical students with mental health issues feel under-supported, says Student BMJ survey. 2015; 351: h4521 [cited 2020 November 21]; Available From: // 12. Buzik O.Zh., Efimova A.D. Love addiction among students in the university: relationship with other dependent behaviours and personal auto-aggressiveness. Science of the young (Eruditio Juvenium). 2019; 7(2): 163-9, doi:10.23888/HMJ201972163-169. 13. Carnes P.J., Green B.A., Merlo L.J., Polles A. PATHOS: A brief screening application for assessing sexual addiction. J. Addict. Med. 2012; 6: 29-34, doi:10.1097/ADM.0b013e3182251a28. 14. Charzyńska E., Sussman S., Atroszko P.A. Profiles of potential behavioral addictions' severity and their associations with gender, personality, and well-being: A person-centered approach. Addictive Behaviours. 2021; 119(2): 106941. doi: 10.1016/j.addbeh.2021.106941 15. Dixon R., Adair V., O’Connor S. Parental Influences on the Dieting Beliefs and Behaviors of Adolescent Females in New Zealand. J Adolesc Health. 1996; 19: 303-307, doi: 10.1016/S1054-139X (96) 00084-5. [Pubmed: 8897109]. 16. Dyrbye L.N., West C.P., Satele D., Boone S., Tan L., Sloan J., et al. Burnout Among U.S. Medical Students, Residents, and Early Career Physicians Relative to the General U.S. population. Acad Med. 2014; 89: 443-451, doi: 10.1097 / ACM.0000000000000134. [Pubmed: 24448053]. 17. Faraci P., Craparo G., Messina R., Severino S. Internet Addiction Test (IAT): Which is the Best Factorial Solution? Journal of Medical Internet Research. 2013; 15(10): e225, doi:10.2196/jmir.2935. 18. Ghasemi P., Shaghaghi A., Allahverdipour H. Measurement Scales of Suicidal Ideation and Attitudes: A Systematic Review Article. Heal Promot Perspect. 2015; 5: 156-168, doi: 10.15171/hpp.2015.019. 19. Inoue K., Chaizhunusova N., Seksenbayev N., Moldagaliyev T., Ospanova N., Zhunussov Y.T. The realities of a new era featuring truly international lectures during the prolonged COVID-19 pandemic: international collaboration and advances in medical education. Int Marit Health. 2021;72(1):79. doi: 10.5603/IMH.2021.0012. 20. Inoue K., Seksenbayev N., Moldagaliyev T., Takeichi N., Noso Y., Sarsembina Z., et al. Changes in university classes as COVID-19 continues and new findings regarding future university instruction methods: from the perspective of Japan and Semey, Republic of Kazakhstan. Int Marit Health. 2020;71(4):297. doi: 10.5603/IMH.2020.0051. 21. Inoue K., Tanii H., Fukunaga T., Abe S., Nishimura F., Kimura Y., et al. The importance of the frequency of suicide attempts as a risk factor of suicide. J Forensic Leg Med. 2008; 15: 24-26. 22. Magni S., Christofides N., Johnson S., Weiner R. Alcohol Use and Transactional Sex among Women in South Africa: Results from a Nationally Representative Survey. PLoS One. 2015;10(12):e0145326. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0145326. 23. Mata D.A., Ramos M.A., Bansal N., Khan R., Guille C., Angelantonio E.D., et al. Prevalence of depression and depressive symptoms among resident physicians a systematic review and meta-analysis. JAMA. 2015; 314: 2373-2383, doi: 10.1001/jama.2015.15845. [Pubmed: 26647259]. 24. Medical school burnout: How to take care of yourself. American Medical Association Available From: [cited 2020 November 21]; 25. Melaku L., Mossie A., Negash A. Stress among Medical Students and Its Association with Substance Use and Academic Performance. Journal of Biomedical Education. 2015; 9, doi: 10.1155/2015/149509. 26. Rosiek A., Rosiek-Kryszewska A., Leksowski L., Leksowski K. Chronic stress and suicidal thinking among medical students. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health. 2016; 13(2): 212, doi: 10.3390/ijerph13020212. [Pubmed: 26891311]. 27. Salas-Wright C.P., Oh S., Vaughn M.G., Cohen M., Scott J.C., Amodeo M. Trends and drug-related correlates in residential mobility among young adults in the United States, 2003-2016. Addict Behav. 2019; 90:146-150. doi: 10.1016/j.addbeh.2018.10.045. 28. Shanafelt T.D., Sloan J.A., Habermann T.M. The well-being of physicians. Am J Med. 2003; 114: 513-519, doi: 10.1016/s0002-9343(03)00117-7. [Pubmed: 12727590]. 29. Strien T.V. Causes of Emotional Eating and Matched Treatment of Obesity. Current Diabetes Reports. 2018; 18(6): 1-8, doi:10.1007/s11892-018-1000-x. 30. Tavares H., Martins S.S., Lobo D.S., Silveira C.M., Gentil V., Hodgins D.C. Factors at play in faster progression for female pathological gamblers: an exploratory analysis. J Clin Psychiatry. 2003; 64: 433-438, doi: 10.1590/S0041-87812002000500008.
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Seksenbayev N.Zh., Inoue Ken, Moldagaliyev T.M., Sarsembina Zh.Zh., Altybayeva G.K., Almagambetova A.A., Yermekbayev A.U., Kaliyeva A.A., Noso Yoshihiro, Hashioka Sadayuki, Shalgumbayeva G.M., Chaizhunussova N.Zh., Ospanova N.N. Features of risk behavior and suicidal ideation in medical students // Nauka i Zdravookhranenie [Science & Healthcare]. 2021, (Vol.23) 4, pp. 138-146. doi 10.34689/SH.2021.23.4.015

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