Online ISSN: 3007-0244,
Print ISSN:  2410-4280
Introduction. Small doses of radiation can be cause of violation in the general regulation of physiological mechanisms and decrease in the effectiveness of adaptation processes controlled by the neuroendocrine complex and, in particular, the autonomic nervous system. Aim: assessment of the vegetative status in the residents of the East Kazakhstan region, exposed to radiation in the range of small doses. Methods: It was conducted examination of the population of Abay, Borodulikha, Kurchumsky district of the East Kazakhstan Area. The total sample size was 700 people. To assess the vegetative status of people exposed to radiation in the low-dose range, we examined the Kerdo index, the Ashner-Dagnini test, the orthostatic test, and BPC spectrometry. Inclusion criteria: age 18-50 years, legally confirmed residence in the territory of the influence of the Test Site. Exclusion criteria: organic lesion of the central nervous system, somatic diseases in the stage of decompensation. Control - residents of the Kurchum district. The design is cross-sectional study. Statistical processing: IBM SPSS Statistics 20, with the definition of the normality of the distribution of the studied characteristics and the evaluation of descriptive statistics of numerical variables. Qualitative variables are represented in the form of absolute figures and their percentages. Evaluation of differences in groups is determined by calculating the χ2 criterion. Results. It was found violations of the vegetative balance in the form of vegetative parasympathetic dysfunction, autonomic dysfunction and vegetative reactivity, as well as violations of the parasympathetic regulation of the circulatory system in persons aged 18-29 years, while in the older age group, an increase of sympathotonic orientation. Conclusion: analysis of the health status of the persons exposed to radiation exposure living in the Abai and Borodulikha regions of the East Kazakhstan region shows signs of disturbances in the nonspecific resistance of the organism, manifested in the form of an increase in the number of persons with autonomic regulation of the parasympathetic orientation, vegetative tonus and vegetative reactivity.
Lyudmila M. Pivina 1, Yuliya M. Semenova 1, Yersin T. Zhunussov 1, Tolkyn A. Bulegenov 1, Aigerym S. Abisheva 1 1 Semey State Medical University, Kazakhstan, Semey, Republic of Kazakhstan; 2 Norwegian Radiation Protection Authority, Oslo, Norway
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