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Abstract. The treatment of proliferarive vitreoretinopathy (PVR) is a severe and actual problem in ophthalmosurgery. At the present stage of PVR treatment new tendencies of application of anti-proliferative agents on various carriers implants used during the intravitreal interventions were outlined. Preparations, which action is directed on an ingibition of fabric formation, are widely used. In particular: cytostatics. The famous representative of this group of preparations is 5-FU. In recent years is growing the interest of experts in preparations on the basis of chitin and chitozan that collapses completely and acquired by an organism, possesses anti-inflammatory action, high biocompatibility, improves processes of cell and fabrics regeneration The aim of our research was to study in experiment a condition of intraocular structures after intravitreal introduction of сhitosan film, saturated with 5-FU in dosages of 0,05 and 0,1 ml. Methods: Data from 12 healthy rabbits (N=24). Weight: (from 5.0 lb to 7.0 lb) adult rabbits. The experimental animals eyes were divided into 3 groups. The 1st main group of research included 9 right eyes, into which the chitosan film saturated with 0,05 ml 5-FU was entered. In the 2nd main group respectively - the left eyes – the chitosan film saturated with 0,1 ml 5-FU. The control group was made by 6 eyes injured intravitreally by a knife 19G. The chitosan films saturated with 5-FU were created in advance: the size - width of 1 mm, length of 8 mm, thickness of 0,5 mm is set; sterilization of the films in the autoclave at a temperature of 180°C. The comparative description of a histological picture of eye structures of the 1 and 2 main and control groups was carried out after an enucleation of eyeballs on 7th, 14th and 28th days. Results: When studying influence of chitosan film, saturated with 5-FU, on eye structures, in terms from 7 to 28 days the macroscopic changes in both main groups wasn't revealed. Distinctions were revealed at histologic research of enucleated eyes. In both groups the lack of inflammatory reaction is noted, there was no formation of a connective tissue and macrophages. Toxicity neither in the first, nor in the second main groups morphologically wasn't confirmed (there is no lysis of an internal boundary membrane). In the second main group the lysis of erythrocytes, which left the vascular course during operation, was quicker and without development of connective tissue and inflammation. In the first main group a small proliferative activity was noted, in the second was absent. Conclusion: Thus, according to results of morphological research, toxic action from intravitreal injection of chitosan film, saturated with 5-FU (0,05 and 0,1 ml) in experiment wasn't observed. Some proliferative activity was revealed after implantation of the chitosan film saturated with 0,05 ml 5-FU.
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Management of retinal detachment when no break is found. Ophthalmology. 2006. Vol. 113, № 3. pp. 398-403. 20. Sharma Y. R., Karunanithi S., Azad R.V. et al. Functional and anatomic outcome of scleral buckling versus primary vitrectomy in pseudophakic retinal detachment. Acta Ophthalmol. Scand. 2005. Vol. 83, № 3. pp. 293-297. 21. Yang H. et al., Feasibility study of chitosan asintravitreous tamponade material. Graefes Arch. Clin. Exp. Ophthalmol. 2008. Vol. 246. pp. 1095-1097.
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Botabekova T. K., Baiyrkhanova A. O., Yenin Ye. A., Semenova Yu. M., Kampik A. Studying in experiment of intraocular structures after intravitreal introduction of chitosan film, saturated with 5-FU. Nauka i Zdravoohranenie [Science & Healthcare]. 2015, 6, pp. 133-146.

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