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Introduction. Vaccination is the most efficient and cost-effective preventive measure. It is fact but attitude to immunization is debatable. Vaccination is the important part of preventive medicine in the developed country and the list of vaccine in this country more than developing country. Objective of this to investigation was to study of problem, barriers, attitudes towards vaccination in the worldwide, Commonwealth of Independent States, Kazakhstan. Methods. Problems and barriers of vaccination were studied in this review. There were included all investigations from 2004 to 2014 years. The criteria of including in the publication were a study of problems, barriers, attitude regarding vaccination. We found 122 publications about vaccination, but we extracted 38 publications which corresponded to our objective. Results. Refusal of vaccination is the actual problem of the modern society. As soon as the first vaccine was worked out the “anti-vaccination” movement arose disputed the safety and effectiveness of vaccination. However, WHO (World Health Organization) experts say the majority of the arguments “anti-vaccination” movement not supported by scientific evidence. One popular anti-vaccination argument is content in some vaccinations various toxic substances, including mercury. But there is no evidence for systemic toxicity of vaccines (when it is used in standard doses). Alleged relationship with thimerosal and autism has not been confirmed. Conclusion. Refusal of vaccination is the actual problem of the modern society. Many authors offer different solutions of this problem, but decision of this question remains unclear. .
Assel Zh. Baybussinova 1, Akmaral K. Musakhanova 2, Gulnar M. Shalgumbayeva 1, 1Semey State medical university, Department internship on general practice postgraduate and further education, Semey city, Kazakhstan 2 Medical agency “Medconsults”, Astana c., Kazakhstan
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They Are the Real Victims of Britain’s MMR Scare, Sunday Times, 4 April 2004 26. James Colgrove and Ronald Bayer Could It Happen Here? Vaccine Risk Controversies And The Specter Of Derailment Health Affairs, 24, no.3 (2005):729-739 doi: 10.1377/hlthaff.24.3.729 27. Lapiz S, Miranda MEG, Garcia RG, Daguro LI, Paman MD, et al. Implementation of an Intersectoral Program to Eliminate Human and Canine Rabies: The Bohol Rabies Prevention and Elimination Project. PLoS Negl Trop Dis. 2012 6(12): e1891. doi:10.1371/journal.pntd.0001891 28. Lin et al. Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices (KAP) related to the Pandemic (H1N1) 2009 among Chinese General Population: a Telephone Survey // BMC Infectious Diseases 2011, 11:128 29. Margaret A. Maglione, Lopamudra Das, Laura Raaen, Alexandria Smith, Ramya Chari, Sydne Newberry, Roberta Shanman, Tanja Perry, Matthew Bidwell Goetz and Courtney Gidengil. Safety of Vaccines Used for Routine Immunization of US Children: A Systematic Review. Pediatrics. 2014; 134:1–13; DOI: 10.1542/peds.2014-1079 30. McAnerney et al. Effectiveness and knowledge, attitudes and practices of seasonal influenza vaccine in primary healthcare settings in South Africa, 2010–2013. Influenza and Other Respiratory Viruses. 2015. 9(3), 143–150. 31. Murch S. Separating Inflammation from Speculation in Autism. Lancet. 362. 2003. № 9394: 1498–1499. 32. Patricia Logullo, Heráclito Barbosa de Carvalho, etc. Factors affecting compliance with the measles vaccination schedule in a Brazilian city// Sao Paulo Med J. 2008;126(3):166-71. 33. Rino Rappuoli, Mariagrazia Pizza, Giuseppe Del Giudice, and Ennio De Gregorio. Vaccines, new opportunities for a new society // PNAS. Vol. 111 no. 34, p. 12288–12293, doi: 10.1073/pnas.1402981111 34. Sambo M., Lembo T., Cleaveland S., Ferguson H.M., Sikana L., et al. Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices (KAP) about Rabies Prevention and Control: A Community Survey in Tanzania. 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Yonsei Med J. 52(1):104-112, 2011 DOI 10.3349/ymj.2011.52.1.104 24. Feifei Wei, John P Mullooly, Mike Goodman, Maribet C. McCarty, Ann M Hanson, Bradley Crane and James D. Nordin Identification and characteristics of vaccine refusers. BMC Pediatrics. 2009. 9:18 doi:10.1186/1471-2431-9-18 25. Goswami N. and Thomas J.U., These Boys Were Disabled by Measles, a Disease They Should Never Have Had. They Are the Real Victims of Britain’s MMR Scare, Sunday Times, 4 April 2004 26. James Colgrove and Ronald Bayer Could It Happen Here? Vaccine Risk Controversies And The Specter Of Derailment Health Affairs, 24, no.3 (2005):729-739 doi: 10.1377/hlthaff.24.3.729 27. Lapiz S., Miranda MEG, Garcia R.G., Daguro L.I., Paman M.D., et al. (2012) Implementation of an Intersectoral Program to Eliminate Human and Canine Rabies: The Bohol Rabies Prevention and Elimination Project. PLoS Negl Trop Dis 6(12): e1891. doi:10.1371/journal.pntd.0001891 28. Lin et al. Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices (KAP) related to the Pandemic (H1N1) 2009 among Chinese General Population: a Telephone Survey. BMC Infectious Diseases 2011, 11:128 29. Margaret A. Maglione, Lopamudra Das, Laura Raaen, Alexandria Smith, Ramya Chari, Sydne Newberry, Roberta Shanman, Tanja Perry, Matthew Bidwell Goetz and Courtney Gidengil. Safety of Vaccines Used for Routine Immunization of US Children: A Systematic Review. Pediatrics. 2014; 134:1–13; DOI: 10.1542/peds.2014-1079 30. McAnerney et al. Effectiveness and knowledge, attitudes and practices of seasonal influenza vaccine in primary healthcare settings in South Africa, 2010–2013. Influenza and Other Respiratory Viruses. 2015. 9(3), 143–150. 31. Murch S, “Separating Inflammation from Speculation in Autism,” Lancet. 362. 2003. № 9394: 1498–1499. 32. Patricia Logullo, Heráclito Barbosa de Carvalho, etc. Factors affecting compliance with the measles vaccination schedule in a Brazilian city. Sao Paulo Med J. 2008;126(3):166-71. 33. Rino Rappuoli, Mariagrazia Pizza, Giuseppe Del Giudice, and Ennio De Gregorio. Vaccines, new opportunities for a new society. PNAS. Vol. 111 no. 34, p. 12288–12293, doi: 10.1073/pnas.1402981111 34. Sambo M., Lembo T., Cleaveland S., Ferguson H.M., Sikana L., et al. Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices (KAP) about Rabies Prevention and Control: A Community Survey in Tanzania. PLoS Negl Trop Dis. 2014. 8(12): e3310. doi:10.1371/journal.pntd.0003310 35. Tycho Jan Zuzaka, Isabelle Zuzak-Siegrista, Lukas Ristb, Georg Staublia, Ana Paula Simões-Wüstb. Attitudes towards vaccination: users of complementary and alternative medicine versus non-users. SWISS MED WKLY. 20 08;138(47–48):713–718. 36. Xavier Bosch-Capblanch, K. Banerjee and A. Burton Unvaccinated children in years of increasing coverage: how many and who are they? Evidence from 96 low- and middle-income countries Tropical Medicine and International Health volume. 2012. № 6.p 697–710. doi:10.1111/j.1365-3156.2012.02989.x. 37. Walter A. Orenstein, R. Gordon Douglas, Lance E. Rodewald and Alan R. Hinman. Immunizations In The United States: Success, Structure, And Stress. Health Aff. 2005. vol. 24 № 3. P. 599-610. 38. Wiysonge CS, Uthman OA, Ndumbe PM, Hussey GD. Individual and Contextual Factors Associated with Low Childhood Immunisation Coverage in Sub-Saharan Africa: A Multilevel Analysis. 2012. PLoS ONE 7(5): e37905. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0037905
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