Online ISSN: 3007-0244,
Print ISSN:  2410-4280

Introduction. The paper presents literature review devoted to the effect of "low doses" of ionizing radiation on health of population and the environment based on the analysis of modern scientific publications. At the moment a lot of research has been done in this area.

Purpose: to review scientific papers on the effect of "low doses" of ionizing radiation on a living organism and the environment.

Materials and methods. To achieve this purpose, we have searched and analysis of scientific publications in the databases: PubMed, Elsevier, ResearchGate, Cyberleninka, Republican scientific and technical library. The following keywords have been define before the start of the search: experimental studies, radiation, low doses. Exclusion criteria included review of publications became summary reports, newspaper articles and personal notifications. During search 1689 literary sources were revealed, 63 from which have been chosen as an analytical material of article.

Results. At the present time, assessing of the influence of "low doses" ionizing radiation have three opposite points of view. Some researchers point to the increased danger of "low doses", others reject any features of their effects and others indicate the existence of radiation hormesis, that is, the positive influence of ionizing radiation.

Conclusions. Despite the abundance of scientific literature this question still opens and requires further study.

Masaharu Hоshi 1, httр://оrcid.оrg/0000–0001–6978–0883

Aisulu Zh. Saimova 2http//

1 Hirоshima Univеrsity, Rеsеarch Institutе fоr Radiatiоn Biоlоgy and Mеdicinе, Hirоshima, Jaрan.

2 Semey State Medical University, Semey, Kazakhstan

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Bibliography link

Hоshi M., Saimova A.Zh. Problem in assessing the effects of radiation with "low doses". Review. Nauka i Zdravookhranenie [Science & Healthcare]. 2017, 2, pp. 115-127.

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