Online ISSN: 3007-0244,
Print ISSN:  2410-4280
The diversity of the clinical picture of cholelithic intestinal obstruction is determined by the fact that it is a complication of cholelithiasis and depends on the site of the gall stone in the intestinal lumen (obstruction level), the degree of its fixation and the morphological changes occurring in the intestinal wall. En- terotomy is the operation of choice; in destructive changes in the intestinal wall its resection together with the fixated stone is recommended. Removal of the biliodigestive fistule is the second stage of surgical management. Operative treatment of patients with cholelithiasis performed in good time is the measure for preventing cholelithic obstruction.
М.М. Gladinetc, А.F. Hoghaeva, М.М. Daribaeva, R.А. Covilina, Ch.D. Sandenbecov Semey State Medical University, Department of faculty surgery and traumatology
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М.М. Гладинец, А.Ф. Хожаева, М.М. Дарыбаева, Р.А. Ковылина, Ч.Д. Санденбеков КЛИНИКА И ЛЕЧЕНИЕ ЖЁЛЧНОКАМЕННОЙ НЕПРОХОДИМОСТИ КИШЕЧНИКА // Наука и Здравоохранение 2014.№ 2. С.66-68 М.М. Gladinetc, А.F. Hoghaeva, М.М. Daribaeva, R.А. Covilina, Ch.D. Sandenbecov CLINIC AND TREATMENT GALLSTONE ILEUS // Nauka i Zdravookhranenie. 2014.№ 2. С. 66-68 М.М. Гладинец, А.Ф. Хожаева, М.М. Дарыбаева, Р.А. Ковылина,Ч.Д. Санденбеков ӨТ ТАСТЫ ІШЕК ӨТІМСІЗДІГІНІҢ КЛИНИКАСЫ ЖӘНЕ ЕМІ // Ғылым және Денсаулық сақтау 2014.№ 2. С. 66-68

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