Online ISSN: 3007-0244,
Print ISSN:  2410-4280

Novel psychoactive substances (NPS) present a new drug threat emerged on the world stage in the middle 2000s. An increasing number of literature data demonstrate the harmful nature of this class of psychoactive substances.

Mariya V. Prilutskaya 1,2,

Sergey N. Molchanov 2,


1 Republican Scientific and Practical Center of Mental Health,

Pavlodar city, Kazakhstan;

2 Department of GP and therapy,

Pavlodar branch of Semey State Medical University,

Pavlodar city, Kazakhstan.

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Прилуцкая М.В., Молчанов С.Н. Клиникалық тәжірибеде жаңа психобелсеңді заттардың өткір әсерлері. Әдебиеттік шолу / / Ғылым және Денсаулық сақтау. 2018. № 1. Б. 131-152.

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