Online ISSN: 3007-0244,
Print ISSN:  2410-4280
Author(s): Raimkhanov A.D
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Introduction. Recurrent inguinal hernias are the actual problem of surgery. However, the causes of recurrence have not been studied at all. This is a reason that doesn’t allow to carry out effective preventive measures and develop non-recurrent methods of primary operation of inguinal hernias. It is impossible to investigate all risk factors of inguinal hernia. Objective: To determine risk factors of recurrent and scrotal-inguinal hernias, and choice plastic method for recurrent inguinal hernias. Methods and Materials: Between 2008 and 2013 years in Medical Center of Semey State Medical University, 519 patient were operated on inguinal hernia, 64 (12.3%) of them on recurrent inguinal hernia, and retrospective analysis was conducted based on case histories. Those patients suffered from hernia form 1 to 20 years. By analyzing case histories, 8,7% (approximately every tenth) of all patients suffered from inguinal hernia more than 10 years. Average age of patients underwent operation, was 53,6(±12,5). Right-sided inguinal hernia occurred in 342 (64,89%) patients, left-sided in 171 (32,94%) patients and both-sided inguinal hernia was found in 6 (1,15%) patients. Results: By analyzing surveys and causes of inguinal hernia recurrence of patients, we have distinguished 5 types of inguinal hernia recurrence. We focused on their location, condition of the structures of the inguinal canal, that form hernial ring of recurrent hernia, that can point on additional technical mistakes during first operation, and also scar that repeats the direction of inguinal canal. Conclusion: Thus, the main risk factors of inguinal hernia recurrence are inadequate plastics (pastics of anterior wall of inguinal canal), tension of tissues, stitching inhomogeneous tissues, defects of the inguinal canal, age-related changes of tissues that form inguinal canal. The main types of inguinal hernia recurrence are lateral, median, medial, total and false hernas.
A. D. Raimkhanov Semey State Medical University, Semey, Kazakhstan
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Raimkhanov A. D. Identifying risk factors of recurrent and scrotal-inguinal hernias. Nauka i Zdravoohranenie [Science & Healthcare]. 2015, 6, pp. 101-109.

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