Online ISSN: 3007-0244,
Print ISSN:  2410-4280
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The squamous esophageal cancer is a disease which is highly frequent in Kazakhstan, the frequency of the disease is 10,1:100 000. In the mortality structure esophageal cancer takes place among men the 5th place, among women the 9th place in the Republic of Kazakhstan. The molecular mechanisms which contribute to the initiation and progression of the cancer pathology are not investigated enough. Nevertheless, the lack of the sensitive and specific biomarkers for the diagnosis of the cancer diseases, underlines about the necessity of the additional research works to study about the development of carcinogenesis. Investigation of the transcriptome profile of tumor cells is perspective in this aspect of the study. The paper describes the stages of the sample preparation and sequencing of RNA, based on a new generation sequencing technology. Each step from the moment of the sampling of biological material, isolation of total RNA, preparation of libraries have an impact on obtaining of the high-quality data in subsequent sequencing.
Saule Е. Rakhimova1, Ulykbek E. Kairov2, Dauren A. Yerezhepov1, Askhat B. Molkenov2, Madina R. Zhalbinova1, Aliya T. Abilmazhinova1, Yuri V. Zhukov3, Marat Kh. Omarov3, Ainur R. Akilzhanova1 1 Laboratory of genomic and personalized medicine, National Laboratory Astana, Nazarbayev University, Astana, Kazakhstan; 2 Laboratory of bioinformatics and computational systems biology, National Laboratory Astana, Nazarbayev University, Astana, Kazakhstan; 3 Оncology center of Astana city, Astana, Kazakhstan.
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Рахимова С.Е., Каиров У.Е., Ережепов Д.А., Молкенов А.Б., Жалбинова М.Р., Абильмажинова А.Т., Жуков Ю.В., Омаров М.Х., Акильжанова А.Р. РНК секвенирование при плоскоклеточном раке пищевода: от забора биоматериала до секвенирования на HiSeq2000 / / Наука и Здравоохранение. 2016. №5. С. 53-63. Rakhimova S.Е., Kairov U.E., Yerezhepov D.A., Molkenov A.B., Zhalbinova M.R., Abilmazhinova A.T., Zhukov Y.V., Omarov M.Kh., Akilzhanova A.R. RNA sequencing of squamous esophageal cancer: from the collection of the biomaterial until sequencing on HiSeq2000. Nauka i Zdravookhranenie [Science & Healthcare]. 2016, 5, pp. 53-63. Рахимова С.Е., Каиров У.Е., Ережепов Д.А., Молкенов А.Б., Жалбинова М.Р., Абильмажинова А.Т., Жуков Ю.В., Омаров М.Х., Акильжанова А.Р. Өңештің жалпақклеткалық ісігі кезіндегі РНҚ секвенирлеу: биоматериалды жинаудан HiSeq2000 жүйесінде секвенирлеуге дейін / / Ғылым және Денсаулық сақтау. 2016. №5. Б. 53-63

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