Online ISSN: 3007-0244,
Print ISSN:  2410-4280

Objective. To analyze of scientific activity of the National Medical Holding (hereinafter - Holding) in 2011-2014.

Methods. For this analysis were used data reports from the 6 subsidiaries of Holding.

Results. Thus, in 2014 the Holding was performed 16 research projects (RP), including 3 - international level, 6 - continued in 2015. In the subsidiaries of the Holding are working 136 candidates of medical sciences with average age of 46,0 ± 2,0 years, 10 PhD doctors with average age of 33,8 ± 0,5 years and 56 doctors of medical sciences with average age of 53,5 ± 3,6 years.

For 2015-2017 years the Holding subsidiaries applied 27 RP applications, of which have passed the threshold level of NCSTE more than 50% RP.

Conclusion. The Holding have to continue to develop mechanisms for tangible and intangible motivate of physicians to research activities. Establishment and functioning of PhD-doctoral study is extremely necessary to further develop of research and innovation infrastructure of the Holding. This activities will increase the possibility of a costless introducing of international principles of research and development infrastructure to integrate in the academic health system of Nazarbayev University

N. K. Otarbayev, N. B. Tabynbayev, K. P. Oshakbayev, L. T. Ukbenova

JSC «National medical holding»,

JSC «National research center of oncology and transplantology» Astana, Kazakhstan

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Category of articles: Original articles

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Otarbayev N. K., Tabynbayev N. B., Oshakbayev K. P., Ukbenova L. T. Analysis of scientific activity of the national medical holding in 2011-2014: state, problems and prospects. Nauka i Zdravoohranenie [Science & Healthcare]. 2015, 3, pp. 105-112.

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