Online ISSN: 3007-0244,
Print ISSN:  2410-4280

Trends in the development of nursing significantly strengthen the role of a nurse in the modern health care system. Practical health workers are exposed to numerous unfavorable factors of the work process, which leads to the formation of an increased level of morbidity in this professional group. However, the health and well-being of medical workers is affected not only by working conditions, but also by a number of other factors, in particular modifiable and non-modifiable risk factors.

AizhanN. Baytuganova 1,

MadinaK. Sholanova 1


Chair introduction to the clinic

JSC"Medical University of Astana",

Astana, Kazakhstan


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13. Coleman A., Steel S., Freeman P., et al. Validation of the Omron M7 (HEM-780-E) oscillometric blood pressure monitoring device according to the British Hypertension Society rotocol. Blood Press Monit. 2008;13: 49-54p.

14. Custodio I..L, Lima F.E.T, Almeida M.I., Silva L.F., Monteiro A.R. Perfilsocio demografico e clinico de umaequipe de enfermagemportadora de Hipertensao Arterial. Rev Bras Enferm.2011 Jan-Fev; [Demographic and clinical profile of a nursing team with Arterial Hypertension. Rev Brazil Enferm] 64(1):18-24p. [in Brazil]

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16. de Souza Urbanetto J., Prado Lima Figueiredo A.E., da Silva Gustavo A., Bosi de Souza Magnago T.S. and others. Arterial hypertension in nursing personnel of an emergency hospital. International Journal of Nursing Practice. 2015; 21: 433–442p.

17. Guimont C., Brisson C., Dagenais G.R., et al. Effects of job strain on blood pressure: a prospective study of male and female white-collar workers. Am J Public Health. 2006; 96: 1436-43p.

18. Heloma A., Reijula K., Tikkanen J., Nykyri E. The attitudes of occupational health personnel to smoking at work. Am J Ind Med. 1998. Vol. 34, №1. R. 73–78p.

19. Lipovetzky N., Hod H., Roth A., et al. Emotional events and anger at the workplace as triggers for a first event of the acute coronary syndrome: a case-crossover study. Isr Med Assoc J. 2007;9: 310-5p.

20. Mancia G. The association of hypertension and diabetes: prevalence, cardiovascular risk and protection by blood pressure reduction. Acta Diabetol. 2005; 42:17-25p.

21. Wager N., Fieldman G., Hussey T. The effect on ambulatory blood pressure of working under favourably and unfavourably perceived supervisors. Occup Environ Med. 2003; 60: 468-74p.

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Bibliography link

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