Online ISSN: 3007-0244,
Print ISSN:  2410-4280

Respiratory system disorder is the one of common complications in cardiac surgery. One of the best methods of its prevention is the early intensification of patient.

Aim of this research is the identification of recruitment-maneuver efficiency.

In the base of study were materials of observation of 50 patient after CABG operation. Assessment and establishment of pulmonary gas exchange function were conducted before and after recruitment-maneuver also during continuous hemodiafiltration.

Results are following: there is a direct dependence between duration of artificial lung ventilation in post-narcosis period and duration of artificial blood circulation. Conduction of recruitment-maneuver on cardio surgical patient during and after heart myocardium revascularization operation is the safe method that allows to prevent development of pulmonary insufficiency and reduce time of artificial lung ventilation.

E. G. Zhuravlev1, E. O. Masalimov1, A. A. Dyusupov1,

H. F. Yakupova1, D. N. Aytimov1

1Medical center of Semey State Medical University, Semey, Kazakhstan;

2 Semey State Medical University, Semey, Kazakhstan

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Zhuravlev E. G., Masalimov E. O., Dyusupov A. A., Yakupova H. F., Aytimov D. N. The analyze of recruitment-maneuver efficiency in surgery to myocardium revascularization in ischemic heart disease in the conditions of artificial blood circulation. Nauka i Zdravoohranenie [Science & Healthcare]. 2015, 4, pp. 64-69.

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