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A comparative evaluation was performed on operated patients from 2008 till 2015 in Medical Center of Semey State Medical University.  All patients in the main group were operated by author’s technique. Introduced technique has some advantages over traditional techniques, and also it is universal intervention for large inguinal-scrotal and recurrent hernias.

The aim. Is to give comparative analysis of effectiveness of given tension-free technique with traditional Bassini method of surgical treatment in large inguinal-scrotal and recurrent inguinal hernias.

Materials and methods. 155 operated patients on inguinal hernia were included to the research. 78 patients were operated by Bassini method, and were called clinical comparison group. The introduced method tension-free plasty was performed on 77 patients, and they were included in the main group.

Results. The time that was needed to perform operation by Bassini method took 61,4 ± 9,6 min. The duration of time that was spent on operation by introduced tension-free technique was 56,8 ± 9,9 min. we have tracked the results of surgical treatment of 62 patients in main group, and 58 in the group of clinical comparison in the duration from 3 month till 3 years. The recurrence of inguinal hernia in the main group was not observed, in the group of clinical comparison 3 recurrent inguinal hernias were observed. Also it is noted that the post-operative pain and discomfort in the area of operation by the introduced tension-free technique was less that in the group of clinical comparison. 14 (18%) patients in the group of clinical comparison noted pain in the area of operation. in the main group 7 (9%) patients complained of rare painful feelings in the area of operation.

Conclusion. Introduced technique of tension-free hernioplasty has all advantages that contain modern tension-free plasty methods. Introduced technique can compete in efficiency with other tension-free techniques, and can be used in II, IIIА, IIIВ, IV types of hernias. Tension-free plasty is easily performed, can rapidly and reliably eliminate yhe inguinal hernia, more over it has less discomfort post-operative complications in the comparison with Bassini technique

Aydar D. Raimkhanov 1,

Meyrbek Zh. Aymagambetov 1,

Yoshihiro Noso 2,

Dauren B. Auzhanov 1,

Medet A. Auenov 1,

Zhandos Y. Zhagniyev 1,


1Semey State Medical University, Department of internship in surgery.

Republic of Kazakhstan

2Shimane Medical University, Faculty of Medicine, Department of General Surgery, Ohada General Medicine Education Center. Japan

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11. Mukesh P., Praveen Sh., Patel G.R. Retrospective Study of Repair of Inguinal Hernia by Various Methods of Surgery, Comparing their Results and rate of Complications in the Teaching Institute of South Gujarat. Gujarat medical journal. 2012. Vol.67, 2, pp. 22-24.

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13. Parviz K. Amid. Lichtenstein tension-free hernioplasty: Its inception, evolution, and principles. Hernia. 2004. 8. pp. 1–7. DOI:http://dx.doi.org10.1007/s10029-003-0160-y

14. Raimkhanov A. D., Aimagambetov M. J., Asylbekov E. M., Omarov N. B., Hreptov V. A., Auzhanov D. B., Auenov M.A. Results of surgical treatment of larger and recurrent inguinal hernias with application of not clamping hernioplasty Allergy, Asthma and Immunophysiology from genes to clinical management. 2014. pp. 115-118.

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