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Background. Physical inactivity as a risk factor is associated with obesity and the development of chronic non-communicable diseases such as diabetes and cardiovascular pathology. In most countries, cardiovascular diseases hold the leading place in the structure of mortality and are major cause of disability in the working age population. In Kazakhstan, as in all other regions, there is a rejuvenation of this group of diseases that may be associated with an increase in risk factors in the population. Materials and methods. We carried out a cross-sectional study 729 adolescents of school age in the East Kazakhstan region on the prevalence of such risk factor of cardiovascular system disease as low physical activity. Assessment of potential risk factors was made on the basis of the WHO report, the European Childhood Obesity Surveillance Initiative. Results. The share of the factor "physical activity on the street less than 1 hour per day" was much rarer among girls of 27.3% (95% CI: 23,1-32,0) than boys - 54.3% (95% CI: 49,1-59,5) (χ2 = 0,209; D.f. = 1, p> 0.05). Opportunities to visit the sports or dance group often marked by urban adolescents (χ2 = 21,3; D.f. = 1, p <0.001). Only 38.0% (95% CI: 34,0-42,1) of urban teens visit sports clubs or dance clubs at least two days a week. Rural young people in more than half of the cases - 57% (95% CI: 54,0-61,1), such possibility did not have. Index of physical activity on the street less than 1 hour a day, much less has been circulated among teenagers fr om low-income families - 12.5% (95% CI: 4,4-28,7) than in high-income families, wh ere more than half of the respondents did not spend much time on the street - 53.8% (95% CI: 50,1-57,7), (χ2 = 20,91; D.f. = 1, p <0.05). Conclusions. The prevalence of risk factors of low physical activity as a reason of the possible risk of CVD in the future was high in all compared groups, that was an alarming signal for the specialists of the organizations of primary health care and public health.
Kundyz D. Turlybekova 1, Tolebay К. Rakhypbekov 1, Arkadiy А. Kotlyar 2-3, Zaytuna А. Khismetova 1, Natalya Е. Glushkova 1, 1 Semey State Medical University, Department of public health and informatics, Semey, Republic of Kazakhstan; 2 Hospital «Kaplan», Rehovot, Israel; 3 Hospital «Integrative medicine», Rishon Le Zion, Israel
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