Online ISSN: 3007-0244,
Print ISSN:  2410-4280

Dentistry is primarily a primary health care service. All patients who receive any dental care around the world are entitled to safe and quality care. Today there is a certain understanding of how to improve the quality of organizational aspects of dental care in the primary care. In the provision and improvement of quality, an important role is played by the evaluation and quality control of dental care. This requires a transparent definition of indicators and measures that affect quality assurance, that is, objective confirmation that high-quality and safe dental care is provided. However, a clear understanding and unified approaches to quality improvement in dentistry are still in the developing stage. There is a critical need for proven tools for assessing the quality of dental care.

Akan T. Ulmanov ¹,

Gulya K. Sarybayeva ²


1 Master's student of specialty "Management";

² Department of health Policy and management

Al-Farabi Kazakh National University,

Almaty city, The Republic of Kazakhstan.

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25. Kennedy H.P. A concept analysis of optimality in perinatal health // J Obstet Gynecol Neonatal Nurs. 2006. №35(6). Р.763-769

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27. Mettes T.G. et al. Impact of Guideline Implementation on Patient Care: a Cluster RCT // J. Dent. Res. 2010. Т. 89. № 1. С. 71–76.

28. McConnell K.J., McConnell R. J., Lindrooth, Wholey D. R. Management practices and the quality of care in cardiac units / // The Journal of the R. C.American Medical Association. 2013. Vol. 173, №8. P. 684-692.

29. Starfield B. Is primary care essential? // Lancet (London, England). 1994. Т. 344. № 8930. С. 1129–33.

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Bibliography link

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