Online ISSN: 3007-0244,
Print ISSN:  2410-4280

Despite the sufficient number of works on the problem of the use of xenogeneic implants in hernioplasty in the world science, it is necessary to recognize the ambiguity of the data presented by different scientists, and the absence in these studies of the use of extracellular xenograft matrix in abdominal wall reconstruction determines the relevance of this study.

Ruslan M. Badyrov 1,

Nurkassi T. Abatov 1,

Maida M. Tussupbekova 2

Joseph N. Alberton 3,

Islambek K. Mussabekov 1


1 Department of surgical disciplines,

2 Department of Pathological Anatomy and Forensic Medicine,

Karaganda State Medical University, Karaganda, Kazakhstan;

3 Shaare Zedek Medical Center, Surgical block «B», Jerusalem, Israel


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14.   Franklin Jr M.E., Trevino J.M., Portillo G. et al. The use of porcine small intestinal submucosa as a prosthetic material for laparoscopic hernia repair in infected and potentially contaminated fields: long-term follow-up. Surg. Endosc. 2008. N. 22(9). P. 1941-1946.

15.   Helton W.S., Fisichella P.M., Berger R. et al. Short-term outcomes with small intestinal submucosa for ventral abdominal hernia. Arch. Surg. 2005. N. 140(6). P. 549-560.

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17.   Limpert J.N., Desai A.R., Kumpf A.L. Repair of abdominal wall defects with bovine pericardium. Am. J. Surg. 2009. N. 198(5). P. 60-65.

18.   Lo´pez-Cano M, Armengol-Carrasco M. Biological scaffolds in reparative surgery for abdominal wall hernias. Am. J. Surg. 2012. N. 203. P. 555.

19.   O’Dwyer P. J. Factors involved in abdominal wall closure and subsequent incisional hernia. Educational Review. Surg. J. R. Coll. Surg., Edinburgh Ireland. 2003. V.1. P. 17–22.

20.   Ueno T., Pickett L.C., de la Fuente S.G. Clinical application of porcine small intestinal submucosa in the management of infected or potentially contaminated abdominal defects. J Gastrointest. Surg. 2004. N. 8(1). P. 109-112.

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Bibliography link

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Badyrov R.M., Abatov N.T., Tussupbekova M.M., Alberton J.N., Mussabekov I.K. Results after application of the extracellular bovine-derived peritoneum matrix for abdominal wall reconstruction in the long-term experiment. Nauka i Zdravookhranenie [Science & Healthcare]. 2018, 1, pp. 24-35.

Бадыров Р.М., Абатов Н.Т., Тусупбекова М.М., Альбертон И.Н., Мусабеков И.К. Эксперименттің шалғай нәтижелеріндегі алдынғы құрсақ қабырғасының реконструкциялау үшін жасушасыртылық ксеноішастар матриксін қолданған нәтижелер / / Ғылым және Денсаулық сақтау. 2018. №1. Б. 24-35.

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