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Introduction. The problem of the treatment of inflammatory periodontal diseases (IPD) is urgent worldwide now. Among periodontal diseases, gingivitis is the most common form of periodontal tissue destruction. Inflammation processes in gums often reflect the decrease of the barrier and protective functions of their epithelial layer by disrupting tight intercellular contacts, which promotes the penetration of pathogenic agents, toxins and the spread of bacteria. Considering the fact that the basis of intercellular matrix consists of hyaluronic acid, which causes manifestation of many functions of connective tissues, it gives possibility to use its parodontally protective properties and reduce bacterial invasion by stabilizing intercellular substance. The pathogenetic link of free radical oxidation with the development of gingivitis defines the usage of antioxidants and angioprotectors. The usage of quercetin, which is capable of suppressing the activity of hyaluronidase and reducing fabric penetration in combination with hyaluronic acid is perspectively alternative method of treating gingivitis. The purpose of the given paper – to improve the efficiency of treatment of chronic catarrhal gingivitis by combining the usage of hyaluronic acid and quercetin on the basis of the experimentally and clinically received data. Methods. The object of the study was the saliva (oral fluid) in 40 patients with chronic catarrhal gingivitis (HCG) and 12 healthy volunteers. Examination of patients was carried out at the Department of dentistry Kharkiv national medical University and Kharkov city dental clinic № 7. The subjects were selected aged 18-35 without malocclusions, without background pathology of internal organs and systems. The severity HCG was determined by the level of bleeding gums, redness and cyanosis, edema and flattening of the gingival papillae objective of periodontal indices. The therapeutic effect of hyaluronic acid gel and of the drug Circulin (quercetin + inulin + calcium citrate) was assessed by biochemical markers of inflammation (elastase, MDA), dysbiosis (urease, lysozyme) and the antioxidant system (catalase) was determined in saliva. Statistical processing of results was performed using software package SPSS SigmaStart 3.0, the probability of differences between samples was determined by t-student's criterion. Data was considered significant at the significance level of 0.95, i.e., p<0.05. Results. For the first time, the possibility and effectiveness of usage of combined therapeutic action of HA and quercetin in clinical conditions are established that is proved by a decrease in elastase activity by 34.5%, MDA - 30%, urease - 62%, the degree of dysbiosis - by 81.5%, an increase in activity lysozyme - 100%, catalase - by 46.1%, IPA – by 108,6% in the oral fluid of patients. Conclusions. In the given paper for the first time in the conditions of experimental simulation of periodontal pathologies in rats the effect of hyaluronic acid, quercetin, and their combinations are studied at the levels of biochemical markers of inflammation and amount of hyaluronic acid in the periodontal tissues. Scientific data on changes in biochemical markers of inflammation and count of HA in periodontal tissues are expanded and complemented depending on the external pathogens and the time of their exposure. For the first time in various experimental models of gingivitis the possibility and efficacy of parallel use of HA and quercetin in complex treatment of CCG are demonstrated.
I. I. Sokolova, N. L. Khlystun Kharkiv National Medical University, Kharkov, Ukraine
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Sokolova I. I., Khlystun N. L. Therapeutic action oral gel with hyaluronic acid and quercetin on the oral cavity for patients with gingivitis. Nauka i Zdravoohranenie [Science & Healthcare]. 2015, 6, pp. 110-123.

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