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Optimization of activity of staff of medical institutions, including surgical departments, is an integral part of reforming of health system. One of the important directions is the informatization realized by means of development and operation of medical information systems.

Research objective – the comparative analysis of distribution of working hours at the staff of surgical departments which are carrying out and not carrying out use of medical information system.

Materials and methods. Within work questioning and monitoring of working hours of 74 doctors-surgeons, including 55 – is carried out to Semey and 19 – to Pavlodar, and 117 averages of health workers in offices of the corresponding profile (84 and 33 respectively). In the conditions of the Pavlodar Regional cardiological center the medical information system functioned. Distribution of working hours at health workers of various categories is analysed.

Results of research. Direct medical and diagnostic activity prevailed in structure of distribution of working hours. However the considerable part of time was used for implementation of the actions which are directly not connected with medical and diagnostic process. A basic element of those was work with medical documentation. Use of MIS provided replacement of processing of paper documentation more than for 50% and decrease in time for this element of labor process on average by 6-8% of the general duration of change. More adequate distribution of labor loadings during the working day, increase in duration of personal time and efficiency of his use was as a result reached. Vital issues in work of users with MIS haven't been revealed.

Conclusions. In structure of working hours of doctors and average health workers in the conditions of surgical office the considerable part is allocated on processing of medical documentation in paper and, in case of use of MIS, for an electronic form. Application of MIS reduces duration of processing of medical documentation by 6-8% depending on a position of working. The saved time is used, mainly, on increase in productive medical and diagnostic activity, and also on increase in time of rest.

Zhanat R. Baymaganbet,

Daulet К. Aldyngurov,

Askhat Zh. Bekbosynov,

Aidar A. Kussainov,

Murat E. Temirzhanov,

Zharkyn A. Kuanysh,


Semey State Medical University,

Semey, Kazakhstan

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Baymaganbet Zh.R., Aldyngurov D.К., Bekbosynov A.Zh., Kussainov A.A., Temirzhanov M.E., Kuanysh Zh.A. The comparative analysis of distribution of working hours at the staff of the surgical department using medical information system. Nauka i Zdravookhranenie [Science & Healthcare]. 2016, 2, pp. 150-161.

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