Online ISSN: 3007-0244,
Print ISSN:  2410-4280

Relevance: The article presents the main problems that a doctor encounters in the neurology department during diagnosis and treatment of Parkinson's disease. Parkinson's disease (PD) is a chronic progressive neurodegenerative disease, the incidence of which is steadily increasing. The notion of PD as an exclusively purely motor disorder has undergone significant changes.

Purpose: The goal was to analyze the clinical and diagnostic approaches of treated cases of PD and the basic inpatient treatment scheme for this pathology, as well as to identify existing problems of treatment in a hospital conditions.

Materials and methods: Нospital records of patients who received treatment in the neurological department of the State Medical University of Semey and the data of their clinical examination in the dynamics from 2013-2018 were used. The inclusion criteria, exclusions, and red “flags” recommended by the Brain Bank of the UK Society were used.

Results: The analysis of treated cases of Parkinson's disease from 2013 to 2018 is given. No statistically significant gender differences in age were identified. Revealed: the prevalence of patients with severe form of Parkinson's disease 87.3%, with the dominance in men 58.5%; the presence in 100% of cases of non-motorized symptoms of PD, which were not taken into account as a factor that makes the disease worse and were not included in the diagnosis as complications of PD.

Conclusion: Non-motor symptoms were not considered as a weight factor, and were not diagnosed as complications of Parkinson’s disease. The selection of drugs does not take into account the age of the patients and the recommended international regimens of combination therapy

Dariya R. Kunafina 1,

Tatyana V. Kaimak 1,


1 Department of Neurology and Neurophysiology, Semey State Medical University,

Semey, Republic of Kazakhstan.

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Bibliography link

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