Online ISSN: 3007-0244,
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Human health is one of the global problems of modern society, beyond medical science and practice. In recent years there has been an increased incidence among young people. One of the causes this trend is the lack of young people adequate training and experience of leading a healthy lifestyle. Young people satisfied with their health and is ready to lead a healthy lifestyle, but the general culture of a healthy lifestyle in the minds of young people have not yet formed

The purpose of research - the study of the social and personal aspects of young people's early adolescence, analysis of the factors and conditions affecting the formation of a healthy lifestyle of students in secondary schools and colleges.

Materials and methods. We conducted a questionnaire survey of students in schools and colleges in Semey city. Studied commitment to a healthy lifestyle of young people early adolescence, through the study of the level of anxiety, subjective health status data, by means of questionnaires and interviews. The total number of respondents - 563. In comparison group used T-test and probability of distribution was determined using Pearson's chi-square.

Results of the study. The study investigated 20 potential factors affecting the formation of a healthy lifestyle. As a result, among the two comparable groups of high school students - 266 colleges - 297, identified the differences among students in secondary schools and colleges on the basis of gender, living conditions, quality of food, the attitude of a healthy lifestyle, bad habits, daily morning exercise, changes in his life as compared to previous years.

In assessing the impact of social and psychological factors on the attitude towards a healthy lifestyle combined inclusion of all students of early adolescence of the Semey city (563 respondents), specifically the impact of the following factors: the place of training, the attitude towards healthy lifestyles, smoking, drugs, exercise, annual health check, physical activity, work mode and power, need psychological social assistance.

Conclusions. The performed a case study showed a good awareness of high school students and college students about the factors of a healthy lifestyle, but lower involvement in a healthy lifestyle. This indicates insufficient conscious attitude of students towards their health and motivation for a healthy lifestyle, a low level of responsibility for their own health.

A significant part of the student audience needs to continue to work on health education in order to create and strengthen the motivation for a healthy lifestyle.

Akbota К. Tanzharyk,

Ayan О. Myssaev,

Assel К. Zhanatbekova,

Kymbat М. Abdygalieva,

Nargiz Amangeldy,

Daulet К. Aldyngurov,

Semey State Medical University,

Department of Public Health,

Semey, Kazakhstan

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Танжарык А.К., Мысаев А.О., Жанатбекова А.К., Абдыгалиева К.М., Амангельды Н., Алдынгуров Д.К. Приверженность здоровому образу жизни учащихся средних школ и колледжей / / Наука и Здравоохранение. 2016. №2. С. 139-149.

Tanzharyk A.К, Myssaev A.О., Zhanatbekova A.К., Abdygalieva K.М., Amangeldy N., Aldyngurov D.К. Сommitment to healthy lifestyles of high school and college students. Nauka i Zdravookhranenie [Science & Healthcare]. 2016, 2, pp. 139-149.

Танжарык А.К., Мысаев А.О., Жанатбекова А.К., Абдығалиева Қ.М., Амангельды Н., Алдынгуров Д.К. Приверженность здоровому образу жизни учащихся средних школ и колледже / / Ғылым және Денсаулық сақтау. 2016. №2. Б. 139-149.

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