Online ISSN: 3007-0244,
Print ISSN:  2410-4280

Introduction: Diseases of the circulatory system and trauma are among the leading causes of death in Kazakhstan. The use of geographic information systems and spatial analysis can allow making recommendations for improving the activity for an ambulance station and reducing the number of accidents for public health services.

Objective: To conduct a literature review to determine the possibilities of using geographic informational systems for the needs of the health care system.

Methods: The search for relevant scientific publications in the databases of evidence-based medicine (PubMed, Web of Science, ResearchGate), specialized search engines (GoogleScholar). The depth of the search was 26 years (1991-2017), as the information on the practical application of geographic informational systems was not sufficiently added articles of a later release.

Results: Over 30 literature sources with examples of using geographic information systems were analyzed.

Conclusion: The analysis of the obtained literature data indicates the high relevance of the possibility of using geographic information systems and spatial analysis to solve public health problems

Ulzhan Jamedinova 1,

Askhat Shaltynov 1,

Bakytzhan Konabekov 1, Askar Abiltayev 1,

Ayan Myssayev 1,


Semey State Medical University,

Semey, Republic of Kazakhstan

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2. Gokhman V.V. Geoinformatsionnye sistemy dlya zdravookhraneniya i meditsiny [Geographic information systems for health care and medicine]. Vek kachestva [Century of quality]. 2012. T. 3. pp 74-75. [in Russian]

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Bibliography link

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