Online ISSN: 3007-0244,
Print ISSN:  2410-4280

Journal purpose: to develop scientific communications in the field of medicine through the publishing present achievements in clinical medicine, public health and higher medical education.

Journal objectives

- to inform scientific society of the results of original studies, clinical observation and literature reviews

- to discuss current fields of clinical medicine

- to consider the issues of new research methods of patients and disease treatment

- to publish the reports of conferences across a broad range of issues, related to the clinical medicine and public health

- to discuss methods of efficiency improvement of medical education

- to improve professional level of scientists, physicians and teachers of medical universities

- to improve journal quality in accordance to the requirements of international standards and global citation indexes

-·to make the journal more attractive and available for authors and readers

- to distribute published articles in the world scientific sphere

Free access policy

According to the Budapest initiative “Free access”, the journal provides free access to the published materials to the extent that free access promotes operative global exchange of knowledge for the benefit of medicine development.


All materials which are planned to be published in the journal “Science and Healthcare” are subject to the double-blind peer review. The reviewer is provided with the copy of manuscript without name of the reader. It means that reviewer does not know the name of the reader. Email exchange between author and reviewer is carried out through the email on the journal website.       

Information or ideas, obtained during the reviewing and related to the possible advantages, should be confidential and must not be used for personal benefit.

Reviewers must inform editorial staff about all conflicts of interest which may affect their opinion on the manuscript. They must withdraw from reviewing of the article if they believe it is reasonable.


The journal is issued 6 times per a year.

Liability and responsibilities of the publisher

The publisher is responsible for following current recommendations for publishing work.

The publisher must follow principles and procedures, which make it possible for chief editor, members   of editorial board, reviewers and authors to fulfill ethical responsibilities.

Liability and responsibilities of the chief editor and editorial staff of the journal

Chief Editor of the journal “Science and Healthcare” is responsible for decision for publication. Authenticity of the article and its scientific significance is one of the determining factors.   

Chief Editor and members of editorial board must assess intellectual content of the manuscript regardless of the race, gender, sexual orientation, religious views, origin, nationality or political opinions of the authors.

Chief Editor and members of editorial board of the journal “Science and Healthcare” are obliged to keep the lid on information of the manuscript accepted. Authors, readers and scientific consultants are the only persons who are eligible to know this information.

Unpublished materials, received from manuscript submitted, can’t be used for personal studies without written consent of the author

Information or ideas, obtained during the reviewing and related to the possible advantages, should be confidential and must not be used for personal benefit.

Members of the editorial board must refuse to consider manuscripts if conflict of interests occurs due to competitive, joint and other interactions and relations with authors, companies and, perhaps, other organization related to the manuscript.