Online ISSN: 3007-0244,
Print ISSN:  2410-4280

neoplasms. Kazakhstan is in its infancy a palliative care service for oncology patients. The lack of rehabilitation assistance significantly worsens the quality of life of patients. In this regard, it is supposed to constantly improve the professional level of specialists in the field of rehabilitation, prevention and palliative care for patients with malignant tumors. Today, patients with malignant neoplasms undergo medical and social rehabilitation. The absence of the psychological and social aspects mentioned above also indicates that these conditions are resolved separately from medical interventions.

Aim: To analyze the organization aspects of the palliative care system for cancer patients based on the opinion of relatives and closest incurable patients

Materials and methods: Information and analytical (review of domestic and foreign literature), sociological (questioning, interviewing), statistical (data processing). The survey was carried out among relatives of sick patients. With the diagnostic purpose, according to the tasks set in the study, we surveyed 46 respondents by questioning. The survey was carried out among relatives of sick patients. For statistical processing of the obtained results, of the SPSS 20.0 statistical package was used (SPSS 20.0 for Windows, SPSS Inc., USA). The average values of the indicators (after confirming the normal distribution) were calculated using 95% confidence intervals (95% CI), in the absence of normal distribution, using the median and quartiles (Me, Q1, Q3). The nominal data are described by frequencies with an indication of the absolute values of the quantities. The critical level of significance was determined to be p = 0.05. For the analysis of nominal data used contingency tables. Differences were analyzed using the Pearson’s Chi-square test (χ2). The encoding of dichotomous signs was made in the standard way: 1 is a sign, 0 is not sign.

Research results: The average age of respondents was 41 years old (Q1 = 37 years; Me = 40 years; Q3 = 47 years). Respondents are represented by 2 age groups according to the WHO classification (2015). Persons caring for seriously ill patients are not sufficiently aware of the approaches to providing assistance to this category of patients (the majority of respondents (43.5%) believe that patients should continue to be actively treated and 6.5% of respondents believe that they need help to die ) and need to be informed about some aspects of the organization of palliative care. 1/5 of the respondents (19.6%) rated the level of palliative care as unsatisfactory.

Сonclusion: Based on the results, it is desirable that relatives who care for patients at the terminal stage of the disease receive psychological and social. assistance and have the opportunity to use various opportunities to care for such patients (volunteers, representatives of religious denominations, priests). Relatives of patients with terminal stage need support in all three aspects of palliative care. In this regard, we have introduced the elective subject “Organization of Palliative Care” to the 4th year of the faculty “Nursing” and the 5th year of the faculty “Public Health”. The work program of the discipline is approved by the protocol of educational and methodical department No. 6 of May 25 2016. Introducing an elective subject is an examination of students with the basics and organization of palliative care that they need in practical activities.

Aigerim A. Mukusheva 1,

Umutzhan S. Samarova 1,

Zaituna A. Khismetova 1,

Alyia K. Atabayeva 1,


1 Department of Public health and evidence based medicine, Semey State Medical University,

Semey city, Republic of Kazakhstan

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