Online ISSN: 3007-0244,
Print ISSN:  2410-4280

Introduction. The relevance of the study is that the reforms in Kazakhstan has led to radical changes in the health system that are directly associated with the development of market relations. In order to take its rightful place in today's highly competitive market of medical services it is necessary to use new advanced marketing technologies, and one of them is - benchmarking.

The aim is to define the areas of effective practice of high-tech center of Radiation Oncology (HCRO) in Semey city based on benchmarking.

Methods: A comprehensive comparative assessment; observation, calculation of general indicators, SWOT- analysis

The Results. The most effective marketing technique that can improve the competitiveness of nuclear medicine in the health care market - benchmarking has been allocated, which allows us to develop an effective model of the institution, while studying the achievements and mistakes of other companies. As the result of collecting information the experience of two countries (Italy, Russia) and two centers for nuclear medicine has been highlited.

Conclusions: There are key issues that hinder the implementation of nuclear medicine in Kazakhstan, such as the high cost of medical radionuclide technologies; shortage of radiologists; lack of timely modernization of radio diagnostic equipment; excessive regulation by permitting and regulatory authorities.

Using SWOT-analysis of HCRO is possible to identify strengths: availability of trained personnel; work on social programs (reducing cancer morbidity and deaths); a wealth of experience in international projects; stable business relationships with educational and scientific organizations of Semey, therapeutic and diagnostic facilities; ambitious goals of the center, the pursuit of development and readiness for change.

A number of weaknesses: the relatively high cost of medical radioisotope technologies; the limited number of trained physicians; excessive regulation by permitting and regulatory authorities; lack of regular strategic marketing, not fully developed mechanisms of development processes, implementation of radiopharmaceuticals and other. The opportunities to improve the competitiveness of the center's were identified: to increase the competence of employees in foreign centers; participation in foreign and Kazakh grant projects; coverage of high-tech means of population in the regions of Kazakhstan; the creation of a practical training center for postgraduate based on HCRO; development of new diagnostic protocols non-cancer diseases using PET scanners; production of radiopharmaceuticals for other centers of Kazakhstan and abroad; the development of medical tourism.

M. N. Sandybayev1, T. A. Adylkhanov2

1 RSE on the right of EJ «Regional oncologic dispensary», Semey, Kazakhstan;

2 Semey State Medical University, Semey, Kazakhstan

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Number of Views: 1152

Category of articles: Reviews

Bibliography link

Sandybayev M. N., Adylkhanov T. A. Analysis of perspective activity of Semey Radiational Oncology High-technology Center based on benchmarking. Nauka i Zdravoohranenie [Science & Healthcare]. 2015, 4, pp. 94-105.

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