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Background. Epilepsy is one of the most common diseases of the nervous system. Cerebral ischemia is an important risk factor for the development of seizures.

The purpose of the study: to study the clinical, MRI, functional and hemodynamic characteristics in patients with cerebral ischemia with seizures.

Materials and methods: to achieve this goal a total of 772 patients suffering from acute and chronic disorders of cerebral circulation (265 stroke patients and 174 patients with chronic cerebral ischemia experienced epileptic seizures, 203 stroke patients and 130 patients with chronic cerebral ischemia experienced no epileptic seizures) were under integral medical supervision. Patients in the control group were matched with the study group in age, clinical characteristics, pathogenic subtypes of stroke and stage of chronic cerebral ischemia.

Neurological examination was carried out by the usual method. Visualization of brain structures was carried out with the help of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) (1.5 Tesla). The functional state of the cerebral hemispheres was assessed by electroencephalogram (EEG). In addition, the extracranial and transcranial duplex sonography was performed.

Results: in patients with ischemic stroke and in patients with chronic cerebral ischemia focal seizures prevailed, the highest rate of their development has been between the ages of 50 to 69 years. Patients with seizures had a significant prevalence of symptoms caused by a violation of cerebral circulation in vertebro-basilar basin. Focuses abnormal EEG activity prevailed in the temporal region and in the left hemisphere of the brain. According to the MRI of the brain cortical and subcortical ischemic lesions, increased cerebrospinal fluid spaces prevailed in patients with seizures. Stenoses of major cerebral arteries were also more common in patients with seizures.

Conclusions. The study identified risk factors for epileptic seizures in patients with cerebral ischemia.

Dina R. Khasanova1, 2,

Tatyana V. Danilova1, 2,


1 Kazan State Medical University,

Department of Neurology and Neurosurgery, Kazan, Russia

2 Interregional clinical diagnostic center,

Neurological department for patients with stroke, Kazan, Russia

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11. Arboix A., Comes E., Massons J. et al. Prognostic value of very early seizure for in-hospitality mortality in atherotrombotic infarction. Eur Neurol. 2003; 50: 350 – 355.

12. Barolin G.S., Sherzer E. Epileptische Anfalle bei Apoplektikern // Wein Nervenh. 1962. №20. P. 35-4714. 

13. Bladin C.F., Alexandrov A.V., Bellavance A., Bornstein N., Chambers B., Cote R., Lebrun L., Pirisi A., Norris J.W. Seizures after stroke: a prospective multicenter study. Arch Neurol. 2000; 57: 1617 – 1622.

14. Bryniarska, D. Etiological spectrum of symptomatic epilepsy in adults / D. Bryniarska, E. Zakrzewska. Przegl. Lek. 2001. Vol.58, № 9. Р.839-335.

15. Camilo O., Darry D., Goldstein B. Seizures and Epilepsy after Ischemic Stroke. Stroke. – 2004. №7 Р.1769-1775.

16. Giroud M., Gras P., Fayolle H., Andre N., Soichot P., Dumas R. Early seizures after acute stroke: a study of 1640 cases. Epilepsia. 1994; 35: 959 – 964.

17. Kilpatrick C.J., Davis S.M., Tress B.M., Rossiter S.C., Hopper J.L., Vandendriesen M.L. Epileptic seizures in acute stroke. Arch Neurol. 1990; 47: 157 – 160.

18. Knake, S. Status epilepticus after stroke in associated with increased long-term fatality / S. Knake, J. Rochon, S. Fleischer. Epilepsia. 2006. Vol.47. P.2020-2026.

19. Lami C., Domigo V., Semah F., Arquizan C., Trystram, Coste J., Mas JL. Early and late sizures after cryptogenic ischemic stroke in young adults. Neurology 2003; 60: 400 – 404.

20. Reuck J, Van Maele G. Acute ischemic stroke treatment and the occurrence of seizures. Clinical neurology and neurosurgery. 2010; 112(4): 328 – 331.

21. Sander, J.W. The epidemiology of epilepsy revisited. Current Opinion in Neurology. 2003. Vol.16. P.165—170.

22. Siddiqi S.A., Hashmi M., Khan F., Siddiqui K.A. Clinical spectrum of post-stroke seizures. J. Coll. Physicians Sung Pak. 2011; 21(4): 214-218. 
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