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Cardiovascular diseases are the leading cause of death. In this regard, the importance of the prevention problem increases, which is aimed at the identification and elimination of risk factors, which include elevated levels of homocysteine in the blood. In recent years, actively studying the possibility of the use of B vitamins in vascular and neurodegenerative diseases. One of the main factors of hyperhomocysteinemia is the deficiency of vitamins B6, B12, B9 resulting from the features of the diet and impaired absorption. It was found that the use of preparations of B vitamins can reduce hyperhomocysteinemia in the blood. On the basis of the theory of homocysteic atherosclerosis development the presence of possible association hyperhomocysteinemia with the vascular disease formation is explained. It was found that the use of high doses of B vitamins contribute to a significant reduction in the progression of atherosclerosis in the early stages. The article describes the role of hyperhomocysteinemia as a risk factor for cardiovascular disease. A review of the evidence base and domestic research is prepared. The conclusions recognizing regional specificities and influence of radiation factor are drawn. Objective: To conduct a literature search on the study of hyperhomocysteinemia as a risk factor for cardiovascular disease. Materials and methods: To achieve this goal was performed a systematic literature search in an online resource. 278 sources were found of which 63 sources were selected for subsequent analysis. Key points forming search queries to search for literature were presented to the following elements: homocysteine, vitamin B, folic acid, cardiovascular risk. Results and conclusions: For high-risk patients, which include patients with personal or family history of early cardiovascular failure, and those with malnutrition (reduced absorption syndrome), hypothyroidism, kidney disease, systemic lupus erythematosus; taking drugs such as nicotinic acid, theophylline, methotrexate dopamine, and those who are exposed to nitric oxide, it is necessary to carry out the definition of plasma homocysteine.
Liudmila K. Karazhanova, Aisulu S. Zhunuspekova, Semey State Medical University, The Department of internship in internal medicine Semey, Kazakhstan.
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Effect of Folic Acid and B Vitamins on Risk of Cardiovascular Events and Total Mortality Among Women at High Risk for Cardiovascular Disease: ARandomized Trial // JAMA. 2008. Р.29 10. Andrew G., Bostom, M.D., et al. Homocysteine-Lowering and Cardiovascular Disease Outcomes in Kidney Transplant Recipients Primary Results From the Folic Acid for Vascular Outcome Reduction in Transplantation Trial // JAMA. 2009. Р.24 11. Armitag Jane M. et al. Effects of Homocysteine-Lowering With Folic Acid Plus Vitamin B12 vs Placebo on Mortality and Major Morbidity in Myocardial Infarction Survivors: A Randomized Trial (SEARCH) // JAMA. 2010. р.303 12. Bostom A.G., Shemin D., Lapane K.L., Hume A.L., Yoburn D., Nadeau M.R., BendichA.Selhub., J. Rosenberg Н.С. High dose-B-vilamin treatment of hyperhomocysteinemia in dialysis patients. Kidney int. 2006. Р. 34 13. Bostom A.G., Jacques P.F., Nadeau M.R., Williams R.R., Ellison R.C. Sel. POSL melhionineloadhypcrhomocystcinemia in personswilli normal Fasting total plasma homocysteine. initial results from the NH1.BI family Heart Study // Atherosclerosis. 1995. Р.167-151. 14. Board Washington Dietary Reference Intakes for Thiamin, Riboflavin, Niacin, Vitamin B, Foliate, VitaminBl2, Pantothenic Acid, Biotin, and Choline.Food and Nutrition // DC : Institute of Medicine (National Academy Press), 1998. Р.3-5 15. Clarke R. et al. Hyperhomocysteinemia: an independent risk factor for vascular disease // N Engl J Med.1991. Р.49-55 16. Cagnacci A., Baldassari F., Rivolta G., Arangino S., Volpe A. Relation of homocysteine, folate and vitamin B12 to bone mineral density of postmenopausal women // Bone 33. 2003. Р.956–959 17. Cornish J., Callon K.E., Bava U. et al. Leptin directly regulates bone cell function in vitro and reduces bone fragility in vivo. J. Endocrinol 12002. Р.40–43 18. Chan J.L., Mantzoros C.S. Role of leptin in energy-deprivation states: normal human physiology and clinical implications for hypothalamic amenorrhoea and anorexia nervosa // Lancet. 2005. Р.74–85 19. Center for Outcomes Research, University of Massachusetts Medical School: Global Regisry of Acute Coronary Events (GRACE) Registry // [Electronic Resource]. 2010. URL: (date accessed: .11.2013). 20. Ducy P, Amling M, Takeda S. et al. Leptin inhibits bone formation through a hypothalamic relay: a central control of bone mass // Cell. 2000 Р. 197–201 21. Elijahu H., Mizrahi D.W., Jacobsen R.P. Fridland. Plasma Homocysteine: A new risk factor for Alzheimers Disease // JАMA J. 2002. Vol. 4. № 60. P. 187–190. 22. Ebbing M., et al. Mortality and cardiovascular events in patients treated with homocysteine-lowering B vitamins after coronary angiography: a randomized controlled trial // JAMA. 2008. 300:795–804. PUBMED: 18714059] 23. Jamison R.L. et al. Effect of homocysteine lowering on mortality and vascular disease in advanced chronic kidney disease and end-stage renal disease: a randomized controlled trial // JAMA. 2007. 298: Р. 63-70. 24. Ford E.S. et al. Homocyst(e)ine and cardiovascular disease: a systematic review of the evidence with special emphasis on case-control studies and nested case-control studies // Int J Epidemiol 2002. Р. 59-70. 25. Fox K., Mulcahy D., Findlay I. et al. Homocyst(e)ine and cardiovascular disease // Eur. Heart J. 1996. V. 17. P. 96-103. 26. Goette A., Lendeckelb U., Klein H.U. Signal transduction systems and atrial fibrillation // Cardiovascular Research. 2002. Vol. 54. P. 247-258. 27. Groyer E., Caligiuri G., Laschet-Khallou J., Nicoletti A. Immunological aspects of atherosclerosis // Press. Med. 2006. Vol. 35, № 1-2. P. 475-486. 28. Galan S., et al. Effects of B vitamins and omega 3 fatty acids on cardiovascular diseases: a randomised placebo controlled trial. SU.FOL.OM3 Collaborative Group BMJ 2010; (Published 29 November 2010) Р. 13-17 29. Guba S.C., Fonseca V., Fink L.M. Hyperhomocysteiaemis and thrombosis // Seminar sintrombosis and hemostasis, 1999. Vol.25. Р.13-15. 30. Holloway W.R, Collier FM, Aitken C.J et al., Leptin inhibits osteoclast generation // J Bone Miner Res. 2002. Р. 200–209 31. Heinz J., et al. B vitamins and the risk of total mortality and cardiovascular disease in end-stage renal disease: results of a randomized controlled trial // J. 2008, 305(24). Р.86-90 32. Halvorsen В., Waehre T., Scholz H. et al. Interleukin-10 enhances the oxidized LDL-induced foam cell formation of macrophages by antiapoptotic mechanism // J. Lipid. Res. 2005. Vol. 46, № 2. P. 211-219. 33. .Harb T.S., Zareba W., Moss A.J. et al. Association of C-reactive protein and serum amyloid A with recurrent coronary events in stable patients after healing of acute myocardial infarction // Am J Cardiol 2002. Vol.89. Р. 216-221. 34. Hamrick M.W, Pennington C, Newton D, Xie D, Isales C. Leptin deficiency produces contrasting phenotypes in bones of the limb and spine // Bone. 2004. Р. 376–383 35. Homocysteine Studies Collaboration. Homocysteine and risk of ischemic heart disease and stroke: a meta-analysis // JAMA. 2002. 288(16). 2015-2022 36. Hemingway H., Crook A.M., Feder G. et. al. Underuse of coronary revascularization procedures in patients considered appropriate candidates for revascularization // New Engl. J. Med. 2001. V.344. P. 645-654. 37. Guidelines on myocardial revascularization The Task Force on Myocardial Revascularization of the European Society of Cardiology and the European Association for Cardio-Thoracic Surgery Developed with the special Contribution of the European Association for Percutaneous Cardiovascular Interventions // European Heart Journal. 2010. Vol.31. P.2501-2555. 38. Lowering blood homocysteine with folk acid based supplements: meta-analysis of randomised trials Homocysteine Lowering Trialists' Collaboration // BMJ. 1998. 316. Р. 894-898. 39. Lemos P.A., Hoye A., Serrays P.W. Recurrent angina after revascularization: an emerging problem for the clinician // Coronary Artery Disuses. 2004. Vol. 15. P. S1 - S15. 40. May H.T. et al. Homocysteine levels are associated with increased risk of congestive heart failure in patients with and without coronary arterydisease // Cardiology. 2007. Vol. 107. № 3. P. 178-184. 41. Malinow M.R, Duell P.B., Hess D.L., Anderson P.H., Kruger W.D., Phillipson B.E, Gluckman R.A., Block P.C., Upson B.M. Reduction of plasma homocyst(e)ine levels by breakfastcereal fortified with folic acid in patients with coronary heart disease // J. Med 1998 .Р.1009-1015 42. Malinow M.R, Stampfer M.J. Role of plasma homocyst(e)ine in arterial occlnsivediseases// ClinGmn, 1994. Р. 857-858. 43. Marti-Carvajal A.J. et al. Homocysteine lowering interventions for preventing cardiovascular events (Review). Cochrane Collaboration and published in The Cochrane Library 2009. 44. National institutes of health consensus development panel on osteoporosis prevention, diagnosis and therapy 2001 // JAMA 285 (6) Р.785–795 45. PACIFIC Study Group. Dose-dependent effects of folic acid on plasma homocysteine in a randomized trial conducted among 723 individuals with coronary heart disease. EHJ 2002;23:1509–15. [MEDLINE: 12395803] 46. Pepine C.L., Abrams J., Marks R.G. et al. Characteristics of a contemporary population with angina pectoris // J. Amer. Coll. Cardiol. 1994. V. 74. P. 226-231. 47. The VITATOPS Trial Study Group. B-vitamins in patients with recent transient ischaemic attack or stroke in the VITAmins TO Prevent Stroke (VITATOPS) trial: a randomised, double-blind, parallel, placebo-controlled trial. Lancet Neurology. 2010; 9: 855-65 48. Schnyder G. et al. 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Homocysteine-Lowering and Cardiovascular Disease Outcomes in Kidney Transplant Recipients Primary Results From the Folic Acid for Vascular Outcome Reduction in Transplantation Trial. JAMA 2009. р.24 11. Armitag Jane M. et al. Effects of Homocysteine-Lowering With Folic Acid Plus Vitamin B12 vs Placebo on Mortality and Major Morbidity in Myocardial Infarction Survivors: A Randomized Trial (SEARCH). JAMA. 2010.р.303 12. Bostom A.G., Shemin D., Lapane K.L., Hume A.L., Yoburn D., Nadeau M.R., BendichA.Selhub., J. Rosenberg Н.С., High dose-B-vilamin treatment of hyperhomocysteinemia in dialysis patients. Kidney int. 2006 р. 34 13. Bostom A.G., Jacques P.F., Nadeau M.R., Williams R.R., Ellison R.C., Sel. POSL melhionineloadhypcrhomocystcinemia in personswilli normal Fasting total plasma homocysteine. initial results from the NH1.BI family Heart Study. Atherosclerosis. 1995. Р.167-151. 14. Board Washington Dietary Reference Intakes for Thiamin, Riboflavin, Niacin, Vitamin B, Foliate, VitaminBl2, Pantothenic Acid, Biotin, and Choline. Food and Nutrition. DC: Institute of Medicine (National Academy Press), 1998. рр.3-5 15. Clarke R., et al., Hyperhomocysteinemia: an independent risk factor for vascular disease. N Engl J Med. 1991, р.49-55 16. Cagnacci A., Baldassari F., Rivolta G., Arangino S., Volpe A Relation of homocysteine, folate and vitamin B12 to bone mineral density of postmenopausal women. Bone, 2003, 33. рр.956–959 17. Cornish J., Callon K.E., Bava U. et al. Leptin directly regulates bone cell function in vitro and reduces bone fragility in vivo. J. Endocrinol, 2002, 1. рр .40–43 18. Chan J.L., Mantzoros C.S., Role of leptin in energy-deprivation states: normal human physiology and clinical implications for hypothalamic amenorrhoea and anorexia nervosa. Lancet, 2005. рр.74–85 19. Center for Outcomes Research, University of Massachusetts Medical School: Global Regisry of Acute Coronary Events (GRACE) Registry. [Electronic Resource]. 2010. URL: (date accessed: .11.2013). 20. Ducy P., Amling M., Takeda S. et al. Leptin inhibits bone formation through a hypothalamic relay: a central control of bone mass. Cell. 2000. рр. 197–201 21. Elijahu H., Mizrahi, D.W. Jacobsen, R.P. Fridland. PlasmaHomocysteine: A new risk factor for Alzheimers Disease. JАMA J. 2002. Vol. 4. № 60. рр.187–190. 22. Ebbing M, et al. Mortality and cardiovascular events in patients treated with homocysteine-lowering B vitamins after coronary angiography: a randomized controlled trial. JAMA. 2008. 300:795–804. PUBMED: 18714059] 23. Jamison R.L. et al. Effect of homocysteine lowering on mortality and vascular disease in advanced chronic kidney disease and end-stage renal disease: a randomized controlled trial. JAMA. 2007. 298:рр. 63-70. 24. Ford E.S, and others.Homocyst(e)ine and cardiovascular disease: a systematic review of the evidence with special emphasis on case-control studies and nested case-control studies. Int J Epidemiol. 2002. рр. 59-70. 25. Fox K., Mulcahy D., Findlay I. et al. Homocyst(e)ine and cardiovascular disease. Eur. Heart J. 1996. V. 17. P. 96—103. 26. Goette A., Lendeckelb U., Klein H.U. Signal transduction systems and atrial fibrillation. Cardiovascular Research. 2002. Vol. 54. рр. 247-258. 27. Groyer E., Caligiuri G., Laschet-Khallou J., Nicoletti A. Immunological aspects of atherosclerosis. Press. Med. 2006. Vol. 35, № 1-2. рр. 475-486. 28. Galan S., and others., Effects of B vitamins and omega 3 fatty acids on cardiovascular diseases: a randomised placebo controlled trial. SU.FOL.OM3 Collaborative Group. BMJ, 2010; (Published 29 November 2010) .рр. 13-17 29. Guba S.C., Fonseca V., Fink L.M hyperhomocysteiaemis and thrombosis. Seminar sintrombosis and hemostasis, 1999.-Vol.25.Р.13-15. 30. Holloway W.R, Collier FM, Aitken C.J et al., Leptin inhibits osteoclast generation. J Bone Miner Res, 2002 Р. 200–209 31. Heinz J., et al., B vitamins and the risk of total mortality and cardiovascular disease in end-stage renal disease: results of a randomized controlled trial. J. Lipid. Res. 2008, 305(24) рр.86-90. 32. Halvorsen В., Waehre T., Scholz al. Interleukin-10 enhances the oxidized LDL-induced foam cell formation of macrophages by antiapoptotic mechanism. J. Lipid. Res. 2005.Vol. 46, № 2.рр. 211-219. 33. .Harb T.S., Zareba W., Moss A.J. et al. Association of C-reactive protein and serum amyloid A with recurrent coronary events in stable patients after healing of acute myocardial infarction. Am J Cardiol, 2002. Vol.89. Р. 216-221. 34. Hamrick M.W, Pennington C, Newton D, Xie D, Isales C Leptin deficiency produces contrasting phenotypes in bones of the limb and spine. Bone. 2004. рр. 376–383 35. Homocysteine Studies Collaboration. Homocysteine and risk of ischemic heart disease and stroke: a meta-analysis. JAMA. 2002. 288(16) рр.2015-2022 36. Hemingway H., Crook A.M., Feder G. et. al. New Engl. J. Med. 2001. V.344. рр. 645—654. 37. Guidelines on myocardial revascularization The Task Force on Myocardial Revascularization of the European Society of Cardiology and the European Association for Cardio-Thoracic Surgery Developed with the special Contribution of the European Association for Percutaneous Cardiovascular Interventions. European Heart Journal. 2010. Vol.31 рр.2501-2555. 38. Lowering blood homocysteine with folk acid based supplements:meta-analysis of randomised trials Homocysteine Lowering Trialists' Collaboration. BMJ. 1998, 316. рр.894-898. 39. Lemos P.A., Hoye A., Serrays P.W. Recurrent angina after revascularization: an emerging problem for the clinician. Coronary Artery Disuses. 2004. Vol. 15. P. рр.11-15 40. May al. Homocysteine levels are associated with increased risk of congestive heart failure in patients with and without coronary arterydisease. Cardiology. 2007. Vol. 107. № 3. рр. 178-184. 41. Malinow M.R, Duell P.B., Hess D.L., Anderson P.H., Kruger W.D., Phillipson B.E, Gluckman R.A., Block P.C., Upson B.M., Reduction of plasma homocyst(e)ine levels by breakfastcereal fortified with folic acid in patients with coronary heart disease. J. Med. 1998 рр. 1009-1015 42. Malinow M.R, Stampfer M.J. Role of plasma homocyst(e)ine in arterial occlnsive diseases. Clin Gmn, 1994. рр.857-858. 43. Marti-Carvajal A.J. et al., Homocysteine lowering interventions for preventing cardiovascular events (Review). Cochrane Collaboration and published in The Cochrane Library 2009. 44. National institutes of health consensus development panel on osteoporosis prevention, diagnosis and therapy 2001. JAMA. 285 (6) рр.785–795 45. PACIFIC Study Group. 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