Online ISSN: 3007-0244,
Print ISSN:  2410-4280
Inroduction: Multimedia learning occurs when the learner constructs a mental representation from the words and pictures that have been presented to him. The purpose of this study was to test the applicability of the proposed principles of multimedia learning to presentations to 2nd and 5th year medical students. Methods: This study is a randomized trial conducted to compare the effect of educational interventions in raising medical students' awareness of infection control. The presentation and training video were developed by the researcher using WHO and CDC guidelines, as well as the results of their research. Results: 180 students of the 2nd and 5th years of study of Karaganda Medical University were selected for the study. The basic test to determine the level of proficiency in activities aimed at preventing nosocomial infections showed satisfactory results. The introduction of the educational intervention showed an improvement in the overall mean score from 11.89 (2.6) points to 14.56 (2.23) points. The study groups showed statistically significant improvements in knowledge after educational intervention regardless of its type Conclusion: Our study showed the effectiveness of the use of multimedia technologies in terms of raising students' awareness of the burden and standards of prevention of nosocomial infections among medical students. The introduction of the animated content we created made it possible to draw the attention of students to the burden of nosocomial infections and to motivate them to study the epidemiology of nosocomial infections and preventive measures.
Elmira Kultanova1, Anar Turmukhambetova1, Yasminur Turdybekova1, Karina Nukeshtayeva1 NCJSC «Karaganda Medical University», Karaganda city, the Republic of Kazakhstan.
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Категория статей: Медицинское образование

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Kultanova E., Turmukhambetova A., Turdybekova Ya., Nukeshtayeva K. Modern educational technologies as a means of increasing the quality of medical students' knowledge about nosocomial infections // Nauka i Zdravookhranenie [Science & Healthcare]. 2022, (Vol.24) 2, pp. 200-206. doi: 10.34689/SH.2022.24.2.024

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