Online ISSN: 3007-0244,
Print ISSN:  2410-4280
This review contains discusses of functional properties of the thyroid gland during the physiological pregnancy, particularly during in its different periods. Influence of iodine insufficiency and radioactive effects on the functional status of the pregnant women’s thyroid gland. Influence of the pathology of the thyroid gland on pregnancy, a fetus and a pregnant woman. Also, methods of correction of various pathological changes of functions of the thyroid gland during the gestation are discussed, as they can lead tohabitual miscarriage and to the pathology of the newborn. Preventive measures for the women living in the region of iodine deficiency at the pregnancy planning stage and individual iodine prevention, during the all pregnancy period and in the breastfeeding period.
L. Z. Alikenova 1, M. Zh. Espenbetova 2, K. Sh. Amrenova 2, S. B. Amangeldinova 2 Semey State Medical University. 12nd year master of medicine. 2Department of internship in general medical practice
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Аликенова Л. З., Еспенбетова М. Ж., Амренова К. Ш., Амангельдинова С. Б. Особенности функции щитовидной железы во время беременности: обзор литературы / / Наука и Здравоохранение. 2015. № 1. С. 13-21. Alikenova L. Z., Espenbetova M. Zh., Amrenova K. Sh., Amangeldinova S. B. Function singularities of the thyroid gland during the pregnancy: review of literature. Nauka i Zdravoohranenie [Science & Healthcare]. 2015, 1, pp. 13-21. Аликенова Л. З., Еспенбетова М. Ж., Амренова К. Ш., Амангельдинова С. Б. Жүктілік кезіндегі қалқанша без қызметінің ерекшеліктері: әдебиеттерді шолу / / Ғылым және Денсаулық сақтау. 2015. № 1. Б. 13-21.

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