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Background. Psychoemotional violations impede adequate recovery of neurological function in patients with pain syndromes on a background of central nervous system, enhance their social and domestic roles, as well as substantially reduce the quality of life in patients. Aim: to increase the efficiency of the rehabilitation of patients with pain syndromes on a background of organic defeat CNS. Methods. The study has a prospective, comparative open character. The results of psychological rehabilitation were analyzed in 500 patients with stroke, head injury and suffering pain syndromes. Distribution of patients according to nosological forms: 408 patients suffered a stroke (81.6%), 92- TBI (18.4%). The distribution of patients by type of pain syndromes: shoulder pain - 398 patients (79.6%) headaches-80 (16.0%), Dejerine-Roussy Syndrome (thalamic syndrome) - 22 (4.4%). Patients were divided into 10 groups of 50 people in each, differing applied psychotherapy techniques: persuasion or rational psychotherapy; suggestion in three versions (suggestion of reality, in a natural and hypnotic sleep); self-hypnosis in two versions (Coue method, autogenously training); causal or analytical psychotherapy; behavioral therapy; art therapy and catharsis. Groups have been standardized by various indicators, such as age, sex, degree of neurological impairment and home adaptation, severity of pain, psycho-emotional state, nosological form of brain damage, the type of pain, as well as pursued by concomitant drug therapy and used types and methods of physical, physical therapy and neuropsychological rehabilitation (matched-controlled principle). Psycho-emotional state of the patients were assessed by the state of depression and self-esteem scale Wakefield and Beck questionnaire; the degree of impairment and rehabilitation of patients functions – Barthel scales, Lindmark and Scandinavian scale; severity of pain - Huskisson visual analogue scale and multidimensional verbal-color test pain. Results. The most effective and justified in the application of psychotherapeutic techniques in the treatment and rehabilitation of this category of patients are conviction or rational psychotherapy, suggestion in reality, a self-suggestion Coue method, art therapy and catharsis. Conclusion. The use of psychotherapy can and should be integrated into a comprehensive treatment and rehabilitation of patients with organic brain lesions and the associated pain syndromes, which undoubtedly contributes to the effectiveness of this treatment relative normalization psycho-emotional state of patients, the degree of increase of their neurological function, as well as cupping or reduce the severity of pain syndromes.
Vitalii V. Kovalchuk 1,2, Elmira O. Amanova 3, Alexandr O. Gusev 1, Anton S. Galkin 1, Talgat N. Khaibullin 4, 1 Center for medical rehabilitation SPB PHI “N.A. Semashko city hospital №38”, Saint Petersburg, Russia; 2 Saint Petersburg state university, Medical faculty, Saint Petersburg, Russia; 3 International Kazakh-Turkish University, Turkestan, Kazakhstan; 4 Semey State Medical University, Semey, Republic of Kazakhstan
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