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Introduction. Intrauterine infections are considered to be of central significance among the problems of the field of perinatal medicine. In the circumstances where an organism gets infected, the components of the monocyte-macrophage system begin to produce pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines. Objective. Perform and compare the level and proportion between the pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines among newborn children suffering intrauterine infection, depending on the weight of the body. Results. In case of newborn children weighted 2500g., there have been higher levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines in the serum, IL-1β, as compared to similar parameters among newborn children with a low body weight at the time of birth (p<0.001). The lower contents of IL-1β in the serum of immature babies may be accounted for by considering the immaturity and the low functional activity of the immune cells that synthesize pro-inflammatory cytokines. Levels of anti-inflammatory IL-10 cytokine are also higher among mature newborn children in comparison to the ones with a low body weight at the time of birth (р = 0.002). Conclusions. Level of pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines for newborn children with a low body weight is assuredly low, as compared to the similar cytokine in mature newborns. Among newborn children with a low body weight, immune response to the infection process is significantly reduced, as compared to mature newborn children, which may be accounted for by the immaturity of the cell-humoral component of their immune systems.
B. T. Tussupkaliev, A. K. Zhumalina, B. A. Zhekeyeva, R. M. Baizhanova West Kazakhstan State Medical University named after Marat Ospanov, Aktobe city. Kazakhstan
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Mechanisms of immunosenescence. Immun. Ageing. 2009 Jul 22;6:10. doi:10.1186/1742 49336-10. 14. Congenital cytomegalovirus infection review of the epidemiology and outcome / M.F. Gayant, E.A.Steegers, B.A.Semmecort. Obstet. Gynecal.Surv. 2002.Vol.57. P.245-256. 15. Dessi A. New diagnostic possibilities in systemic neonatal infections: Metabolomics Early Human Development 90 (SUPPL. 1). 2014. P. 19-S21. 16. Kimura H. et al. Relapse of neonatal herpes simplex virus infection. Arch. Dis. Child. Fetal. Neonatal Ed. 2003. Vol.88, № 6. P. 483–486. 17. Kurokawa C. S. Cord blood cytokine levels in focal early-onset neonatal infection after preterm premature rupture of membranes. Turkish J. of Pediatrics. 2013. 55(6). P. 598-605. 18. Lusyati S. Cytokines patterns in newborn infants with late onset sepsis. Journal of Neonatal. Perinatal Medicine. 2013.6(2).P. 153-163. 19. Offermanns, S. and W. Rosenthal, 2008. Encyclopedia of Molecular Pharmacology, 2nd. Springer, pp: 437-438. 20. Staras S. A., Dollard S. C., Radford K. W., Flanders W. D., Pass R. F. and Cannon M.J. Seroprevalence of cytomegalovirus infection in the United States, 1988-1994. Clin. Infect. Dis.2006 Nov 1; 43(9): 1143-51. Epub 2006 Oct 2. 21. Sugitharini V., Prema A., Berla Thangam. Inflammatory mediators of systemic inflammation in neonatal sepsis. Inflammation Research 62(12). 2013. P. 1025-1034. 22. Shah B.A. Neonatal sepsis an old problem with new insights.Virulence 5 (1). 2014. P. 163-171. 23. Tussupkaliev B., Zhusupova J. T., Utegenova D. T. Intrauterine cytomegalovirus infection in newborns. In the Proceedings of the International Conference «Modern Clinical Medicine: the Study of the Etiology and Pathogenesis of Diseases, Methods of Prevention, Diagnosis and Treatment». Section 10, Pediatrics, Moscow. pp: 173-177. 24. Zahorec R. Ratio of neutrophil to lymphocyte counts – rapid and simple parameter of systemic inflammation and stressritically ill. Bratisl Lek Listy. 2001. Vol.102, №1. P. 5-14. 25. World Medical Association Declaration of Helsinki Ethical Principles for Medical Research Involving Human Subjects. June 1964. 59th WMA General Assembly, Seoul, Oktober 2008.
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Tussupkaliev B. T., Zhumalina A. K., Zhekeyeva B. A., Baizhanova R. M. Features of immune response in newborn children with low body weight in intrauterine infection. Nauka i Zdravoohranenie [Science & Healthcare]. 2015, 5, pp. 52-60.

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