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Background: The effectiveness of the immunization is proved by international investigations but now many doubts and suspicions of parents toward vaccination exist. Objectives: To study the attitude of the parents toward vaccination among the population of Semey city. Methods: the main points of the questionnaire have been developed according to international research data. Answers of the questionnaire were divided into grades: totally agree, rather agree, I have no clear opinion rather disagree, and completely disagree. The frequency and percentages are used to for description of parameters. Chi-square tests used for between-group comparisons. Results. This investigation discovered that many parents are very wary of vaccination. To the question: "The children get more immunizations than necessary» 50,5% (n = 598) of respondents said they did not have a clear opinion. 10,4% (n=123) of those surveyed are concerned that the child's immune system can be weakened by a large number of vaccinations. 20,0% (n=237) respondents doubted that vaccination is more safety medical care. 10,1% (n=120) of parents think that it would be better if child get ill the natural infection then receive vaccination. 29,0% (n=343) of respondents did not have clear thought if it is necessary to vaccinated healthy children. 7,1% (n=84) of respondents believe that vaccinations do more harm than favor. Only 61,9% (n = 733) of respondents agree that immunization is needed to protect children from disease. Conclusions. Our study showed a low awareness of population toward the vaccination. Parents have uncertain idea about vaccination, what kind of vaccines is used now, what is the real and imaginary threat of vaccination. And therefor it is necessary to increase awareness toward vaccination not only in the primary health care, but also using available media.
Assel J. Baibussinova1, Akmaral K. Mussakhanova2, Gulnar M. Shalgumbayeva1, 1 Semey State medical university, Department internship on general practice postgraduate and further education, Semey city, Kazakhstan 2 Medical agency “Medconsults”, Astana c., Kazakhstan
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DOI 10.1007/s10389-011-0411-9 15. Freed G.L., Clark S.J., Butchart A.T., Singer D.C., Davis M.M. Sources and Perceived Credibility of Vaccine-Safety Information for Parents. Pediatrics. 2011;127:S107–S112 16. Rainey J.J., Watkins M, Ryman TK, Sandhu P, Bo A, Banerjee K. Reasons related to non-vaccination and under-vaccination of children in low and middle income countries: findings from a systematic review of the published literature, 1999-2009. Vaccine. 2011 Oct 26;29(46):8215-21. doi: 10.1016/j.vaccine.2011.08.096. Epub 2011 Sep 3 17. Etana B, Deressa W. Factors associated with complete immunization coverage in children aged 12-23 months in Ambo Woreda, Central Ethiopia. BMC Public Health. 2012 Jul 28;12:566. doi: 10.1186/1471-2458-12-566. 18. Negussie A, Kassahun W, Assegid S, Hagan AK. Factors associated with incomplete childhood immunization in Arbegona district, southern Ethiopia: a case--control study. BMC Public Health. 2016 Jan 12;16:27. doi: 10.1186/s12889-015-2678-1 19. Russo G, Miglietta A, Pezzotti P, Biguioh RM, Bouting Mayaka G, Sobze MS, Stefanelli P, Vullo V, Rezza G. Vaccine coverage and determinants of incomplete vaccination in children aged 12-23 months in Dschang, West Region, Cameroon: a cross-sectional survey during a polio outbreak. BMC Public Health. 2015 Jul 10;15:630. doi: 10.1186/s12889-015-2000-2. 20. Rainey JJ, Lacapère F, Danovaro-Holliday MC, Mung K, Magloire R, Kananda G, Cadet JR, Lee CE, Chamouillet H, Luman ET. Vaccination coverage in Haiti: results from the 2009 national survey. Vaccine. 2012 Feb 21;30(9):1746-51. doi: 10.1016 / j.vaccine.2011.12.015. Epub 2012 Jan 3.
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Байбусинова А. Ж., Мусаханова А.К., Шалгумбаева Г.М. Отношение родителей к вакцинопрофилактике в городе Семей: одномоментное поперечное исследование / / Наука и Здравоохранение. 2016. № 5. С. 111-120. Baibussinova A.Zh., Mussakhanova A.K., Shalgumbayeva G.M. Parents' attitudes to vaccination in Semey city: a cross-sectional study. Nauka i Zdravookhranenie [Science & Healthcare]. 2016, 5, pp. 111-120. Байбусинова А.Ж., Мусаханова А.К., Шалгумбаева Г.М. Семей қаласының ата-аналардың вакцинациялауға көзқарасы: бір мезгілде көлденең зерттеу / / Ғылым және Денсаулық сақтау. 2016. № 5. Б. 111-120.

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