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Clinical and epidemiological characteristics of metastatic breast cancer in the north-eastern region of Kazakhstan
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Actuality: Breast cancer (BC) is one of the most common diseases in the world among women. BC and its metastasis is a heterogeneous group of tumors that differ in morphology, clinical course, and sensitivity to the treatment, which is a serious clinical problem in oncology, thereby causing interest in this problem. The aim of the study is to investigate the prevalence and clinical and morphological features of metastatic BC. Materials and Methods: Design is retrospective study including 570 case histories. A retrospective analysis of data metastatic BC for the 2004-2013 years according to the Regional Oncology Center of Semey and the Regional Oncology Center in Pavlodar .Statistical analysis was carried out in the SPSS20.0 program. Results: Mean age was 55.1 years. Ethnicity: Russians = 319 (56.0%), Kazakhs = 71 (30.0%), others = 80 (14.0%). Side of lesions: right -300 (52.6%), left- 264 (46.3%), both-6 (1.1%). Localization: upper outer quadrant (n = 289; 50.7%), upper inner quadrant (n = 86; 15.1%), center (n = 62; 10.9%), remaining 7%. Molecular type: lum A - 76 (30%), TN - 79 (31.2%), lum B negative 42 (16.6%), lum B positive - 20 (7.9%) and HER2 + - 36 (14.2%). Histological form: invasive ductal, (57.7%), invasive lobular (n = 58; 10.2%) type, the "other" type (n = 161; 28.2%) and the other less than 2%. Stage III - 43,2%, II stage - 40,8%, IV stage - 14.2% and I - 1,8%. Conclusions: Conclusions: The clinical and epidemiological characteristics of metastatic breast cancer in the North-East region of Kazakhstan has no geographical features, it is inherent in a global trend of breast cancer traits. However, the fact that among patients with metastatic breast cancer Kazakhs younger than the patient's Russian nationality requires further in-depth study.
Aizan A. Abiltaeva 1, Tasbolat A. Adylkhanov 1, Ayan O. Myssayev 2, State Medical University of Semey, Semey, Kazakhstan 1 Department of Oncology and visual diagnostics; 2 Department of Public Health
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Vol. 28, № 20. P. 3274. 12. Kriege M. et al. Distant disease-free interval, site of first relapse and post-relapse survival in BRCA1- and BRCA2-associated compared to sporadic breast cancer patients. Breast Cancer Res. Treat. Springer US, 2008. Vol. 111, № 2. P. 303–311. 13. Lee A. et al. Why is carcinoma of the breast more frequent in the upper outer quadrant? A case series based on needle core biopsy diagnoses. The Breast. 2005. Vol. 14, № 2. P. 151 14. National Cancer Intelligence Network (NCIN) and Cancer Research UK. Cancer Incidence and Survival by Major Ethnic Group, England, 2002-2006 (link is external). London: NCIN; 2009. URL: 15. O’Shaughnessy J. Extending survival with chemotherapy in metastatic breast cancer. Oncologist. 2005. Vol. 10, № 3. P. 21. 16. Qi-Dong Ge Clinical Characteristics and Survival Analysis of Breast Cancer. Molecular Subtypes with Hepatic Metastases. Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention. 2012. Vol. 13. P.5081 17. Robbins, S.L., Kumar, V., Cotran R.S. Robbins and Cotran pathologic basis of disease. 8th ed. Saunders, Philadelphia, PA, 2010. P. 1368. 18. Savci-Heijink Retrospective analysis of metastatic behavior of breast cancer subtypes. Breast cancer research and treatment. 2015. Vol. 150, № 3 . P. 547-57 19. Tan S Comparison of readers' detection of right-sided and left-sided breast cancers and microcalcifications. Journal of medical imaging and radiation oncology. 2011, Vol. 55, №4. P. 353-61.
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