Online ISSN: 3007-0244,
Print ISSN:  2410-4280

Background: over the past decade, there was an active search of new diagnostic methods of prostate cancer, providing a more accurate assessment of its outcomes.

Aim: to conduct a systematic search for scientific information on the evaluation of promising biomarkers used to diagnose prostate cancer.

Materials and methods. The search for scientific publications was carried out in evidence-based medicine databases (PubMed, Cochrane Library, TripDatabase, ResearchGate) and in electronic scientific libraries (CyberLeninka). Initially, the decision was made to limit the search by the period of 10 years (from January, 2007 to November, 2017), however, due to the limited number of publications found, we expanded our search interval to the period of 15 years (from January 2002 to November 2017). Firstly, the search was carried in automatic mode, after which the search became "manual", which allowed us to reveal a number of additional publications. The inclusion criteria were: 1) papers published in English, Russian and Spanish languages; 2) trials conducted on humans; 3) trials considering only clinically-significant outcomes of prostate cancer (overall mortality cancer-specific mortality, disease-free survival). The exclusion criteria was the publication’s failure to meet the above described inclusion criteria.

Results: all biological markers included in this review can be identified by immunohistochemical studies of prostate tissue samples, obtained through tissue biopsy or prostatectomy. An analysis of the available literature sources made it possible to identify 9 protein molecules whose ability to predict significant clinical outcomes of the disease (survival and mortality) was evaluated in clinical trials.

Conclusions: there is a limited number of publications in the available literature sources dedicated to the capacity of tissue biomarkers to assess prostate cancer outcomes, which justifies the need for further prospective cohort studies. In addition, it seems reasonable to evaluate the combined effect of proteins belonging to different functional groups, which will allow to develop the individualized treatment schemes.

Key words: immunohistochemistry, prostate cancer, tissue biomarkers, survival, mortality.

Erlan А. Ospanov 1,

Тasbolat А. Аdylkhanov 1,

Sholpan Е. Тоkanova 1,

Yuliya М. Semenova 1,

Nataliya S. Kulabukhova 1,

Marzhan А. Dauletyarova 1,

Malcolm A. Moore 2

1 Semey State Medical University,

Semey, Kazakhstan;

2 Director-Coordination, Asia Pacific Organization for Cancer Prevention,

Korean Cancer Center, Goyang, Korea.


1.         Бирюков В.А., Корякин О.Б., Свиридова Т.В. Лечение гормонорезистентного рака предстательной железы // Российский онкологический журнал. 2005. № 4. С. 46—50

2.         Гржибовский А.М., Иванов С.В. Когортные исследования в здравоохранении // Наука и здравоохранение. 2015. №3. С. 5-16

3.         Гржибовский А.М., Иванов С.В., Горбатова М.А. Исследования типа «случай-контроль» в здравоохранении / / Наука и Здравоохранение. 2015. № 4. С. 5-17.

4.         Зезеров Е.Г. Гормональные и молекулярно-биологические факторы патоге-неза рака предстательной железы // Вопросы онкологии. 2001. Т. 47. № 2. С. 174—181

5.         Пожарский К.М., Лееман Е.Е. Про-гностическое и предсказательное значение иммуногистохимических маркеров при онкологических заболеваниях // Материалы III Съезда онкологов и радиологов стран СНГ, Минск, 25-28 мая 2004 г. С. 113—116

6.         Приказ и.о. Министра здравоохранения Республики Казахстан № 8 от 8 января 2013 года «О внедрении скрининга на раннее выявление рака пищевода, желудка, печени и предстательной железы в пилотных регионах. Доступно: (по состоянию на 25.11.2017 г.)

7.         Фильченков Ф.А. Терапевтическое использование модуляторов апоптоза в онкологической практике: реалии и перспективы // «Онкология XXI»: Труды науч.-практ. конф., Киев, 9-10 октября 2003 г. С. 10.

8.         Bin W., He W., Feng Z., Xiangdong L., Yong C., Lele K., Hongbin Z., Honglin G. Prognostic relevance of cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) expression in Chinese patients with prostate cancer. Acta Histochem 2011;113:131–6

9.         Borre M., Stausbol-Gron B., Nerstrom B., Overgaard J. Immunohistochemical BCL-2 and Ki-67 expression predict survival in prostate cancer patients followed expectantly. Prostate Cancer Prostatic Dis. 1998;1:268–75

10.     Boxler S., Djonov V., Kessler T.M., Hlushchuk R., Bachmann L.M., Held U., Markwalder R., Thalmann G.N. Matrix metalloproteinases and angiogenic factors: predictors of survival after radical prostatectomy for clinically organ-confined prostate cancer? Am J Pathol. 2010;177:2216–24

11.     Bruno S., Darzynkiewicz Z. Cell cycle dependent expression and stability of the nuclear protein detected by Ki-67 antibody in HL-60 cells. Cell Proliferation 1992; 25 (1): 31–40

12.     Bullwinkel J., Baron-Lühr B., Lüdemann A., Wohlenberg C., Gerdes J., Scholzen T. Ki-67 protein is associated with ribosomal RNA transcription in quiescent and proliferating cells. J. Cell. Physiol 2006; 206 (3): 624–35

13.     Chakravarti A., Heydon K., Wu C.L., Hammond E., Pollack A., Roach M., Wolkov H., Okunieff P., Cox J., Fontanesi J., Abrams R., Pilepich M., Shipley W. Loss of p16 expression is of prognostic significance in locally advanced prostate cancer: an analysis from the Radiation Therapy Oncology Group protocol 86-10. J Clin Oncol 2003;21:3328–34

14.     Concato J., Jain D., Li W.W., Risch H.A., Uchio E.M., Wells C.K. Molecular markers and mortality in prostate cancer. BJU Int. 2007 Dec;100(6):1259-63.

15.     Cuylen S., Blaukopf C., Politi A.Z., Müller-Reichert T., Neumann B., Poser I., Ellenberg J., Hyman A.A., Gerlich D.W. Ki-67 acts as a biological surfactant to disperse mitotic chromosomes. Nature 2016; 535 (7611): 308–12

16.     Darzynkiewicz Z., Zhao H., Zhang S., Lee M.Y., Lee E.Y., Zhang Z. Initiation and termination of DNA replication during S phase in relation to cyclins D1, E and A, p21WAF1, Cdt1 and the p12 subunit of DNA polymerase δ revealed in individual cells by cytometry. Oncotarget 2015; 6 (14): 11735–50

17.     Dunsmuir W.D., Gillett C.E., Meyer L.C., Young M.P., Corbishley C., Eeles R.A., Kirby R.S. Molecular markers for predicting prostate cancer stage and survival. BJU Int 2000;86:869–7

18.     Fero M.L., Rivkin M., Tasch M., Porter P., Carow C.E., Firpo E., Polyak K., Tsai L.H., Broudy V., Perlmutter R.M., Kaushansky K., Roberts J.M. A syndrome of multiorgan hyperplasia with features of gigantism, tumorigenesis, and female sterility in p27(Kip1)-deficient mice. Cell 1996;85 (5): 733–44

19.     Gleave M.E., Miayake H., Goldie J., Nelson C., Tolcher A. Targeting bcl-2 gene to delay androgen-independent progression and enhance chemosensitivity in prostate cancer using antisense bcl-2 oligodeoxynucleotides. Urology. 1999 Dec;54(6A Suppl):36-46

20.     Hla T., Neilson K. Human cyclooxygenase-2 cDNA. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci 1992; U.S.A. 89 (16): 7384–8

21.     Khor L.Y., Bae K., Paulus R., Al-Saleem T., Elizabeth H.M, Grignon D.J., Che M., Venkatesan V., Byhardt R.W., Rotman M., Hanks G.E., Sandler H.M., Pollack A. MDM2 and Ki-67 predict for distant metastasis and mortality in men treated with radiotherapy and androgen deprivation for prostate cancer: RTOG 92-02. Am J Clin Oncol 2009;27:3177–84

22.     Krajewska M., Krajewski S., Epstein J.I., Shabaik A., Sauvageot J., Song K., Kitada S., Reed J.C. Immunohistochemical analysis of bcl-2, bax, bcl-X, and mcl-1 expression in prostate cancers. Am J Pathol. 1996 May;148(5):1567-76

23.     Kudahetti S., Fisher G., Ambroisine L., Foster C., Reuter V., Eastham J., Møller H., Kattan M.W., Cooper C.S., Scardino P., Cuzick J., Berney D.M. p53 immunochemistry is an independent prognostic marker for outcome in conservatively treated prostate cancer. BJU Int 2009;104:20–4

24.     Kudahetti S.C., Fisher G., Ambroisine L., Prowse D., Kattan M.W., Foster C.S., Møller H, Oliver T., Fletcher A., Cooper C., Reuter V., Scardino P., Cuzick J., Berney D.M. Immunohistochemistry for p16, but not Rb or p21, is an independent predictor of prognosis in conservatively treated, clinically localised prostate cancer. Pathology 2010;42:519–23

25.     Lavi A., Cohen M. Prostate cancer early detection using PSA – current trends and recent updates. Harefuah. 2017 Mar;(3):185-188

26.     Lipponen P., Vesalainen S. Expression of the apoptosis suppressing protein bcl-2 in prostatic adenocarcinoma is related to tumor malignancy. Prostate. 1997 Jun 15;32(1):9-15

27.     Li T., Su Y., Mei Y., Leng Q., Leng B., Liu Z., Stass S.A., Jiang F. ALDH1A1 is a marker for malignant prostate stem cells and predictor of prostate cancer patients' outcome. Lab Invest 2010;90:234–44

28.     Mahal B.A., Chen Y.W., Muralidhar V., Mahal A.R., Choueiri T.K., Hoffman K.E., Hu J.C., Sweeney C.J., Yu J.B., Feng F.Y., Kim S.P., Beard C.J., Martin N.E., Trinh Q.D., Nguyen P.L. Racial disparities in prostate cancer outcome among prostate-specific antigen screening eligible populations in the United States. Ann Oncol. 2017 May 1;28(5):1098-1104

29.     Menter D.G., Schilsky R.L., DuBois R.N. Cyclooxygenase-2 and cancer treatment: understanding the risk should be worth the reward. Clin. Cancer Res 2010; 16 (5): 1384–90

30.     Nagase H., Woessner J.F. Matrix metalloproteinases. The Journal of Biological Chemistry 1999;274 (31): 21491–4

31.     Nakayama K., Ishida N., Shirane M., Inomata A., Inoue T., Shishido .N, Horii I., Loh D.Y., Nakayama K. Mice lacking p27(Kip1) display increased body size, multiple organ hyperplasia, retinal dysplasia, and pituitary tumors. Cell 1996; 85 (5): 707–20

32.     Nobori T., Miura K., Wu D.J., Lois A., Takabayashi K., Carson D.A. Deletions of the cyclin-dependent kinase-4 inhibitor gene in multiple human cancers. Nature 1994; 368 (6473): 753–6

33.     PDQ Screening and Prevention Editorial Board. Prostate Cancer Screening. Bethesda (MD): National Cancer Institute (US); 2017. Доступно:

34.     Pereira F., Rosenmann E., Nylen E., Kaufman M., Pinsky L., Wrogemann K. The 56 kDa androgen binding protein is an aldehyde dehydrogenase. Biochem Biophys. Res. Commun 1991;175 (3): 831–8

35.     Polyak K., Lee M.H., Erdjument-Bromage H., Koff A., Roberts J.M., Tempst P., Massagué J. Cloning of p27Kip1, a cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor and a potential mediator of extracellular antimitogenic signals. Cell 2004; 78 (1): 59–66

36.     Pollack A., Cowen D., Troncoso P., Zagars G.K., von Eschenbach A.C., Meistrich M.L., McDonnell T. Molecular markers of outcome after radiotherapy in patients with prostate carcinoma: Ki-67, bcl-2, bax, and bcl-x. Cancer 2003;97:1630–8

37.     Rahmanzadeh R., Hüttmann G., Gerdes J., Scholzen T. Chromophore-assisted light inactivation of pKi-67 leads to inhibition of ribosomal RNA synthesis. Cell Prolif 2007; 40 (3): 422–30

38.     Rayess H., Wang M.B., Srivatsan E.S. Cellular senescence and tumor suppressor gene p16. International Journal of Cancer 2012;130 (8): 1715–25

39.     Revelos K., Petraki C., Gregorakis A., Scorilas A., Papanastasiou P., Tenta R., Koutsilieris M. p27(kip1) and Ki-67 (MIB1) immunohistochemical expression in radical prostatectomy specimens of patients with clinically localized prostate cancer. In vivo 2005;19:911–20

40.     Richardsen E., Uglehus R.D., Due J., Busch C., Busund L.T. COX-2 is overexpressed in primary prostate cancer with metastatic potential and may predict survival. A comparison study between COX-2, TGF-beta, IL-10 and Ki67. Cancer Epidemiol 2010;34:316–22

41.     Ritter M.A., Gilchrist K.W., Voytovich M., Chappell R.J., Verhoven B.M. The role of p53 in radiation therapy outcomes for favorable-to-intermediate-risk prostate cancer. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 2002;53:574–80

42.     Sivaraman A. Bhat KRS. Screening and Detection of Prostate Cancer-Review of Literature and Current Perspective. Indian J Surg Oncol. 2017 Jun;8(2):160-168

43.     Sonnenblick A., Francis P.A., Azim H.A., de Azambuja E., Nordenskjöld B., Gutiérez J., Quinaux E., Mastropasqua M.G., Ameye L., Anderson M., Lluch A., Gnant M., Goldhirsch A., Di Leo A., Barnadas A., Cortes-Funes H., Piccart M., Crown J. Final 10-year results of the Breast International Group 2-98 phase III trial and the role of Ki67 in predicting benefit of adjuvant docetaxel in patients with oestrogen receptor positive breast cancer. European Journal of Cancer 2015; 51 (12): 1481–9

44.     Van den Steen P.E., Dubois B., Nelissen, I., Rudd P.M., Dwek R.A., Opdenakker G. Biochemistry and molecular biology of gelatinase B or matrix metalloproteinase-9 (MMP-9). Crit Rev Biochem Mol Biol 2002; 37(6): 375–536

45.     Vis A.N., Noordzij M.A., Fitoz K., Wildhagen M.F., Schroder F.H., van der Kwast T.H. Prognostic value of cell cycle proteins p27(kip1) and MIB-1, and the cell adhesion protein CD44s in surgically treated patients with prostate cancer. Br J Urol 2000;164:2156–61

46.     WHO (2011). Global Status Report on Non-Communicable Diseases 2010. Geneva: WHO. Доступ: (дата посещения: 25.11.2017)

47.     WHO (2013). The top 10 causes of death. Доступно: (дата посещения: 25.11.2017)

48.     World Cancer Report. 2014. С. 17. Доступно: (дата посещения: 25.11.2017)

49.     Yerushalmi R., Woods R., Ravdin P.M., Hayes M.M., Gelmon K.A. Ki67 in breast cancer: prognostic and predictive potential. The Lancet. Oncology 2010; 11 (2): 174–83

50.     Zelefsky M.J., Eastham J.A., Sartor A.O. Cancer of the prostate. Cancer: Principles and Practice of Oncology. 9th ed. Philadelphia, Pa: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2011, pp 1220-71

51.     Zhao L., Yu N., Guo T., Hou Y., Zeng Z., Yang X., Hu P., Tang X., Wang J., Liu M. Tissue biomarkers for prognosis of prostate cancer: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev. 2014 Jun;23(6):1047-54



1.         Biryukov V.A., Koryakin O.B., Sviridova T.V. Lechenie gormonorezistentnogo raka predstatelnoy zhelezyi [The treatment of hormone resistant prostate cancer]. Ross. onkol. Zhur [Russian journal of oncology]. 2005. № 4. pp. 46—50 [in Russian]

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8.         Bin W., He W., Feng Z., Xiangdong L., Yong C., Lele K., Hongbin Z., Honglin G. Prognostic relevance of cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) expression in Chinese patients with prostate cancer. Acta Histochem 2011;113:131–6

9.         Borre M., Stausbol-Gron B., Nerstrom B., Overgaard J. Immunohistochemical BCL-2 and Ki-67 expression predict survival in prostate cancer patients followed expectantly. Prostate Cancer Prostatic Dis.1998;1:268–75

10.     Boxler S., Djonov V., Kessler T.M., Hlushchuk R., Bachmann L.M., Held U., Markwalder R., Thalmann G.N. Matrix metalloproteinases and angiogenic factors: predictors of survival after radical prostatectomy for clinically organ-confined prostate cancer? Am J Pathol 2010;177:2216–24

11.     Bruno S., Darzynkiewicz Z. Cell cycle dependent expression and stability of the nuclear protein detected by Ki-67 antibody in HL-60 cells. Cell Proliferation. 1992; 25 (1): 31–40

12.     Bullwinkel J., Baron-Lühr B., Lüdemann A., Wohlenberg C., Gerdes J., Scholzen T. Ki-67 protein is associated with ribosomal RNA transcription in quiescent and proliferating cells. J. Cell. Physiol. 2006; 206 (3): 624–35

13.     Chakravarti A., Heydon K., Wu C.L., Hammond E., Pollack A., Roach M., Wolkov H., Okunieff P., Cox J., Fontanesi J., Abrams R., Pilepich M., Shipley W. Loss of p16 expression is of prognostic significance in locally advanced prostate cancer: an analysis from the Radiation Therapy Oncology Group protocol 86-10. J Clin Oncol. 2003;21:3328–34

14.     Concato J., Jain D., Li W.W., Risch H.A., Uchio E.M., Wells C.K. Molecular markers and mortality in prostate cancer. BJU Int. 2007 Dec;100(6):1259-63.

15.     Cuylen S., Blaukopf C., Politi A.Z., Müller-Reichert T., Neumann B., Poser I., Ellenberg J., Hyman A.A., Gerlich D.W. Ki-67 acts as a biological surfactant to disperse mitotic chromosomes. Nature. 2016; 535 (7611): 308–12

16.     Darzynkiewicz Z., Zhao H., Zhang S., Lee M.Y., Lee E.Y., Zhang Z. Initiation and termination of DNA replication during S phase in relation to cyclins D1, E and A, p21WAF1, Cdt1 and the p12 subunit of DNA polymerase δ revealed in individual cells by cytometry. Oncotarget. 2015; 6 (14): 11735–50

17.     Dunsmuir W.D., Gillett C.E., Meyer L.C., Young M.P., Corbishley C., Eeles R.A., Kirby R.S. Molecular markers for predicting prostate cancer stage and survival. BJU Int. 2000;86:869–7

18.     Fero M.L., Rivkin M., Tasch M., Porter P., Carow C.E., Firpo E., Polyak K., Tsai L.H., Broudy V., Perlmutter R.M., Kaushansky K., Roberts J.M. A syndrome of multiorgan hyperplasia with features of gigantism, tumorigenesis, and female sterility in p27(Kip1)-deficient mice. Cell. 1996;85 (5): 733–44

19.     Gleave M.E., Miayake H., Goldie J., Nelson C., Tolcher A. Targeting bcl-2 gene to delay androgen-independent progression and enhance chemosensitivity in prostate cancer using antisense bcl-2 oligodeoxynucleotides. Urology. 1999 Dec;54(6A Suppl):36-46

20.     Hla T., Neilson K. Human cyclooxygenase-2 cDNA. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci 1992; U.S.A. 89 (16): 7384–8

21.     Khor L.Y., Bae K., Paulus R., Al-Saleem T., Elizabeth Hammond M., Grignon D.J., Che M., Venkatesan V., Byhardt R.W., Rotman M., Hanks G.E., Sandler H.M., Pollack A. MDM2 and Ki-67 predict for distant metastasis and mortality in men treated with radiotherapy and androgen deprivation for prostate cancer: RTOG 92-02. Am J Clin Oncol 2009;27:3177–84.

22.     Krajewska M., Krajewski S., Epstein J.I., Shabaik A., Sauvageot J., Song K., Kitada S., Reed J.C. Immunohistochemical analysis of bcl-2, bax, bcl-X, and mcl-1 expression in prostate cancers. Am J Pathol. 1996 May;148(5):1567-76

23.     Kudahetti S., Fisher G., Ambroisine L., Foster C., Reuter V., Eastham J., Møller H., Kattan M.W., Cooper C.S., Scardino P., Cuzick J., Berney D.M. p53 immunochemistry is an independent prognostic marker for outcome in conservatively treated prostate cancer. BJU Int 2009;104:20–4

24.     Kudahetti S.C., Fisher G., Ambroisine L., Prowse D., Kattan M.W., Foster C.S., Møller H., Oliver T., Fletcher A., Cooper C., Reuter V., Scardino P., Cuzick J., Berney D.M. Immunohistochemistry for p16, but not Rb or p21, is an independent predictor of prognosis in conservatively treated, clinically localised prostate cancer. Pathology. 2010;42:519–23

25.     Lavi A., Cohen M. Prostate cancer early detection using PSA – current trends and recent updates. Harefuah. 2017 Mar;(3):185-188

26.     Lipponen P., Vesalainen S. Expression of the apoptosis suppressing protein bcl-2 in prostatic adenocarcinoma is related to tumor malignancy. Prostate. 1997 Jun 15;32(1):9-15

27.     Li T., Su Y., Mei Y., Leng Q., Leng B., Liu Z., Stass S.A., Jiang F. ALDH1A1 is a marker for malignant prostate stem cells and predictor of prostate cancer patients' outcome. Lab Invest 2010;90:234–44

28.     Mahal B.A., Chen Y.W., Muralidhar V., Mahal A.R., Choueiri T.K., Hoffman K.E., Hu J.C., Sweeney C.J., Yu J.B., Feng F.Y., Kim S.P., Beard C.J., Martin N.E., Trinh Q.D., Nguyen P.L. Racial disparities in prostate cancer outcome among prostate-specific antigen screening eligible populations in the United States. Ann Oncol. 2017 May 1;28(5):1098-1104

29.     Menter D.G., Schilsky R.L., DuBois R.N. Cyclooxygenase-2 and cancer treatment: understanding the risk should be worth the reward. Clin. Cancer Res. 2010; 16(5): 1384–90

30.     Nagase H., Woessner J.F. Matrix metalloproteinases. The Journal of Biological Chemistry. 1999;274 (31): 21491–4

31.     Nakayama K., Ishida N., Shirane M., Inomata A., Inoue T., Shishido N., Horii I., Loh D.Y., Nakayama K. Mice lacking p27(Kip1) display increased body size, multiple organ hyperplasia, retinal dysplasia, and pituitary tumors. Cell. 1996; 85 (5): 707–20

32.     Nobori T., Miura K., Wu D.J., Lois A., Takabayashi K., Carson D.A. Deletions of the cyclin-dependent kinase-4 inhibitor gene in multiple human cancers. Nature 1994; 368 (6473): 753–6

33.     PDQ Screening and Prevention Editorial Board. Prostate Cancer Screening. Bethesda (MD): National Cancer Institute (US); 2017. Доступно:

34.     Pereira F., Rosenmann E., Nylen E., Kaufman M., Pinsky L., Wrogemann K. The 56 kDa androgen binding protein is an aldehyde dehydrogenase. Biochem Biophys. Res. Commun 1991;175 (3): 831–8

35.     Polyak K., Lee M.H., Erdjument-Bromage H., Koff A., Roberts J.M., Tempst P., Massagué J. Cloning of p27Kip1, a cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor and a potential mediator of extracellular antimitogenic signals. Cell 2004; 78 (1): 59–66

36.     Pollack A., Cowen D., Troncoso P., Zagars G.K., von Eschenbach A.C., Meistrich M.L, McDonnell T. Molecular markers of outcome after radiotherapy in patients with prostate carcinoma: Ki-67, bcl-2, bax, and bcl-x. Cancer. 2003;97:1630–8

37.     Rahmanzadeh R., Hüttmann G., Gerdes J., Scholzen T. Chromophore-assisted light inactivation of pKi-67 leads to inhibition of ribosomal RNA synthesis. Cell Prolif 2007; 40 (3): 422–30

38.     Rayess H., Wang M.B., Srivatsan E.S. Cellular senescence and tumor suppressor gene p16. International Journal of Cancer 2012;130 (8): 1715–25

39.     Revelos K., Petraki C., Gregorakis A., Scorilas A., Papanastasiou .P, Tenta R., Koutsilieris M. p27(kip1) and Ki-67 (MIB1) immunohistochemical expression in radical prostatectomy specimens of patients with clinically localized prostate cancer. In vivo 2005;19:911–20

40.     Richardsen E., Uglehus R.D., Due J., Busch C., Busund L.T. COX-2 is overexpressed in primary prostate cancer with metastatic potential and may predict survival. A comparison study between COX-2, TGF-beta, IL-10 and Ki67. Cancer Epidemiol. 2010;34:316–22

41.     Ritter M.A., Gilchrist K.W., Voytovich M., Chappell R.J., Verhoven B.M. The role of p53 in radiation therapy outcomes for favorable-to-intermediate-risk prostate cancer. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys. 2002;53:574–80

42.     Sivaraman A., Bhat K.R.S. Screening and Detection of Prostate Cancer-Review of Literature and Current Perspective. Indian J Surg Oncol. 2017. Jun;8(2):160-168

43.     Sonnenblick A., Francis P.A., Azim H.A., de Azambuja E. Nordenskjöld B., Gutiérez J., Quinaux E., Mastropasqua M.G., Ameye L., Anderson M., Lluch A., Gnant M., Goldhirsch A., Di Leo A., Barnadas A., Cortes-Funes H., Piccart M., Crown J. Final 10-year results of the Breast International Group 2-98 phase III trial and the role of Ki67 in predicting benefit of adjuvant docetaxel in patients with oestrogen receptor positive breast cancer. European Journal of Cancer. 2015; 51 (12): 1481–9

44.     Van den Steen, Nelissen I.; Rudd P.M.; Dwek R.A. Opdenakker G. Biochemistry and molecular biology of gelatinase B or matrix metalloproteinase-9 (MMP-9). Crit Rev Biochem Mol Biol 2002; 37(6): 375–536

45.     Vis AN, Noordzij MA, Fitoz K, Wildhagen MF, Schroder FH, van der Kwast TH. Prognostic value of cell cycle proteins p27(kip1) and MIB-1, and the cell adhesion protein CD44s in surgically treated patients with prostate cancer. Br J Urol 2000;164:2156–61

46.     WHO (2011). Global Status Report on Non-Communicable Diseases 2010. Geneva: WHO. Available at:: (date of access: 25.11.2017)

47.     WHO (2013). The top 10 causes of death. Available at: (date of access: 25.11.2017)

48.     World Cancer Report. — 2014. — С. 17. Available at: (date of access: 25.11.2017)

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Ospanov E.А., Аdylkhanov Т.А., Тоkanova Sh.Е., Semenova Yu.М., Kulabukhova N.S., Dauletyarova M.А., Moore M.A. Immunohistochemistry in the diagnostics of prostate cancer. Nauka i Zdravookhranenie [Science & Healthcare]. 2017, 6, pp. 131-146.

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