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Background.Myopia is a high prevalent eye disease in the word and is a common cause of visionloss. Increasing myopiaprevalence among young population, including the students of medical universities, has raises scientific interest for this problem.

The aim of the study is to examine the prevalence of refractive errors among the first year medical students and to compare it with the World indicators.

Methods: A cross-sectional study including 598 students (1195 eyes). All the first year students, excluding the foreign students, have been examined. The statistically significant differences in qualitative variables have been evaluated by the means of Pearson’s Chi- squared test. StatisticalanalysiswasperformedbySPSS 20.0.

Results: 272 (45.5%) students from the all the subjects had refractive errors: myopia in 226 (37.7%) and hypermetropia in 46 (7.6%) (p<0.001).The main part of the examined students were female (p<0.001). Only 187 (68.8%) of examined students with a refractive error used optic corrections. Due to visual apparatus tension, some students have complaints such as fatigability 173 (63.6%) and eye redness 132 (48.5%).

Conclusion: The prevalence of refractive errors, especially of myopia, among the medical students is high. The prevalence of myopia is less than in India, China, Thai, Singapore, Norway, Denmark, but is more than in Turkey and Poland.

Nazerke B. Kaiyrzhanova 1,

Ayan О. Myssayev 1,

Kasymkhan А. Tleubaev 2,

Almira К. Akhmetova 1,


1 Semey State Medical University, Semey, Kazakhstan;

2 Pavlodar branch of Semey State Medical University, Pavlodar, Kazakhstan

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8. Chaudhry R., Ali H. and Sheikh N.H., Frequency and underlying factors of myopia among medical students. Biomedica. 2011, Vol. 27(2), P.154-160.

9. Chow YC, Dhillon B, Chew PT, Chew SJ. Refractive errors in Singapore medical students. Singapore Med J. 1990, Vol. 31. P.472–473.

10. Fledelius H.C. Myopia profile in Copenhagen medical students 1996-98. Refractive stability over a century is suggested. Acta Ophthalmologica Scandinavica. 2000. Vol. 78(5). P.501-505.

11. Kathrotia R.G., Dave A.G, Dabhoiwala S.T, Patel N.D, Rao P.V, Oommen E.R. Prevalence and progression of refractive errors among Medical students. Indian J Physiol Pharmacol 2012.Vol. 56(3).P.284-287.

12. Lin L.L., Shih Y.F., Lee Y.C., P.T. Hung and Hou P.K. Changes in ocular refraction and its components among medical students- a 5-year longitudinal study. Optometry and Vision Science. 1996. Vol.73(7). P.495-498.

13. LvL., ZhangZ. Pattern of myopia progression in Chinese medical students: a two-year follow-up study. Graefes Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol. 2013. Vol.251(1). P.163-168.

14. Medelfart A., Aamo B., Sjqhaug K.A. and Dysthe B.E. Myopia among medical students in Norway. Acta Ophthalmologica. 1992. Vol. 70(3). P.317-322.

15. Mozolewska - Piotrowska K., Stepniewskaand J., Nawrocka J., Frequency and incidence of myopia among medical students. Klinika Oczna. 2005. Vol. 107(7-9). P.468-470.

16. Onal S., Toker E., Akingol Z., Arslan G., Ertan S., Turan C. and Kaplan O. Refractive errors of medical students in Turkey: one year follow-up of refraction and biometry. Optometry and Vision Science. 2007. Vol. 84(3). P.175-180.

17. Pajdeep P, Patel R. Astudy of refractive errors on students of Baroda Medical College. IJRRMS 2013 Vol. 3(1). P.18-19.

18. Sood R.S., Sood A. Prevalence of myopia among the medical students in western India vis-à-vis the east Asian epidemic. IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences. 2014. Vol. 13(1). P.65-67.

19. SuneethaChalasani, VasanthaKumar Jampala, PrasuntpryiaNayak. Myopia among medical students – A Cross Sectional Study in a South Indian Medical College. AL Ameen J Med Sci. 2012. Vol. 5(3). P. 233-242.

20. Woo W.W., Lim K.A., Yang H., Lim X.Y., Liew F., Lee Y.S. and Saw S.M. Refractive errors in medical students in Singapore. Singapore Medical Journal. 2004. Vol. 45(10). P.470-474.

21. Wu Y., Yi H., Liu W., Jia H., Eshita Y., Wang S., Qin P. and Sun J. Risk factors for myopiain Inner Mongolia medical students in China. Open Journal of Epidemiology. 2012. Vol. 2(4). P.83-89.

22.Yoshikawa M., Yamashiro K., Miyake M., Oishi M., Akagi-Kurashige Y., Kumagai K., Nakata I., Nakanishi H., Oishi A., Gotoh N., Yamada R., Matsuda F., Yoshimura N.Comprehensive replication of the relationship between myopia-related genes and refractive errors in a large Japanese cohort. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2014. Vol. 55(11). P.343-54.


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