Online ISSN: 3007-0244,
Print ISSN:  2410-4280
Author(s): Yаnishen I.V.
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Today, in the treatment of fixed prosthetic constructions is extremely important the use of temporary crowns in order to adapt the impression area, restoration of chewing function and increasing of quality of life of patients already on treatment stages. In this aspect significant is the level of residual monomer content, as it is known from experimental and clinical studies, methyl methacrylate is histotoxic substances.

The aim of this work was the research in conditions of clinics determination of efficiency of manufacturing plastic crowns, while ensuring the reduction of the residual monomer and to determine the effect of it on immuno-metabolic profile of patients.

Methods. Important for clinical dentistry problems that require solutions in the context of improving the treatment of patients, are decrease the level of residual monomer in order to prevent exposure toxical and allergic effects of plastics orthopedic structures.

According to the results of clinical application and study of immuno-metabolic profile 128 patients for who were made temporary crowns by direct method to the standard (61 patients) and enhanceted (67 patients) method proved that in a group of patients whose treatment was performed without vacuum temporary structures occur immuno-metabolic changes as increasing the activity of enzymatic chain of oxidative homeostasis of the oral mucosa, which depended on the volume of the prosthesis.

Conclusions. General analysis immuno-metabolic changes in patients of the studied groups at different stages of treatment showed that compared with baseline after the installation of temporary crowns is an increase in the content of almost all indicators of activation of the enzymatic chain of the oxidative homeostasis of the mucous membranes of the oral cavity. The most informative is the increase in the relative content of catalase as an indicator of functional changes and activation of enzymatic chains. After the installation of the fixed prosthetic construction, the most informative are to increase the levels of glutathione reduced and the increase in levels of sIgA. During the commit phase of temporary crowns functional state of the mucous membranes of the oral cavity is characterized by compensatory reaction of oxidative homeostasis that is manifested by the restructuring of the functional state of enzymatic chains. In the group of patients, treatment was performed without pumping out the temporary crowns with the number of orthopedic elements more than three compensatory reaction in the oxidative homeostasis of the oral mucous membrane a corresponding increase in sIgA level, suggesting a more deep immuno-metabolic changes and may indicate the need to use antioxidant agents.

Igor V. Yаnishen;


Department of orthopedic dentistry,

Kharkiv National Medical University, Kharkiv, Ukraine

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Bibliography link

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