Online ISSN: 3007-0244,
Print ISSN:  2410-4280

Summary: Nowadays of the Republic Kazakhstan provides the active social policy in early diagnosis, prevention of complications and improvement quality of life in patients with diabetes mellitus. This policy includes a complex of social, economic, legal, medical and organizational approaches. For this reasons a complex of laws, resolutions of the Republic Kazakhstan Government, orders of the ministries and its departments were created.

The aim of review was to study the analyze content of documents regulating, the support to patients with mellitus diabetes in Kazakhstan and some foreign countries.

Research methods. The study included regulatory - legal acts, diagnostic protocols and treatment of diabetes in this group of individuals. During the search for literature, the following claims systems were used: Әdilet, Pubmed, Google, Google Scholar.The depth of the study was 5 years from 2012 to 2017,198 publications on the organization and legal regulation of endocrinological care among patients with diabetes were found, of which 58 studies were the purpose of our study. Also were examined full-text publications in English and Russian languages, which were devoted to the study of the organization of endocrinological care to patients with mellitus diabetes.

Results. Basic measures of counteraction to diabetes, adjustable number of normative - legal acts of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan, which are synchronized with the international recommendations in this area. The system of measures is a complex inter-agency mechanism, the adequacy of which is unknown due to the lack of studies aimed at understanding the results insufficient research of legislative and legal basis. This area is of particular interest in the According to the roadmap for the Improvement of endocrinology service for 2017, approved by the order of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan of 25.11.2016, the basic idea is to shift to the provision of endocrinological care in the conditions of the network of primary health care services.

Conclusion.Organizational transformations of the system of endocrinological help require the search for new management decisions in the field of diagnostics and treatment, system monitoring, and raising awareness of people suffering from diabetes at the local and national levels.

Оksana P. Tsygengagel,

Natalya Ye. Glushkova,

Dauren Ye. Sovetbekov,

Semey State Medical University, Department of internship on general practice and postgraduate education, Semey c., Kazakhstan.

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Category of articles: Reviews

Bibliography link

Tsygengagel О.P., Glushkova N.Ye., Sovetbekov D.Ye. Modern status of legal regulation of rendering medical care of diabetic patients in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Review. Nauka i Zdravookhranenie [Science & Healthcare]. 2017, 3, pp. 110-124.

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