Online ISSN: 3007-0244,
Print ISSN:  2410-4280

Introduction: The main evidential base of diagnosis of tuberculosis and drug resistance is microbiological diagnostics. In the conditions of the growing threat of tuberculosis with multiple/wide drug resistance one of key aspects of anti-tuberculosis work is the right choice of fast and reliable diagnostic methods.

Research aim: the analysis of literature on current state of microbiological diagnosis of tuberculosis, including with drug resistance in Kazakhstan and some foreign countries

Research strategy: it was carried out the search of scientific publications in databases of evidential medicine (PubMed, Cochrane Library, ResearchGate) and in the electronic scientific libraries (CyberLeninka). The depth of search is 10 years (2007-2017). The inclusion criteria were: reports on randomized and cohort studies conducted on large populations; Meta-analyzes and systematic reviews. The summary of reports, newspaper publications and personal messages became criteria of an exception. 149 publications on this subject have been found, 55 of them answered to the purposes of our research.

Results: In recent years in diagnosis of tuberculosis important breaks have been made. The modern methods which are available today at laboratories allow to confirm a tuberculosis etiology of a disease with high probability and to define drug resistance of the microorganism. At the same time, nowadays there is no diagnostic test that meets all requirements of a "fast", "inexpensive" and "simple".

Conclusions: Further introduction of molecular-genetic methods and a research of the new technologies market for diagnosis of tuberculosis and drug resistance is necessary, relying on quality, availability and economic efficiency of expenses.

Keywords: diagnostic tests on tuberculosis, tuberculosis with multiple/wide drug resistance.

1 Dina D. Chunkayeva,

1 Anargul A. Mansurova,


1 The Department of children's infectious diseases and phtysiatry,

State Medical University, Semey city, Semey, Kazakhstan


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Category of articles: Reviews

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Chunkayeva D.D., Mansurova A.A. To the question of microbiological diagnosis of tuberculosis and drug resistance. Literature review. Nauka i Zdravookhranenie [Science & Healthcare]. 2017, 6, pp. 116-130.

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