Online ISSN: 3007-0244,
Print ISSN:  2410-4280

Objective. To study the definition, meaning and origin of the concept of "innovative technology" and their role in the development of medical science and practice in Kazakhstan in the comparative study.

Conclusion. With centralized accounting and consolidation of innovative technology useful to distinguish, categorize and differentiate that state they can get / receive several fundamentally different ways: through educational resources (training of staff abroad, mentoring, seminars, workshops, etc.), research activities (implementation of the results of our scientific research and experimental design products), and proactive research activities of individuals (a rarity, not orderly, chaotic).

N. B. Tabynbayev, K. P. Oshakbayev,

N. T. Aldiyarova, B.A. Dukenbayeva

JSC «National research center of oncology and transplantology», Astana, Kazakhstan;

JSC «National medical holding», Astana, Kazakhstan;

JSC «National center of neurosurgery», Astana, Kazakhstan

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Bibliography link

Tabynbayev N. B., Oshakbayev K. P., Aldiyarova N. T., Dukenbayeva B. A. Innovative medical technologies in Kazakhstan: history, the reality and prospects. Nauka i Zdravoohranenie [Science & Healthcare]. 2015, 4, pp. 116-123.

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