Online ISSN: 3007-0244,
Print ISSN:  2410-4280
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Introduction: Radiological Research at the Semipalatinsk Test Site (STS) are carried out in order to assess of radioactive contamination level of vast territories in the area of 18,500 km2 and a further need to return these lands into the national economy. It is known that the nuclear tests were carried out at the test sites on the "Ground Zero", Delegen mountain, "Balapan" tract. Aim of research: To determine the activity on the "Ground Zero", which carried out ground and air nuclear explosions that have made a major contribution to the contamination and in the Degelen technical site, place of underground tests. Materials and methods. To achieve this goal, we measured selected soil samples at the points indicated by gamma spectrometry and radiometry. Performed a systematic literature search according to the study. Results: For most of the "Ground Zero" characteristic density of surface contamination Cs- 137 the order of 0.2 - 0.5 Ci / km2. Conclusions: The main pollution (50 Ci / km2) lies on the territory of the center of the site under consideration.
Кasym Sh. Zhumadilov, L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University, International Department of Nuclear Physics, New Materials and Technology, Astana, Kazakhstan
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Artemev O.I., Akhmetov M.A., Larin V.N., Ptitskaya L.D., Zhumadilov K.S., Silkina G.P., Subbotin S.B. Radiation survey and radionuclide analysis of radioactive plumes from the former Semipalatinsk nuclear test site. Conference: NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Nuclear Physical Methods in Radioecological Investigations of Nuclear Test Sites. Place: Almaty, Kazakhstan, june 07-10, 1999. Nuclear physical methods in radioecological investigations of nuclear test sites. NATO advanced science institute series, sub-series: Disarmament technologies. 2000. №31. pp. 127-143 6. Gordeev K., Shinkarev S., Ilyin L., Bouville A., Hoshi M., Luckyanov N., Simon S.L. Retrospective dose assessment for the population living in areas of local fallout from the Semipalatinsk nuclear test site Part I: External exposure. J. Radiat. Res. 2006. №47, A129-136 7. Ivannikov A.I., Zhumadilov Zh., Gusev B.I., Miyazawa Ch., Jiao L., Skvortsov V.G., Stepanenko V.F., Takada J. and Hoshi M. Individual dose reconstruction among residents living in the vicinity of the Semipalatinsk Nuclear Test Site using EPR spectroscopy of tooth enamel. Health Phys. 2002. 83(2). pp. 183-196 8. Stepanenko V.F., Hoshi M., Dubasov Yu.V., Sakaguchi A., Yamamoto M., Orlov M., Bailiff I.K., Ivannikov A.I., Skvortsov V.G., Kryukova I.G., Zhumadilov K.S., Apsalikov K.N., Gusev B.I. A gradient of radioactive contamination in Dolon village near SNTS and comparison of computed dose values with instrumental estimates for the 29 August, 1949 nuclear test. J. Radiat. Res. 2006. №47. pp. A149-A158 9. Zhumadilov K., Ivannikov A., Apsalikov K.N., Zhumadilov Zh., Toyoda Sh., Tieliewuhan E., Endo S., Tanaka K., Miyazawa C., Okamoto T. and Hoshi M. Radiation Dose Estimation by Tooth Enamel EPR Dosimetry for Residents of Dolon and Bodene. J. Radiat.Res. 2006. №47. Pp. A47-A53 10. Zhumadilov K., Ivannikov A., Apsalikov K., Zhumadilov Zh., Stepanenko, V., Skvortsov V., Berekenova G., Toyoda S., Endo S., Tanaka K., Miyazawa C., Hoshi M. Results of tooth enamel EPR dosimetry for population living in the vicinity of the Semipalatinsk nuclear test site. Radiat. Meas. 2007. №42. pp.1049-1052.
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