Online ISSN: 3007-0244,
Print ISSN:  2410-4280
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Pharmacotherapy is the main treatment of the majority of diseases. It influences clinical outcomes, survival and quality of life of patients. Pharmacotherapy should be effective, safe, efficient, and evidence-based. State expenditures for pharmacotherapy are the fastest growing article of healthcare budgets reaching 40% in some countries. Due to the lack of financial resources and qualified medical assistance, many developing countries apply unreasonable medical interventions including irrational drug therapy, which leads to excessive costs and may have a negative effect onpatients’ quality of life and results of treatment. Polypharmacy, adverse drug reactions and insufficient use of evidence-based pharmacotherapy lead to increased costs and reduced effectiveness of treatment.

In this article we summarize modern methods of detecting polypharmacy used in developed countries. These methods have been shown to improve efficiency, safety of pharmacotherapy, reduce the number of prescribed irrational drugs / drug combinations and to reduce treatment costs. We present the Beers criteria, STOPP and START criteria, Medication Appropriateness Index criteria, drug–drug interactions use, risk management problems associated with drug use (GerontoNet advers drugs reaction risk score) and discuss advantages and disadvantages of drug therapy rationality evaluation criteria.

Aigul Z. Mussina 1,

Nazgul A. Seitmaganbetova 1,

Lazzat M. Zhamalieva 1,

Gaziza A. Smagulova 1,

Andrej M. Grjibovski 2-5,


1West Kazakhstan State Medical University named after Marat Ospanov, Aktobe, Kazakhstan

2Norwegian Institute of Public Health, Oslo, Norway

3Northern State Medical University, Arkhangelsk, Russia

4North-Eastern Federal University, Yakutsk, Russia

5International Kazakh-Turkish University, Turkestan, Kazakhstan

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20.     Bregnhоj L., Thirstrup S., Kristensen M.B., Bjerrum L, Sonne J Prevalence of inappropriate prescribing in primary care//Pharmacy World & Science 2007. Volume 29. Issue 3. Р. 109-115

21.     Dalleur O., Spinewine A., Henrard S., Losseau C., Speybroeck N., Boland B. Inappropriate Prescribing and Related Hospital Admissions in Frail Older Persons According to the STOPP and START Criteria// Drugs & Aging 2012. Volume 29. Issue 10. Р. 829-837

22.     Doupi P., Svaar H., Bjørn B., Deilkås E., Nylén U., Rutberg H. Use of the Global Trigger Tool in patient safety improvement efforts: Nordic experiences Cognition, Technology & Work // 2015. Volume 17. Issue 1. Р. 45-54.

23.     Frankenthal D., Lerman Y., Lerman Y. The impact of hospitalization on potentially inappropriate prescribing in an acute medical geriatric division // International Journal of Clinical Pharmacy 2015. Volume 37. Issue 1. Р. 60-67.

24.     Gallagher P.Ryan C.Byrne S.Kennedy J.O'Mahony D. STOPP (Screening Tool of Older Person's Prescriptions) and START (Screening Tool to Alert doctors to Right Treatment). Consensus validation // Int J Clin Pharmacol Ther. 2008. 46(2). Р.72-83.

25.     Gallagher P.F., O’Connor M.N., O’Mahony D. Prevention of potentially inappropriate prescribing for elderly patients: a randomized controlled trial using STOPP/START criteria // Clin Pharmacol Ther 2011. 89. Р.845–854.

26.     Giorgio C.D., Provenzani A., Polidori P. Potentially inappropriate drug prescribing in elderly hospitalized patients: an analysis and comparison of explicit criteria // International Journal of Clinical Pharmacy 2016. 16. Р 1-7.

27.     Goldberg R.M., Mabee J., Chan L., Wong S. Drug–drug and drug–disease interactions in the ED: analysis of a high-risk population // Am J Emerg Med. 1996.14. Р.447–450.

28.     Hamilton H., Gallagher P., Ryan C., Byrne S., O’Mahony D. Potentially inappropriate medications defined by STOPP criteria and the risk of adverse drug events in older hospitalized patients // Arch Intern Med 2011. 171.Р. 1013–9.

29.     Hanlon J.T., Schmader K.E. The medication appropriateness index at 20: where it started, where it has been, and where it may be going. Drugs Aging. 2013.30(11). Р. 893-900.

30.     Hudhra K., García-Caballos M., Jucja B., Casado-Fernández E., Espigares-Rodriguez E., Bueno-Cavanillas A. Frequency of potentially inappropriate prescriptions in older people at discharge according to Beers and STOPP criteria // International Journal of Clinical Pharmacy June 2014. Volume 36. Issue 3.Р. 596-603.

31.     James J.T. A new, evidence-based estimate of patient harms associated with hospital care. J Patient Saf. 2013. 9(3). Р.122-8.

32.     Mazhitov T.M., Makalkina L.G. Introduction of the indicators of rational use of medicines in the management system and the quality of the medical organization. Astana Medical University // Abstracts Book: International Conference, dedicated to 35th anniversary of the World Health Organization‘s Alma-Ata Declaration on Primary Health Care (PHC). 2013.Р. 191

33.     O'Connor M.N., Gallagher P., Byrne S., O'Mahony D. Adverse drug reactions in older patients during hospitalisation: are they predictable? // Age Ageing. 2012. 41(6). Р.771-6.

34.   Onder G., Petrovic M., Tangiisuran B., Meinardi M.C., Markito-Notenboom W.P., Somers A., Rajkumar C., Bernabei R., van der Cammen T.J. Development and validation of a score to assess risk of adverse drug reactions among in-hospital patients 65 years or older: the GerontoNet ADR risk score // Arch Intern Med. 2010. 12. 170(13). Р.1142-8.

35.     Patterson S.M., Cadogan C.A., Kerse N., Cardwell C.R., Bradley M.C., Ryan C. et al. Interventions to improve the appropriate use of polypharmacy for older people. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2014.10. CD008165. doi:10.1002/ 14651858.CD008165.pub3.

36.     Price S.D., Holman C., Sanfilippo F.M., Emery J.D. Impact of Specific Beers Criteria Medications on Associations between Drug Exposure and Unplanned Hospitalisation in Elderly Patients Taking High-Risk Drugs: A Case-Time-Control Study in Western Australia // Drugs & Aging April 2014. Volume 31. Issue 4. Р. 311-325.

37.     Ray S, Bhattacharyya M, Pramanik J, Todi S. Drug-drug interactions in the ICU // Critical Care 2009. 13. P.495

38.     Rose O., Schaffert C., Czarnecki K., Mennemann H.S., Waltering I., Hamacher S., Felsch M., Herich L., Köberlein J. Effect evaluation of an interprofessional medication therapy management approach for multimorbid patients in primary care: a cluster-randomized controlled trial in community care (WestGem study protocol) // BMC Family Practice 2015, 16. Р.84

39.     Seddon M.E., Jackson A., Cameron C., Young M.L., Escott L., Maharaj A., Miller N. The Adverse Drug Event Collaborative: a joint venture to measure medication-related patient harm. NZ Med J 2013. 126 (1368). Р.9-20.

40.     Stafford A.C., Tenni P.C., Peterson G.M., Jackson S.L., Hejlesen A., Villesen C. et al. Drug-related problems identified in medication reviews by Australian pharmacists. Pharm World Sci. 2009. 31(2). Р.216–23.

41.     Sychev D.A., Danilina K.S., Golovina O.V. The frequency of potentially inappropriate medication use according to the Beers' criteria in elderly people at the therapy departments of a multidisciplinary hospital // Ter Arkh. 2015. 87(1). Р. 27-30.

42.     Williams D. Monitoring Medicines Use and Reducing Medication errors: The role of the Clinical Pharmacologist. Br J Clin Pharmacol. 2012.3.



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18.   American Geriatrics Society 2012 Beers Criteria Update Expert Panel. American Geriatrics Society updated Beers Criteria for potentially inappropriate medication use in older adults. J. Am. Geriatr. Soc. 2012. 60 (4). pp. 616-631.

19.   Bacic-Vrca V., Marusic S., Erdeljic V., Falamic S., Gojo-Tomic N., Rahelic D. The incidence of potential drug–drug interactions in elderly patients with arterial hypertension. Pharmacy World & Science 2010. Volume 32. Issue 6. pp 815.

20.   Bregnhoj L., Thirstrup S., Kristensen M.B., Bjerrum L., Sonne J. Prevalence of inappropriate prescribing in primary care. Pharmacy World & Science 2007. Volume 29. Issue 3. pp. 109-115

21.   Dalleur O., Spinewine A., Henrard S., Losseau C., Speybroeck N., Boland B. Inappropriate Prescribing and Related Hospital Admissions in Frail Older Persons According to the STOPP and START Criteria. Drugs & Aging 2012. Volume 29. Issue 10. pp. 829-837

22.   Doupi P., Svaar H., Bjørn B., Deilkås E., Nylén U., Rutberg H. Use of the Global Trigger Tool in patient safety improvement efforts: Nordic experiences Cognition. Technology & Work. 2015. Volume 17. Issue 1. pp. 45-54.

23.   Frankenthal D., Lerman Y., Lerman Y. The impact of hospitalization on potentially inappropriate prescribing in an acute medical geriatric division. International Journal of Clinical Pharmacy. 2015. Volume 37. Issue 1. pp. 60-67

24.   Gallagher P., Ryan C., Byrne S., Kennedy J., O'Mahony D. STOPP (Screening Tool of Older Person's Prescriptions) and START (Screening Tool to Alert doctors to Right Treatment). Consensus validation. Int J Clin Pharmacol Ther. 2008. 46(2). pp.72-83.

25.   Gallagher P.F., O’Connor M.N., O’Mahony D. Prevention of potentially inappropriate prescribing for elderly patients: a randomized controlled trial using STOPP/START criteria. Clin Pharmacol Ther. 2011. 89. pp.845–854

26.   Giorgio C.D., Provenzani A., Polidori P. Potentially inappropriate drug prescribing in elderly hospitalized patients: an analysis and comparison of explicit criteria. International Journal of Clinical Pharmacy. 2016. 16. R 1-7.

27.   Goldberg R.M., Mabee J., Chan L., Wong S. Drug–drug and drug–disease interactions in the ED: analysis of a high-risk population. Am J Emerg Med. 1996.14. pp.447–450.

28.   Hamilton H., Gallagher P., Ryan C., Byrne S., O’Mahony D. Potentially inappropriate medications defined by STOPP criteria and the risk of adverse drug events in older hospitalized patients. Arch Intern Med. 2011. 171.pp. 1013–9

29.   Hanlon J.T., Schmader KE. The medication appropriateness index at 20: where it started, wh ere it has been, and wh ere it may be going. Drugs Aging. 2013.30(11). pp. 893-900.

30.   Hudhra K., García-Caballos M., Jucja B., Casado-Fernández E., Espigares-Rodriguez E., Bueno-Cavanillas A. Frequency of potentially inappropriate prescriptions in older people at discharge according to Beers and STOPP criteria. International Journal of Clinical Pharmacy. 2014. Volume 36. Issue 3.pp. 596-603

31.   James J.T. A new, evidence-based estimate of patient harms associated with hospital care. J Patient Saf. 2013. 9(3). pp.122-8.

32.   Mazhitov T.M., Makalkina L.G. Introduction of the indicators of rational use of medicines in the management system and the quality of the medical organization. Astana Medical University. Abstracts Book: International Conference, dedicated to 35th anniversary of the World Health Organization‘s Alma-Ata Declaration on Primary Health Care (PHC). 2013.pp. 191

33.   O'Connor M.N., Gallagher P., Byrne S., O'Mahony D. Adverse drug reactions in older patients during hospitalisation: are they predictable? Age Ageing. 2012. 41(6). R.771-6.

34.   Onder G., Petrovic M., Tangiisuran B., Meinardi M.C., Markito-Notenboom W.P., Somers A., Rajkumar C., Bernabei R., van der Cammen T.J. Development and validation of a score to assess risk of adverse drug reactions among in-hospital patients 65 years or older: the GerontoNet ADR risk score. Arch Intern Med. 2010. 12. 170(13). R.1142-8.

35.   Patterson S.M., Cadogan C.A., Kerse N., Cardwell C.R., Bradley M.C., Ryan C. et al. Interventions to improve the appropriate use of polypharmacy for older people. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2014.10. CD008165. doi:10.1002/ 14651858.CD008165.pub3.

36.   Price S.D., Holman C., Sanfilippo F.M., Emery J.D. Impact of Specific Beers Criteria Medications on Associations between Drug Exposure and Unplanned Hospitalisation in Elderly Patients Taking High-Risk Drugs: A Case-Time-Control Study in Western Australia. Drugs & Aging. 2014. Volume 31. Issue 4.pp. 311-325

37.   Ray S., Bhattacharyya M., Pramanik J., Todi S Drug-drug interactions in the ICU. Critical Care. 2009. 13. P.495

38.   Rose O., Schaffert C., Czarnecki K., Mennemann H.S., Waltering I., Hamacher S., Felsch M., Herich L., Köberlein J. Effect evaluation of an interprofessional medication therapy management approach for multimorbid patients in primary care: a cluster-randomized controlled trial in community care (WestGem study protocol). BMC Family Practice 2015, 16. pp.84

39.   Seddon M.E., Jackson A., Cameron C., Young M.L., Escott L., Maharaj A., Miller N. The Adverse Drug Event Collaborative: a joint venture to measure medication-related patient harm. NZ Med J 2013. 126 (1368). pp.9-20.

40.   Stafford AC, Tenni PC, Peterson GM, Jackson SL, Hejlesen A, Villesen C, et al. Drug-related problems identified in medication reviews by Australian pharmacists. Pharm World Sci. 2009. 31(2). pp.216–23.

41.   Sychev D.A., Danilina K.S., Golovina O.V. The frequency of potentially inappropriate medication use according to the Beers' criteria in elderly people at the therapy departments of a multidisciplinary hospital. Ter Arkh. 2015. 87(1). pp. 27-30.

42.   Williams D. Monitoring Medicines Use and Reducing Medication errors: The role of the Clinical Pharmacologist. Br J Clin Pharmacol. 2012.3.

Number of Views: 1290

Category of articles: Research methodology

Bibliography link

Мусина А.З., Сейтмаганбетова Н.А., Жамалиева Л.М., Смагулова Г.А., Гржибовский А.М. Индикаторы оценки рациональности лекарственной терапии / / Наука и Здравоохранение. 2016. №2. С. 29-46.

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