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Introduction. Nasvay is one of the smokeless tobacco, which is very popular in Central Asia. Sublingual use of which reinforces the effect of the toxic ingredients, primarily on the heart, blood vessels, the nervous system, and then accelerates addictive.

The purpose of the study. To conduct a quantitative and qualitative chemical compositional analysis of a smoke-free tobacco nasvay, one kind of a smokeless tobacco and to compare it with GOTHIATEK standard.

Materials and methods. The study of the chemical composition nasvay one of the types of smokeless tobacco was held at the Laboratory Research & Development, Chemical Analysis, Swedish Match Scandinavia Division SE-118 85 Stockholm Sweden. Nasvay had been bought on the market of Karaganda. Multiple and batch method of analysis of pesticides in tobacco and tobacco products has been conducted. Theoretical probability of the occurrence of substances concentration in the compared specimen with GOTHIATEK standard has been researched through z-test. Critical level of distinction has been revealed on the level no less than (<) 0,05. The calculation has been conducted in SAS software.

Results. In the study we found no pesticide residues. Bacterial inoculation showed us the high dissemination of bacteria in two batches of nasvay that indicates a lack of sterile (clean) conditions during manufacture, transport and storage nasvay. In tobacco nasvay we found a large number of nitrite ions in comparison with indicators of the standard GOTHIATEK. Level of Tobacco-specific N-nitrosamines (TSNA) was either just above or consistent with GOTHIATEK, like Swedish snus, which indicators are within the normal standard GOTHIATEK. In the study of different samples of impurities nasvai, we found the same elements, such as benzo (a) pyrene, chromium, nickel, cadmium, lead and arsenic. This suggests that they were made in one way. But due to the fact that the amount of these elements between samples differs dramatically from one another, this means that the production of nasvai occurred with handicraft methods and ingredients for its production were added without accurate accounting. The number of chromium, nickel, cadmium, lead and arsenic are overstated of standard GOTHIATEK.

Conclusions. Nasvay is dangerous to human; according to literature data the revealed by us components have toxic or carcinogenic activity.

Meiram U. Raganin1,

Ulf Zätterström2,

Johan Lindholm3


1 Dental Clinic "SPS", Astana, Kazakhstan;

2 Clinic Aleris AB, Stockholm, Sweden;

3 Laboratory Research & Development, Chemical Analysis,

Swedish Match Scandinavia Division SE-118 85, Stockholm, Sweden.

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23.     Brunnemann K., Qi J., Hoffmann D. Aging of oral moist snuff and the yields of tobacco-specific N-nitrosamines (TSNA). American Health Foundation. Valhalla. N.Y. 2001. URL:

24.     Casale G.P., Singhal M., Bhattacharya S. et al. (2001). Detection and quantification of depurinated benzo[a]pyrene - adducted DNA bases in the urine of cigarette smokers and women exposed to household coal smoke. Chem Res Toxicol. 14, 2001, pp.192–201.

25.     Foulds J., Furberg H. Is low-nicotine Marlboro snus really snus? Harm Reduct J. 2008, pp. 5-9

26.     Foulds J., Ramstrom L., Burke M., Fagerström K. Effect of smokeless tobacco (snus) on smoking and public health in Sweden. Tob Control. 2003, 12 (4), pp. 349–359.

27.     Frank A. Patty, Industrial hygiene and toxicology. Vol. II. New York. 1963, 1546 p.

28.     Godleski J. J., Melnicoff M. J., Sadri S., Garbeil P. Effects of inhaled ammonium sulfate on benzo[a]pyrene carcinogenesis. J Toxicol Environ Health. 1984, 14, p. 225–238.

29.     GOTHIATEK® limits for undesired components. URL:

30.     Idris A., Ahmed H., Malik M. Toombak dipping and cancer of the oral cavity in the Sudan: a case-control study. Int J Cancer. 1995. Vol.63. pp. 477–480.

31.     Idris A., Ibrahim S., Vasstrand E., Johannessen A., Lillehaug J., Magnusson B. et al. The Swedish snus and the Sudanese toombak: are they different? Oral Oncol. 1998, Vol.34. pp. 558-566.

32.     Lars E. Rutqvist, Margareta Curvall, Thord Hassler, Tommy Ringberger and Inger Wahlberg. Swedish snus and the GOTHIATEK® standard. Harm Reduct J. 2011, pp. 8-11.

33.     O¨sterdahl B. Slorach S. Tobacco-specific N-nitrosamines in the saliva of habitual male snuff dippers. Food Addit. Contam. 1988, 5, pp. 581-586.

34.     Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbons. In: Guidelines for Drinking-water Quality, 2nd ed. Vol. 2. Health Criteria and other Supporting Information. Geneva, World Health Organization, pp. 123-152.: (WHO, 1987; LAI, 1992)

35.     Rodu B., Jansson C. Smokeless tobacco and oral cancer: a review of the risks and determinants. Crit Rev Oral Biol Med. 2004, Vol.15, pp. 252-263.

36.     Rosenquist K., Wennerberg J., Schildt E., Bladstro’m A. & Andersson G. Use of Swedish moist snuff, smoking and alcohol consumption in the aetiology of oral and oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma. A population-based case-control study in southern Sweden. 1Acta Oto-Laryngologica. 2005, pp. 991-998.

37.     Smith DM, Rogers AE, Newberne PM. Vitamin A and benzapyrene carcinogenesis in the respiratory tract of hamsters fed a semisynthetic diet. Cancer Res. 1975, 35, pp. 1485–1488.

38.     Swedish Match quality standard. URL:

39.     Watanabe KH, Djordjevic MV, Stellman SD et al. Incremental lifetime cancer risks computed for benzapyrene and two tobacco-specific N-nitrosamines in mainstream cigarette smoke compared with lung cancer risks derived from epidemiologic data. Regul Toxicol Pharmacol. 2009, 55, pp. 123–133.

40.      World Health Organization (WHO): WHO Study Group on Tobacco Product regulation. Report on the scientific basis of tobacco product regulation: third report of a WHO study group. In WHO Technical Report Series. Volume 955. Geneva: WHO; 2009

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Bibliography link

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