Online ISSN: 3007-0244,
Print ISSN:  2410-4280

Introduction. The study of reproductive behavior is essential and necessary for the understanding and prediction of fertility trends in Kazakhstan. Accelerated physical development of young people, the pursuit of it as quickly as possible to enter into the social world of adults occur against the backdrop of a growing recognition of the rights of the younger generation, empowering the participation of young people in all spheres of society. The sexual morality liberalization, weakening educational functions of the family and educational institutions, with the absence of physical educational - educational programs on gender and sexual behavior, gender role socialization of youth turned into a spontaneous process. [1,5].

Goal To study the medical and social aspects of the reproductive behavior of medical students (on the example of the State Medical University of Semey).

Materials and methods. Study - a cross-sectional [9,10]. Analytical analysis of published scientific sources. The sociological questioning is questionnaire. Object of sociological research were 200 students of Medical University in Semey (n=196).  The statistical (stat. package for the data, SPSS Statistics 20.0). For quality data tatistical meaningfulness of distinctions in groups was ceratin by means of criteria χ2, for quantative data T criteria Students.

Research results It is established that students use alcohol 17.3%. They believe that they have bad habits, 9.3%, pointed out that 1,5% of respondents repeatedly tried drugs. Smoke 5.1% of the respondents, of which 40% of the female. Among those who are married, the spread of bad habits is 9 times lower. Sexual experience among unmarried women is 1/5 of the total, among males 3/4 of respondents. Knowledge of contraceptive methods was confirmed by 2/3 of respondents. Most respondents use barrier methods of contraception. Among the respondents there is a low level of knowledge about abortion. Most of the respondents are aware of the harmfulness of abortion for the woman's body to the full. Among the girls, the prevailing attitude is to keep the pregnancy in case of its occurrence.

Conclusions Medico-social aspects of the reproductive behavior of students depends on the desire and ability to develop reasonable behavior in accordance with the conditions of existence. Students should pursue the principles of healthy living, promote the preservation of physical, moral and spiritual health. It is necessary to change students' attitudes to such aspects as: аccession to cultural values, aspiration to improve educational potential, taking responsible attitude to issues of reproductive behavior, preserving physical, moral and spiritual health, forming negative attitude towards harmful habits: smoking, drinking alcohol, reducing hypodynamia.

Zaituna А. Khismetova,

Aliya K. Atabayeva,

Umutzhan S. Samarova,

Kamila M. Khudaiberdina 

Semey State Medical University, Department of public health,

Semey, Republic of Kazakhstan;

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Khismetova Z.А., Atabayeva A.K., Samarova U.S., Khudaiberdina K.M. Medical and social aspects of reproductive behavior of the medical school students (for example the Semey State medical university). Nauka i Zdravookhranenie [Science & Healthcare]. 2017, 3, pp. 84-94.

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