Online ISSN: 3007-0244,
Print ISSN:  2410-4280
Objective. To study the influence of the composition of “Volcano mineral” plant and animal raw materials on the immune system of research animals Materials and Methods: The study was conducted at the Center of the Research Laboratory of the NC JSC “SMU”. To assess cellular and humoral immunity, research animals were divided into 4 groups of 10 rats in each group. During the experiment, rats were exposed to acute (7 days) and chronic (21 days) smoke exposure for 5 minutes with “Volcano-mineral” burning at a dose of 10 mg, 20 mg, and 30 mg. Results: exposure to plant and animal raw materials known as “Volcano mineral” was shown to cause both acute and chronic increases in the quantity of circulating immune complexes. T-lymphocytes and T-suppressors were increased at acute and decreased at chronic exposure to the “Volcano-mineral” substance at a dose of 10 mg. There was observed a decrease in phagocytic activity during exposure to “Volcano-mineral” in doses of 20 and 30 mg, an increase in the indicators of T-helper in the dose of 20 mg, leukocytes and B-lymphocytes in the dose of 30 mg. A significant increase in the level of immunoglobulin A was found in acute and chronic exposure to “Volcano-mineral” at a dose of 20 mg and an increase in acute exposure at a dose of 30 mg. At chronic exposure to smoke from the “Volcano-mineral” substance at a dose of 30 mg a significant decrease in immunoglobulin G was observed. Conclusion. Acute exposure to the “Volcano mineral” substance's smoke causes a shift in the body's cellular immune response, which in turn causes a protective immunological response. Higher doses over time have been shown to have an immunosuppressive impact.
Zhanna U. Kozykenova1, Аisulu Е. Zhumabayeva2, Аskar А. Abenov3, Аsemgul О. Izgutenova4, Nazgul А. Zhorgatayeva4, Vladlena R. Sabitova5, Аigerim М. Shapikhanova6, Bakhytbek A. Apsalikov3, Gulsym K. Koshpessova4, Meruyert R. Massabayeva4 NCJSC «Semey Medical University», Semey, Republic of Kazakhstan. 1 Department of Physiological Disciplines named after T.A. Nazarova; 2 Fourth-year student, Faculty of General Medicine; 3 Department of General Medical Practice; 4 Central Scientific Research Laboratory; 5 Research Department; 6 Epidemiology and Biostatistics Department.
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Количество просмотров: 320

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Kozykenova Zh.U., Zhumabayeva А.Е., Abenov А.А., Izgutenova А.О., Zhorgatayeva N.А., Sabitova V.R., Shapikhanova А.М., Apsalikov B.A., Koshpessova G.K., Massabayeva M.R. Influence of the composition of “Volcano mineral” plant and animal raw materials on humoral and cellular structure of the immune system // Nauka i Zdravookhranenie [Science & Healthcare]. 2023, (Vol.25) 6, pp. 133-139. doi 10.34689/SH.2023.25.6.016

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